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<div class="logo">CSS Animations</div>
<li><a href="css-showcase-midterm.html">Defining CSS Animations</a></li>
<li><a href="css-animation-examples.html">CSS Animation Examples</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Resources</a></li>
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<h1>CSS Animation Resources</h1>
<a href=""><h2></h2></a>
<p>Learn the basic principles of css animations. Try some out yourself with their examples and exercises. The topics that are covered include:</p>
<a href=""><h2>RedStapler on Youtube</h2></a>
<p>I found out about this Youtuber while conducting research for this project. Really great tutorials on not only CSS but web design and programming in general.</p>
<a href=""><h2></h2></a>
<p>Great resource for me on this project. There are 24 unique and really cool CSS animations. Each animation allows you to view not only the code but a website that is using it. Some even have a description underneath with a tutorial of how to do it yourself.</p>
<a href=""><h2>MDN Web Docs</h2></a>
<P>Of course I had to use MDN. Similar to W3Schools but without the ability to try it yourself.</P>
<a href=""><h2></h2></a>
<P>Very extensive resource on CSS animations. Examples include link to edit code on CodePen. More resources available on the page as well as the browsers that support CSS animations.</P>
<a href=""><h2></h2></a>
<P>Learn to code CSS animations(and coding in general) in an ideal online learning platform.</P>
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