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package server
Code Ownership
- initializeMonitorEndpoints
- Stubs for all functions + design
- StartMonitorServer functionality
- bindMonitorContext
- handle_gossip
- revised StartMonitorServer
import (
// Binds the context to the functions we pass to the router.
// Accepts a gossiperContext object and a function that accepts a gossipercontext and 2 HTTP functions
// Returns a version of that function with the given context bound to the function and
// This is used when creating versions of functions that can be passed to a http router's HandleFunc function.
func bindMonitorContext(context *monitor.MonitorContext, fn func(context *monitor.MonitorContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fn(context, w, r)
// Given a monitor context, binds the context to each endpoint and begins running HTTP files
// Note that this OR the periodic tasks of the monitor need to occur in their own Goroutine(thread)
// so they can occur ininterrupted.
func initializeMonitorEndpoints(c *monitor.MonitorContext) {
// MUX which routes HTTP directories to functions.
gorillaRouter := mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
// POST functions
gorillaRouter.HandleFunc("/monitor/recieve-gossip", bindMonitorContext(c, handle_gossip)).Methods("POST")
// For recieving PoMs from a relying party that identifies conflicting objects.
gorillaRouter.HandleFunc("/submit-pom", bindMonitorContext(c, receivePOM)).Methods("POST")
// GET functions
gorillaRouter.HandleFunc("/full-revocations", bindMonitorContext(c, getRevocations)).Methods("GET")
gorillaRouter.HandleFunc("/revocations/", bindMonitorContext(c, getRevocation)).Methods("GET")
gorillaRouter.HandleFunc("/sths/", bindMonitorContext(c, getSTH)).Methods("GET")
gorillaRouter.HandleFunc("/pom/", bindMonitorContext(c, getPOM)).Methods("GET")
// Start the HTTP server.
http.Handle("/", gorillaRouter)
// Listen on port set by config until server is stopped.
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+c.Config.Port, nil))
//This function handles gossip object received by the monitor
//Note: This function does not handle inactive loggers/CAs
//see monitor folder for handling inactive loggers/CAs
func handle_gossip(c *monitor.MonitorContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Parse sent object.
// Converts JSON passed in the body of a POST to a Gossip_object.
var gossip_obj gossip.Gossip_object
err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&gossip_obj)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
// Verify the object is valid.
err = gossip_obj.Verify(c.Config.Crypto)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(util.RED+"Recieved invalid object from "+getSenderURL(r)+".", util.RESET)
monitor.AccuseEntity(c, gossip_obj.Signer)
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusOK)
// Check for duplicate object.
_, found := c.GetObject(gossip_obj.GetID(int64(c.Config.Public.Gossip_wait_time)))
if found {
// If the object is already stored, still return OK.{
fmt.Println("Duplicate:", gossip_obj.Type, getSenderURL(r)+".")
http.Error(w, "Gossip object already stored.", http.StatusOK)
// processDuplicateObject(c, gossip_obj, stored_obj)
} else {
fmt.Println("Recieved new, valid", gossip.TypeString(gossip_obj.Type), "from "+getSenderURL(r)+".")
monitor.Process_valid_object(c, gossip_obj)
http.Error(w, "Gossip object Processed.", http.StatusOK)
//Recieve a PoM from a relying party. Should be packaged as a Gossip_PoM Gossip object in the body of the request.
func receivePOM(c *monitor.MonitorContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Post request, parse sent object.
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
// If there is an error, post the error and terminate.
if err != nil {
PoM := string(body)
fmt.Println("PoM Received: " + PoM) //temp
// TODO - Validate, process and save PoM
// Response to requests for fully-signed revocations for all CAs.
func getRevocations(c *monitor.MonitorContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// if no revocation data found, return a 404
http.Error(w, "Revocation information not found.", 404)
// if revocations found, send to requester
// Response to requests for fully-signed for all CAs for a given day.
func getRevocation(c *monitor.MonitorContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Get {date} from the end of the URL
date := path.Base(r.URL.Path)
fmt.Println(date) //temp
// if no revocation data found for specified day, return a 404
http.Error(w, "Revocation information not found.", 404)
//TODO: if REVOCATION_FULL found, send to requester
// Response to requests for fully-signed sths for all loggers for a given day.
func getSTH(c *monitor.MonitorContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Get {date} from the end of the URL
date := path.Base(r.URL.Path)
fmt.Println(date) //temp
// if no STH found for specified day, return a 404
http.Error(w, "STH object not found.", 404)
// TODO: if STH_FULL found, send them to requester.
// Response to requests for PoMs of entities for a given day.
func getPOM(c *monitor.MonitorContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Get {date} from the end of the URL
date := path.Base(r.URL.Path)
// if no POM found for specified day, return a 404
http.Error(w, "PoM not found.", 404)
// if POMs found, send to requester
// Exported function for starting the monitor
// Similar to StartGossiperServer, all fields must have initialized values except c.client.
// This function begins the periodic tasks of a monitor and starts the outward-facing server of that monitor.
func StartMonitorServer(c *monitor.MonitorContext) {
// Check if the storage file exists in this directory
err := c.LoadStorage()
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no such file or directory") {
// Storage File doesn't exit. Create new, empty json file.
err = c.SaveStorage()
if err != nil {
} else {
tr := &http.Transport{}
c.Client = &http.Client{
Transport: tr,
// Run a go routine to handle tasks that must occur every MMD
go monitor.PeriodicTasks(c)
// Start HTTP server loop on the main thread