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# Error Detection
# CSE1010 Homework 7, Fall 2018
# Katy Miller
# 10/31/18
# Chloe Cachet
# Lab Section: 013L
# Instructor: Ahmad Jbara
import errordetection
e = errordetection
def string2bin(string):
"""takes a string and returns the string in binary form"""
stringList = []
for n in string:
s = e.char2bin(n)
return stringList
def segmentString(string, fill):
"""splits a string into segments of 8 chracters. fills the string if it is less than 8"""
desiredWidth = 8
s1 = []
if len(string) <= 8:
while len(string) < desiredWidth:
string += fill
return s1
s2 = string[8:]
while len(s2) < desiredWidth:
s2 += fill
return s1
def printFrames(frames):
"""prints a frame made up of rows (lists) of bits"""
frameN = 0
for frame in frames:
charN = 0
for bin in frame:
char = e.bin2char(bin)
b = bin
b = [int(n) for n in b]
print(f"{charN:2}", b, char)
charN += 1
frameN += 1
def string2frames(string, fill):
"""takes a string of any length and a fill character, cuts it into segments of 8, and returns a list of bits from the string"""
frames = []
newString = segmentString(string, fill)
for n in newString:
b = string2bin(n)
return frames
def appendParityColumn(frame, parity):
"""calculates the parity of a frame and appends the parity bit to the column"""
newFrame = []
for n in frame:
n = [int(k) for k in n]
F1 = e.appendParity(n, parity)
return newFrame
def transpose(lst):
"""rotates a list around the diagonal and returns the output"""
lst = list(map(list, zip(*lst)))
return lst
def appendParityRow(frame, parity):
"""calculates the parity of a frame and appends the parity bit to the row"""
tFrame = transpose(frame)
newFrame = appendParityColumn(tFrame, parity)
tFrame2 = transpose(newFrame)
return tFrame2
def appendParityToFrame(frame, parity):
"""appends a parity row and column to a frame"""
frame1 = appendParityColumn(frame, parity)
frame2 = appendParityRow(frame1, parity)
return frame2
def appendParityToFrames(frames, parity):
"""appends a parity row and column to each frame in the list and returns the new list of frames"""
newFrames = []
for frame in frames:
newFrame = appendParityToFrame(frame, parity)
return newFrames
def transmitFrames(frames, error):
"""this function adds noise to a list of frames, and returns a new list of frames with flipped bits"""
noisyFrames = []
newFrames = []
for frame in frames:
for row in frame:
row = [int(n) for n in row]
(newFrame, bitsFlipped) = e.addNoise(row, error)
print('The number of bits flipped', bitsFlipped)
return noisyFrames
def splitFrame(frame):
"""splits the frame into an 8x8 payload, a parity column, and a parity row"""
payload = []
parityColumn = []
for row in frame[0:8]:
parityRow = frame[8]
return payload, parityColumn, parityRow
def checkParityOfFrame(frame, parity):
"""calculates the parity of an 8x8 payload and compares it to the parity recieved"""
wrongColumns = []
wrongRows = []
(payload, parityColumn, parityRow) = splitFrame(frame)
frame2 = appendParityToFrame(payload, parity)
(newPayload, calParityColumn, calParityRow) = splitFrame(frame2)
for n in range(len(parityColumn)):
if int(parityColumn[n]) != int(calParityColumn[n]):
for n in range(len(parityRow)):
if int(parityRow[n]) != int(calParityRow[n]):
return (wrongColumns, wrongRows)
def repairFrame(frame, wrongColumns, wrongRows):
if wrongColumns == [] and wrongRows == []:
return 'NO ERRORS'
elif len(wrongRows) == 1 and len(wrongColumns) == 2 and wrongColumns[1] == 8:
fixRow = wrongRows[0]
fixColumn = wrongColumns[0]
frame[fixRow][fixColumn] = int(frame[fixRow][fixColumn])^1
return 'CORRECTED'
elif wrongColumn == [] or wrongRows ==[]:
def repairFrames(frames, parity):
for frame in frames:
(wrongColumns, wrongRows) = checkParityOfFrame(frame, parity)
correctionStatus = repairFrame(frame, wrongColumns, wrongRows)
if correctionStatus == 'NO ERRORS':
print('Frame', frames.index(frame), 'has no errors')
elif correctionStatus == 'CORRECTED':
print('Frame', frames.index(frame), 'has been repaired')
print('Frame', frames.index(frame), 'could not be repaired')
def stripFrames(frames):
"""returns an 8x8 payload for each frame"""
newFrames = []
for frame in frames:
(payload, parityColumn, parityRow) = splitFrame(frame)
return newFrames
def bin2string(frame, fill):
""" takes an 8x8 frame and fill and returns the string ecoded by the frame"""
string = []
for n in frame:
char = e.bin2char(n)
if char != fill:
string = ''.join(string)
return string
def frames2string(frames, fill):
"""iterates over each frame in a list of frames and returns the strings encoded by the frames"""
newStrings = []
for frame in frames:
s1 = bin2string(frame, fill)
newStrings = ''.join(newStrings)
return newStrings