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# ME3255_Final_Project
# Part A
function [w] = membrane_solution3(T,P)
% membrane_solution3: dispalacement of node for membrane with 3x3 interior
% nodes
% [w] = membrane_solution3(T,P)
% input:
% T = Tension (microNewton/micrometer)
% P = Pressure (MPa)
% output:
% w = vector of displacement of interior nodes
od = ones(8,1);
od(3:3:end) = 0;
k = -4*diag(ones(9,1))+diag(ones(9-3,1),3)+diag(ones(9-3,1),-3)+diag(od,1)+diag(od,-1);
y = -(10/4)^2*(P/T)*ones(9,1);
w = k\y;
% Solves for displacement (micrometers)
% Output w is a vector
% Solution represents a 2D data set w(x,y)
[x,y] = meshgrid(0:10/4:10,0:10/4:10);
z = zeros(size(x));
z(2:end-1,2:end-1) = reshape(w,[3 3]);
title('Membrane Displacement')
zlabel('Displacement (micrometer)')
% Membrane displacement is shown on chart
### Approach
- A matrix is set up using finite element analysis of the interior nodes of a 5x5 matrix
- A vector for the y direction is then set up for the membrane
- Using linear algebra, a vector for the displacement of the nodes is created
- The vector can then be transformed to represent the actual surface as a matrix
# Part B
% Part B Script
[w] = membrane_solution3(0.006,0.001);
# Part C
function [w] = membrane_solution(T,P,n)
% membrane_solution: dispalacement of node for membrane with nxn interior nodes
% [w] = membrane_solution(T,P,n)
% input:
% T = Tension (microNewton/micrometer)
% P = Pressure (MPa)
% n = number of rows and columns of interior nodes
% output:
% w = vector of displacement of interior nodes
od = ones(n^2-1,1);
od(n:n:end) = 0;
k = -4*diag(ones(n^2,1))+diag(ones((n^2)-n,1),n)+diag(ones((n^2)-n,1),-n)+diag(od,1)+diag(od,-1);
y = -(10/(n+1))^2*(P/T)*ones(n^2,1);
w = k\y;
% Solves for displacement (micrometers)
% Output w is a vector
% Solution represents a 2D data set w(x,y)
[x,y] = meshgrid(0:10/(n+1):10,0:10/(n+1):10);
z = zeros(size(x));
z(2:end-1,2:end-1) = reshape(w,[n n]);
title('Membrane Displacement')
zlabel('Displacement (micrometer)')
% Membrane displacement is shown on chart
### Approach
- This problem uses the same steps as with the membrane_solution3 function, except it allows for the user to change the number of interior nodes
- This required alterations of the all the indexing and sizing in the function along with a few calculations
# Part D
% Part D Script
[w] = membrane_solution(0.006,0.001,10)
# Part E
function [pw_se,w]=SE_diff(T,P,n)
% SE_diff: calculates difference between strain energy and work done by pressure in
% membrane
% [pw_se,w]=SE_diff(T,P,n)
% input:
% T = Tension (microNewton/micrometer)
% P = Pressure (MPa)
% n = number of rows and columns of interior nodes
% output:
% pw_se = difference between strain energy and work done by pressure in
% membrane
% w = vector of displacement of interior nodes
E = 1; %TPa Units may need to be changed
v = .31; %Poissons ratio
t = .3; %nm
h = 10/(n+1); %nm
w = membrane_solution(T,P,n);
z = zeros(n+2);
z(2:end-1,2:end-1) = reshape(w,[n n]);
num = n + 1;
wbar = zeros(num);
for i = 1:num
for j = 1:num
wbar(i,j) = mean([z(i,j),z(i+1,j),z(i,j+1),z(i+1,j+1)]);
pw = sum(sum(wbar.*h^2.*P));
dwdx = zeros(num);
dwdy = zeros(num);
for i = 1:num
for j = 1:num
dwdx(i,j) = mean([z(i+1,j)-z(i,j),z(i+1,j+1)-z(i,j+1)]);
dwdy(i,j) = mean([z(i,j+1)-z(i,j),z(i+1,j+1)-z(i+1,j)]);
se = E*t*h^2/(2*(1-v^2))*sum(sum(0.25.*dwdx.^4+.25.*dwdy.^4+0.5.*(dwdx.*dwdy).^2));
pw_se = pw-se;
### Approach
- Using the membrane_solution function, a vector of the displacements is formed
- Next, the average displacement for each element is calculated. For each elements, the dispalcement at all four courners is taken and then averaged
- Using these values, the work done by pressure can be calculated
- For the change in dispalcement over the x and y coordinate system, the values of the change on the left and right (y-axis) or top and bottom (x-axis) are taken and averaged
- Using these values, the strain enegery can be calculated
# Part F
P=0.001; %MPa
T = zeros(1,length(n));
ea = zeros(1,length(n));
for i = 1:length(n)
[T(i), ea(i)] = tension_sol(P,n(i));
function [T,ea] = tension_sol(P,n)
% tension_sol: outputs tension of a membrane given the pressure and number
% of nodes
% [T,ea] = tension_sol(P,n)
% input:
% P = Pressure (MPa)
% n = number of rows and columns of interior nodes
% output:
% T = Tension (microNewton/micrometer)
% ea = approximate relative error (%)
y =@(T) SE_diff(T,P,n);
function [root,fx,ea,iter]=bisect(func,xl,xu,es,maxit,varargin)
% bisect: root location zeroes
% [root,fx,ea,iter]=bisect(func,xl,xu,es,maxit,p1,p2,...):
% uses bisection method to find the root of func
% input:
% func = name of function
% xl, xu = lower and upper guesses
% es = desired relative error (default = 0.0001%)
% maxit = maximum allowable iterations (default = 50)
% p1,p2,... = additional parameters used by func
% output:
% root = real root
% fx = function value at root
% ea = approximate relative error (%)
% iter = number of iterations
if nargin<3,error('at least 3 input arguments required'),end
test = func(xl,varargin{:})*func(xu,varargin{:});
if test>0,error('no sign change'),end
if nargin<4||isempty(es), es=0.0001;end
if nargin<5||isempty(maxit), maxit=50;end
iter = 0; xr = xl; ea = 100;
while (1)
xrold = xr;
xr = (xl + xu)/2;
iter = iter + 1;
if xr ~= 0,ea = abs((xr - xrold)/xr) * 100;end
test = func(xl,varargin{:})*func(xr,varargin{:});
if test < 0
xu = xr;
elseif test > 0
xl = xr;
ea = 0;
if ea <= es || iter >= maxit,break,end
root = xr; fx = func(xr, varargin{:});
function re = Rel_error (T)
Rel_error: calculates relative error of a vector
% re = Rel_error (T)
% input:
% T = vector of numbers
% output:
% re = relative error of vector
re = zeros(1,length(T)-1);
for i = 2:length(T)
re(i-1)= abs(T(i)-T(i-1))/T(i-1);
|number of nodes|Tension (uN/um)| rel. error|
|3 |0.0489 |n/a|
### Approach
- This problem uses the bisect method for locating roots and the SE_diff function for calculating the difference in work and strain energy of the membrane
- The script runs through all iterations of different amounts of nodes, zeroing the SE_diff function output and saving the values for tension in the T variable as a vector
# Part G
P = linspace(.001,.01,10);
n = 20;
T = zeros(1,length(P));
wmax = zeros(1,length(P));
for i = 1:length(P)
T(i) = tension_sol(P(i),n);
w = membrane_solution(T(i),P(i),n);
wmax(i) = max(w);
x = wmax';
y = P';
title('Pressure vs Maximum Deflection')
xlabel('Maximum Deflection (um)')
ylabel('Pressure (MPa)')
print('Part g','-dpng')
### Approach
- This script uses the tension_sol function as described in the part above, running though all iterations of pressure
- Additionally, the max deflection for each pressure and tension is calculated at each iteration
- From there, a general linear regression is calculated with the formula P(x) = A*w^3
- The results are plotted