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<title>CSS Showcase: Particle Animation</title>
<meta name="description" content="Tutorial on creating particle animation using CSS">
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<h2>CSS Showcase:</h2>
<h1>Particle Animation</h1>
<div class="particle-wrapper" id="subtle">
<div class="particle-container">
<div class="particle-temp"></div>
<p>You can use animated particles to create a subtle background effect...</p>
<div class="particle-wrapper" id="fireworks">
<div class="particle-container">
<div class="burst" id="burst1"></div>
<div class="burst" id="burst2"></div>
<div class="burst" id="burst3"></div>
<div class="burst" id="burst4"></div>
<div class="burst" id="burst5"></div>
<p>Or you can make your particles show-stopping!</p>
<div class="copy" id="info1">
<p>Particles are the key to all of the realistic animation effects below.
Check them out!</p>
<li class="menu item" id="rain-button">Rain</li>
<li class="menu item" id="snow-button">Snow</li>
<li class="menu item" id="sparks-button">Sparks</li>
<li class="menu item" id="bubbles-button">Bubbles</li>
<li class="menu item" id="birds-button">Birds</li>
<div> <!--probably dont need this wrapper-->
<div class="particle-container" id="rain">
<div class="particle-container" id="snow">
<div class="particle-container" id="sparks">
<div class="particle-container" id="bubbles">
<div class="particle-container" id="birds">
<div class="copy" id="info2">
<p>Say you’re already familiar with the animation properties of CSS.
What makes particle animation any different?</p>
<p>The defining characteristics of a particle animation are: </p>
<li>Numerous animated elements of the same type.</li>
<li>Randomness/Variation: of particle speed, direction, size, color, etc. This is what gives the animation a natural appearance.</li>
<p>Professional animation software has the ability to automatically generate an infinite number of particles with randomized properties and realistic physics. With CSS, unfortunately we are limited in a few ways:</p>
<li>We have to individually create each particle we want to see;</li>
<li>We have to manually define the motion using keyframes;</li>
<li>and there is no built-in way to generate random values.</li>
<p>We'll look at some ways to get past these limitations later on.</p>
<div class="copy" id="info3">
<p>Read on to find out how you can create awesome CSS particle animations yourself!</p>
<li>Create a particle container</li>
<li>Create one particle</li>
<li>Animate the first particle</li>
<li>Duplicate the particle and add variation</li>
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