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Model Gaussian Variational Process
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Adding the final version of the model with Semisupervised and supervised methods.

Co-Authored-By: Dong Han <>
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lrm22005 and doh16101 committed Jan 18, 2024
1 parent 61fb8ee commit 9388a46
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Dec 18 18:23:23 2023
@author: lrm22005
import numpy as np
import random
import torch
from import DataLoader
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans

device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

def label_samples(uncertain_samples, validation_data):
labels = [validation_data[sample_id]['label'] for sample_id in uncertain_samples]
return uncertain_samples, labels

def stochastic_uncertainty_sampling(gp_model, gp_likelihood, val_loader, n_samples, n_batches, n_components=2):
uncertain_sample_indices = []
sampled_batches = random.sample(list(val_loader), n_batches) # Randomly sample n_batches from val_loader

with torch.no_grad():
for batch in sampled_batches:
# reduced_data = apply_tsne(batch['data'].reshape(batch['data'].size(0), -1), n_components=n_components)
# reduced_data_tensor = torch.Tensor(reduced_data).to(device)
reduced_data_tensor = batch['data'].view(batch['data'].size(0), -1).to(device)
predictions = gp_likelihood(gp_model(reduced_data_tensor))
var = predictions.variance
top_indices = torch.argsort(-var.flatten())[:n_samples]

return uncertain_sample_indices[:n_samples]

# def uncertainty_sampling(gp_model, gp_likelihood, val_loader, n_samples, n_components=2):
# gp_model.eval()
# gp_likelihood.eval()
# uncertain_sample_indices = []
# with torch.no_grad():
# for batch_idx, batch in tqdm(enumerate(val_loader), desc='Uncertainty Sampling', unit='batch'):
# reduced_data_tensor = batch['data'].view(batch['data'].size(0), -1).to(device)
# predictions = gp_likelihood(gp_model(reduced_data_tensor))
# var = predictions.variance
# top_indices = torch.argsort(-var.flatten())[:n_samples]
# batch_uncertain_indices = [batch_idx * val_loader.batch_size + idx for idx in top_indices]
# uncertain_sample_indices.extend(batch_uncertain_indices)
# return uncertain_sample_indices[:n_samples]

def run_minibatch_kmeans(data_loader, n_clusters, device, batch_size=100):
# Initialize MiniBatchKMeans
minibatch_kmeans = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=0, batch_size=batch_size)

# Iterate through data_loader and fit MiniBatchKMeans
for batch in data_loader:
data = batch['data'].view(batch['data'].size(0), -1).to(device).cpu().numpy()

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doh16101 Jan 22, 2024

Author Collaborator

Hi @lrm22005 , could you please export your conda environment here? I want to know if I have a different package version.

I kept having this error:

OSError: /home/doh16101/anaconda3/envs/CS330_torch/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torchvision/ undefined symbol: _ZN3c108ListType3getESsNS_4Type24SingletonOrSharedTypePtrIS1_EE

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doh16101 Jan 22, 2024

Author Collaborator

Great! I think my torchvision package was damaged somehow. It was 0.16.0. I tried automatically installing torchvision again using Conda, and Conda installed the 0.15.0 for me, but it fixed the code error. I later used pip install torchvision==0.16.2. Now I have the same torchvision package like you, and it also fixed the code error.

return minibatch_kmeans

# def compare_kmeans_gp_predictions(kmeans_model, gp_model, data_loader, device):
# # Compare K-Means with GP model predictions
# all_data, all_labels = [], []
# for batch in data_loader:
# data = batch['data'].view(batch['data'].size(0), -1).to(device)
# labels = batch['label'].to(device)
# gp_predictions = gp_model(data).mean.argmax(dim=0).cpu().numpy()
# kmeans_predictions = kmeans_model.predict(data.cpu().numpy())
# all_labels.append(labels.cpu().numpy())
# all_data.append((gp_predictions, kmeans_predictions))
# return all_data, np.concatenate(all_labels)

def stochastic_compare_kmeans_gp_predictions(kmeans_model, gp_model, data_loader, n_batches, device):
all_data, all_labels = [], []
sampled_batches = random.sample(list(data_loader), n_batches) # Randomly sample n_batches from data_loader

for batch in sampled_batches:
data = batch['data'].view(batch['data'].size(0), -1).to(device)
labels = batch['label'].to(device)
gp_predictions = gp_model(data).mean.argmax(dim=0).cpu().numpy()
kmeans_predictions = kmeans_model.predict(data.cpu().numpy())
all_data.append((gp_predictions, kmeans_predictions))

return all_data, np.concatenate(all_labels)

import random

def refined_uncertainty_sampling(gp_model, gp_likelihood, kmeans_model, data_loader, n_samples, n_batches, uncertainty_threshold=0.2):
uncertain_sample_indices = []

# Calculate the total number of batches in the DataLoader
total_batches = len(data_loader)

# Ensure that n_batches does not exceed total_batches
n_batches = min(n_batches, total_batches)

# Randomly sample n_batches from data_loader
sampled_batches = random.sample(list(data_loader), n_batches)

with torch.no_grad():
for batch in sampled_batches:
data_tensor = batch['data'].view(batch['data'].size(0), -1).to(device)
gp_predictions = gp_likelihood(gp_model(data_tensor))
kmeans_predictions = kmeans_model.predict(data_tensor.cpu().numpy())

# Calculate the difference between K-means and GP predictions
disagreement = (gp_predictions.mean.argmax(dim=-1).cpu().numpy() != kmeans_predictions).astype(int)

# Calculate uncertainty based on variance of GP predictions
uncertainty = gp_predictions.variance.cpu().numpy()

# Select samples where the disagreement is high and the model is uncertain
uncertain_indices = np.where((disagreement > 0) & (uncertainty > uncertainty_threshold))[0]

return uncertain_sample_indices[:n_samples]
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Dec 18 18:01:41 2023
@author: lrm22005
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
import gpytorch
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support, roc_auc_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import label_binarize

num_latents = 6 # This should match the complexity of your data or the number of tasks

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doh16101 Jan 20, 2024

Author Collaborator

Hi @lrm22005 , why should the number of latent space be size of six? Why does it have to be bigger than the number of tasks?

num_tasks = 4 # This should match the number of output classes or tasks
num_inducing_points = 50 # This is independent and should be sufficient for the input space

device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

class MultitaskGPModel(gpytorch.models.ApproximateGP):
def __init__(self):
# Let's use a different set of inducing points for each latent function
inducing_points = torch.rand(num_latents, num_inducing_points, 127 * 128) # Assuming flattened 128x128 images

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doh16101 Jan 20, 2024

Author Collaborator

Hi @lrm22005 , could you explain why the dimension is 127 * 128?

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doh16101 Jan 22, 2024

Author Collaborator

Luis' reply: OOOH, important, very important, it's 127x128 just because i found that error and just to resolve it in that moment that I was trying to run and validate the times of the new files, I did that change. but it's not the final dimension size.

# We have to mark the CholeskyVariationalDistribution as batch
# so that we learn a variational distribution for each task
variational_distribution = gpytorch.variational.CholeskyVariationalDistribution(
inducing_points.size(-2), batch_shape=torch.Size([num_latents])

# We have to wrap the VariationalStrategy in a LMCVariationalStrategy
# so that the output will be a MultitaskMultivariateNormal rather than a batch output
variational_strategy = gpytorch.variational.LMCVariationalStrategy(
self, inducing_points, variational_distribution, learn_inducing_locations=True


# The mean and covariance modules should be marked as batch
# so we learn a different set of hyperparameters
self.mean_module = gpytorch.means.ConstantMean(batch_shape=torch.Size([num_latents]))
self.covar_module = gpytorch.kernels.ScaleKernel(

def forward(self, x):
# The forward function should be written as if we were dealing with each output
# dimension in batch
# Ensure x is correctly shaped. It should have the same last dimension size as inducing_points
# x should be reshaped or sliced to have the shape [?, 1] where ? can be any size
# For example, if x originally has shape [N, D], and D != 1, you need to modify x accordingly
# print(f"Input shape: {x.shape}")
# x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) # Flattening the images
# print(f"Input shape after flattening: {x.shape}") # Debugging input shape
mean_x = self.mean_module(x)
covar_x = self.covar_module(x)

# Debugging: Print shapes of intermediate outputs
# print(f"Mean shape: {mean_x.shape}, Covariance shape: {covar_x.shape}")
latent_pred = gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar_x)
# print(f"Latent prediction shape: {latent_pred.mean.shape}, {latent_pred.covariance_matrix.shape}")

return latent_pred

def train_gp_model(train_loader, val_loader, num_iterations=50, n_classes=4, patience=10, checkpoint_path=''):
model = MultitaskGPModel().to(device)
likelihood = gpytorch.likelihoods.SoftmaxLikelihood(num_features=4, num_classes=4).to(device)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
mll = gpytorch.mlls.VariationalELBO(likelihood, model, num_data=len(train_loader.dataset))
best_val_loss = float('inf')
epochs_no_improve = 0

metrics = {
'precision': [],
'recall': [],
'f1_score': [],
'auc_roc': [],
'train_loss': [] # Add a list to store training losses

for epoch in tqdm(range(num_iterations), desc='Training', unit='epoch', leave=False):
for train_batch in train_loader:
train_x = train_batch['data'].reshape(train_batch['data'].size(0), -1).to(device) # Use reshape here
train_y = train_batch['label'].to(device)
output = model(train_x)
loss = -mll(output, train_y)
metrics['train_loss'].append(loss.item()) # Store the training loss

# Stochastic validation
with torch.no_grad():
val_indices = torch.randperm(len(val_loader.dataset))[:int(1 * len(val_loader.dataset))]
val_loss = 0.0
val_labels = []
val_predictions = []
for idx in val_indices:
val_batch = val_loader.dataset[idx]
val_x = val_batch['data'].reshape(-1).unsqueeze(0).to(device) # Use reshape here
val_y = torch.tensor([val_batch['label']], device=device)
val_output = model(val_x)
val_loss_batch = -mll(val_output, val_y).sum()
val_loss += val_loss_batch.item()

precision, recall, f1, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support(val_labels, val_predictions, average='macro')
# auc_roc = roc_auc_score(label_binarize(val_labels, classes=np.arange(n_classes)),
# label_binarize(val_predictions, classes=np.arange(n_classes)),
# multi_class='ovr')

# metrics['auc_roc'].append(auc_roc)
val_loss /= len(val_indices)

if val_loss < best_val_loss:
best_val_loss = val_loss
epochs_no_improve = 0{'model_state_dict': model.state_dict(),
'likelihood_state_dict': likelihood.state_dict(),
'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict()}, checkpoint_path)
epochs_no_improve += 1
if epochs_no_improve >= patience:
print(f"Early stopping triggered at epoch {epoch+1}")

checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path)

return model, likelihood, metrics

def semi_supervised_labeling(kmeans_model, gp_model, gp_likelihood, data_loader, confidence_threshold=0.8):
labeled_samples = []

with torch.no_grad():
for batch in data_loader:
data_tensor = batch['data'].view(batch['data'].size(0), -1).to(device)
kmeans_predictions = kmeans_model.predict(data_tensor.cpu().numpy())
gp_predictions = gp_likelihood(gp_model(data_tensor))

# Use GP predictions where the model is confident
confident_indices = gp_predictions.confidence().cpu().numpy() > confidence_threshold
for i, confident in enumerate(confident_indices):
if confident:
labeled_samples.append((data_tensor[i], gp_predictions.mean.argmax(dim=-1)[i].item()))

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doh16101 Jan 20, 2024

Author Collaborator

@lrm22005 I think this is very smart. I have wanted to implement a similar idea for a long time. Thank you for implementing it!

labeled_samples.append((data_tensor[i], kmeans_predictions[i]))

return labeled_samples

def calculate_elbo(model, likelihood, data_loader):
Calculates the ELBO (Evidence Lower Bound) score for the model on the given data.
- model: The trained Gaussian Process model.
- likelihood: The likelihood associated with the GP model.
- data_loader: DataLoader providing the data over which to calculate ELBO.
- elbo_score: The calculated ELBO score.
mll = gpytorch.mlls.VariationalELBO(likelihood, model, num_data=len(data_loader.dataset))

with torch.no_grad():
elbo_score = 0.0
for batch in data_loader:
train_x = batch['data'].reshape(batch['data'].size(0), -1).to(device)
train_y = batch['label'].to(device)
output = model(train_x)
# Calculate the ELBO as the negative loss
elbo_score += -mll(output, train_y).sum().item()

# Average the ELBO over all data samples
elbo_score /= len(data_loader.dataset)

return elbo_score

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