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693 lines (583 sloc) 25.2 KB
import h5py
import numpy
import os
import random
import sys
from urllib import urlretrieve
except ImportError:
from urllib.request import urlretrieve # Python 3
def download(src, dst):
if not os.path.exists(dst):
# TODO: should be atomic
print('downloading %s -> %s...' % (src, dst))
urlretrieve(src, dst)
def get_dataset_fn(dataset):
if not os.path.exists('data'):
return os.path.join('data', '%s.hdf5' % dataset)
def get_dataset(which):
import h5sparse
hdf5_fn = get_dataset_fn(which)
url = '' % which
download(url, hdf5_fn)
print("Cannot download %s" % url)
if which in DATASETS:
print("Creating dataset locally")
hdf5_f = h5sparse.File(hdf5_fn, 'r')
return hdf5_f
# Everything below this line is related to creating datasets
# You probably never need to do this at home, just rely on the prepared datasets at
def write_output(train, test, fn, distance, point_type='float', count=1000, SMILES=None, IDS=None):
from ann_benchmarks.algorithms.bruteforce import BruteForceBLAS
import sklearn.neighbors
import h5sparse
from scipy.sparse import issparse
# store SMILES first
smile_fn = replace_last(fn, '.hdf5', '-SMILES.hdf5')
print('Write Smiles to File %s' % smile_fn)
f = h5sparse.File(smile_fn, 'w')
dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=bytes)
asciiList = [n.encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in SMILES]
f.create_dataset('smile', (len(asciiList), 1), dtype=dt, data=asciiList)
if IDS:
smile_fn = replace_last(fn, '.hdf5', '-IDS.hdf5')
print('Write Smiles to File %s' % smile_fn)
f = h5sparse.File(smile_fn, 'w')
dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=bytes)
asciiList = [n.encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in IDS]
f.create_dataset('smile', (len(asciiList), 1), dtype=dt, data=asciiList)
print('Write Dataset %s' % fn)
f = h5sparse.File(fn, 'w')
f.attrs['distance'] = distance
f.attrs['point_type'] = point_type
print('train size: %9d * %4d' % train.shape)
print('test size: %9d * %4d' % test.shape)
if issparse(train):
f.create_dataset('train', train.shape, dtype=train.dtype)[:] = train
if issparse(test):
f.create_dataset('test', test.shape, dtype=test.dtype)[:] = test
neighbors = f.create_dataset('neighbors', (test.shape[0], count), dtype='i')
distances = f.create_dataset('distances', (test.shape[0], count), dtype='f')
# use which method to compute the groundtruth
if issparse(train):
train = train.toarray()
method = 'bruteforce'
if method == 'balltree':
tree = sklearn.neighbors.BallTree(train, leaf_size=1000000, metric=distance)
bf = BruteForceBLAS(metric=distance, precision=train.dtype)
for i, x in enumerate(test):
if i % 1 == 0:
print('%d/%d...' % (i, test.shape[0]))
if method == 'balltree':
dist, ind = tree.query([x], k=count)
neighbors[i] = ind[0]
distances[i] = dist[0]
res = list(bf.query_with_distances(x, count))
res.sort(key=lambda t: t[-1])
neighbors[i] = [j for j, _ in res]
distances[i] = [d for _, d in res]
def train_test_split(X, test_size=10000):
import sklearn.model_selection
print('Splitting %d*%d into train/test' % X.shape)
return sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(X, test_size=test_size, random_state=1)
def glove(out_fn, d):
import zipfile
url = ''
fn = os.path.join('data', '')
download(url, fn)
with zipfile.ZipFile(fn) as z:
print('preparing %s' % out_fn)
z_fn = 'glove.twitter.27B.%dd.txt' % d
X = []
for line in
v = [float(x) for x in line.strip().split()[1:]]
X_train, X_test = train_test_split(X)
write_output(numpy.array(X_train), numpy.array(X_test), out_fn, 'angular')
def _load_texmex_vectors(f, n, k):
import struct
v = numpy.zeros((n, k))
for i in range(n): # ignore vec length
v[i] = struct.unpack('f' * k,*4))
return v
def _get_irisa_matrix(t, fn):
import struct
m = t.getmember(fn)
f = t.extractfile(m)
k, = struct.unpack('i',
n = m.size // (4 + 4*k)
return _load_texmex_vectors(f, n, k)
def sift(out_fn):
import tarfile
url = ''
fn = os.path.join('data', '')
download(url, fn)
with, 'r:gz') as t:
train = _get_irisa_matrix(t, 'sift/sift_base.fvecs')
test = _get_irisa_matrix(t, 'sift/sift_query.fvecs')
write_output(train, test, out_fn, 'euclidean')
def gist(out_fn):
import tarfile
url = ''
fn = os.path.join('data', '')
download(url, fn)
with, 'r:gz') as t:
train = _get_irisa_matrix(t, 'gist/gist_base.fvecs')
test = _get_irisa_matrix(t, 'gist/gist_query.fvecs')
write_output(train, test, out_fn, 'euclidean')
def _load_mnist_vectors(fn):
import gzip
import struct
print('parsing vectors in %s...' % fn)
f =
type_code_info = {
0x08: (1, "!B"),
0x09: (1, "!b"),
0x0B: (2, "!H"),
0x0C: (4, "!I"),
0x0D: (4, "!f"),
0x0E: (8, "!d")
magic, type_code, dim_count = struct.unpack("!hBB",
assert magic == 0
assert type_code in type_code_info
dimensions = [struct.unpack("!I",[0] for i in range(dim_count)]
entry_count = dimensions[0]
entry_size = numpy.product(dimensions[1:])
b, format_string = type_code_info[type_code]
vectors = []
for i in range(entry_count):
vectors.append([struct.unpack(format_string,[0] for j in range(entry_size)])
return numpy.array(vectors)
def mnist(out_fn):
download('', 'mnist-train.gz')
download('', 'mnist-test.gz')
train = _load_mnist_vectors('mnist-train.gz')
test = _load_mnist_vectors('mnist-test.gz')
write_output(train, test, out_fn, 'euclidean')
def fashion_mnist(out_fn):
download('', 'fashion-mnist-train.gz')
download('', 'fashion-mnist-test.gz')
train = _load_mnist_vectors('fashion-mnist-train.gz')
test = _load_mnist_vectors('fashion-mnist-test.gz')
write_output(train, test, out_fn, 'euclidean')
def transform_bag_of_words(filename, n_dimensions, out_fn):
import gzip
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
from sklearn import random_projection
with, 'rb') as f:
file_content = f.readlines()
entries = int(file_content[0])
words = int(file_content[1])
file_content = file_content[3:] # strip first three entries
print("building matrix...")
A = lil_matrix((entries, words))
for e in file_content:
doc, word, cnt = [int(v) for v in e.strip().split()]
A[doc - 1, word - 1] = cnt
print("normalizing matrix entries with tfidf...")
B = TfidfTransformer().fit_transform(A)
print("reducing dimensionality...")
C = random_projection.GaussianRandomProjection(n_components = n_dimensions).fit_transform(B)
X_train, X_test = train_test_split(C)
write_output(numpy.array(X_train), numpy.array(X_test), out_fn, 'angular')
def nytimes(out_fn, n_dimensions):
fn = 'nytimes_%s.txt.gz' % n_dimensions
download('', fn)
transform_bag_of_words(fn, n_dimensions, out_fn)
def random(out_fn, n_dims, n_samples, centers, distance):
import sklearn.datasets
X, _ = sklearn.datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=n_samples, n_features=n_dims, centers=centers, random_state=1)
X_train, X_test = train_test_split(X, test_size=0.1)
write_output(X_train, X_test, out_fn, distance)
def word2bits(out_fn, path, fn):
import tarfile
local_fn = fn + '.tar.gz'
url = '' % (path, fn)
download(url, local_fn)
print('parsing vectors in %s...' % local_fn)
with, 'r:gz') as t:
f = t.extractfile(fn)
n_words, k = [int(z) for z in next(f).strip().split()]
X = numpy.zeros((n_words, k), dtype=numpy.bool)
for i in range(n_words):
X[i] = numpy.array([float(z) > 0 for z in next(f).strip().split()[1:]], dtype=numpy.bool)
X_train, X_test = train_test_split(X, test_size=1000)
write_output(X_train, X_test, out_fn, 'hamming', 'bit')
def sift_hamming(out_fn, fn):
import tarfile
local_fn = fn + '.tar.gz'
url = '' % fn
download(url, local_fn)
print('parsing vectors in %s...' % local_fn)
with, 'r:gz') as t:
f = t.extractfile(fn)
lines = f.readlines()
X = numpy.zeros((len(lines), 256), dtype=numpy.bool)
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
X[i] = numpy.array([int(x) > 0 for x in line.decode().strip()], dtype=numpy.bool)
X_train, X_test = train_test_split(X, test_size = 1000)
write_output(X_train, X_test, out_fn, 'hamming', 'bit')
def lastfm(out_fn, n_dimensions, test_size=50000):
# This tests out ANN methods for retrieval on simple matrix factorization based
# recommendation algorithms. The idea being that the query/test vectors are user factors
# and the train set are item factors from the matrix factorization model.
# Since the predictor is a dot product, we transform the factors first as described in this
# paper:
# This hopefully replicates the experiments done in this post:
# The dataset is from " Dataset - 360K users":
# this requires the implicit package to generate the factors (on my desktop/gpu this only
# takes 4-5 seconds to train - but could take 1-2 minutes on a laptop)
from implicit.datasets.lastfm import get_lastfm
from implicit.approximate_als import augment_inner_product_matrix
import implicit
# train an als model on the lastfm data
_, _, play_counts = get_lastfm()
model = implicit.als.AlternatingLeastSquares(factors=n_dimensions), K1=100, B=0.8))
# transform item factors so that each one has the same norm, and transform the user
# factors such by appending a 0 column
_, item_factors = augment_inner_product_matrix(model.item_factors)
user_factors = numpy.append(model.user_factors,
numpy.zeros((model.user_factors.shape[0], 1)),
# only query the first 50k users (speeds things up signficantly without changing results)
user_factors = user_factors[:test_size]
# after that transformation a cosine lookup will return the same results as the inner product
# on the untransformed data
write_output(item_factors, user_factors, out_fn, 'angular')
def get_sparse_matrix_from_txt(file=None, dtype=numpy.bool):
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
dimension = 1024
indptr = [0]
indices = []
data = []
num_mols = 0
if file == None:
file = '../pycharm_project_422/clustering_toydata.txt'
file_object = open(file, "r")
for line in file_object.readlines():
elements = line.split()
if len(elements) != 14: continue
smile = elements[7]
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smile)
if mol is None: continue
fp = AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(mol, 2, nBits=dimension)
for i in range(dimension):
if fp.GetBit(i) is True:
num_mols += 1
fps = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(num_mols, dimension), dtype=dtype)
print('The dimension of the returned sparse matrix: %d*%d' %fps.shape)
return fps, SMILES
def get_sparse_matrix_from_sdf(dir, dimension = 1024, radius=2, dtype=numpy.bool):
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
import glob
import gzip
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
IDS = []
indptr = [0]
indices = []
data = []
num_mols = 0
file_list = glob.glob(dir + '/*.sdf.gz')
for file in file_list:
inf =
suppl = Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier(inf)
for mol in suppl:
if mol is None: continue
smile = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)
fp = AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(mol, radius, nBits=dimension)
for i in range(dimension):
if fp.GetBit(i) is True:
num_mols += 1
fps = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(num_mols, dimension), dtype=dtype)
print('The dimension of the returned sparse matrix: %d*%d' % fps.shape)
return fps, SMILES, IDS
def ecfp(out_fn, dataset_name, dimension, radius, distance, type, test_size=1000):
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
print('prepare dataset ' + dataset_name)
if type == 'bit':
dtype = numpy.bool
elif type == 'int':
dtype =
dtype = numpy.float
dir = './data'
X, SMILES, IDS = get_sparse_matrix_from_sdf(dir=dir, dimension=dimension, radius=radius, dtype=dtype)
# random shuffle fingerprints and smiles at the same time
seed = 1 # random.randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1)
X, SMILES, IDS = shuffle(X, SMILES, IDS, random_state=seed)
# data split and make test data full matrix
train_size = X.shape[0] - test_size
X_train = X[:train_size]
X_test = X[train_size:]
X_test = X_test.toarray()
print('finish dataset preparation')
print('Train data dimension: %d*%d' %X_train.shape)
print('Test data dimension: %d*%d' %X_test.shape)
write_output(X_train, X_test, out_fn, distance, type, count=1000, SMILES=SMILES, IDS=IDS)
# Molecular topological fingerprints
def get_sparse_matrix_from_sdf_topological_fp(dir, dimension=1024, maxPath=7, dtype=numpy.bool):
from rdkit import Chem
import glob
import gzip
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
IDS = []
indptr = [0]
indices = []
data = []
num_mols = 0
file_list = glob.glob(dir + '/*.sdf.gz')
for file in file_list:
inf =
suppl = Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier(inf)
for mol in suppl:
if mol is None: continue
smile = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)
fp = Chem.rdmolops.RDKFingerprint(mol, fpSize=dimension, maxPath=maxPath)
for i in range(dimension):
if fp.GetBit(i) is True:
num_mols += 1
fps = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(num_mols, dimension), dtype=dtype)
print('The dimension of the returned sparse matrix: %d*%d' % fps.shape)
return fps, SMILES, IDS
def topological_fp(out_fn, dataset_name, dimension, maxPath, distance, type, test_size=1000):
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
print('prepare dataset ' + dataset_name)
if type == 'bit':
dtype = numpy.bool
elif type == 'int':
dtype =
dtype = numpy.float
dir = './data'
X, SMILES, IDS = get_sparse_matrix_from_sdf_topological_fp(dir=dir, dimension=dimension, maxPath=maxPath, dtype=dtype)
# random shuffle fingerprints and smiles at the same time
seed = 1 # random.randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1)
X, SMILES, IDS = shuffle(X, SMILES, IDS, random_state=seed)
# data split and make test data full matrix
train_size = X.shape[0] - test_size
X_train = X[:train_size]
X_test = X[train_size:]
X_test = X_test.toarray()
print('finish dataset preparation')
print('Train data dimension: %d*%d' %X_train.shape)
print('Test data dimension: %d*%d' %X_test.shape)
write_output(X_train, X_test, out_fn, distance, type, count=1000, SMILES=SMILES, IDS=IDS)
def sdf_2_map4(dir, dimension=1024, dtype=numpy.bool):
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
import glob
import gzip
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from map4 import MAP4Calculator
MAP4 = MAP4Calculator(dimensions=dimension)
IDS = []
fps = []
file_list = glob.glob(dir + '/*.sdf.gz')
for file in file_list:
inf =
suppl = Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier(inf)
#mols = [x for x in suppl if x is not None]
mols = []
num_mols = 0
for mol in suppl:
if mol is None: continue
num_mols += 1
if num_mols == 3000:
mols = []
num_mols = 0
if num_mols > 0:
mols = []
num_mols = 0
fps = numpy.array(fps, dtype=dtype)
print('The dimension of the returned matrix: %d*%d' % fps.shape)
return fps, SMILES, IDS
def map4(out_fn, dataset_name, dimension, distance, type, test_size=1000):
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from map4 import MAP4Calculator
print('prepare dataset ' + dataset_name)
if type == 'bit':
dtype = numpy.bool
elif type == 'int':
dtype =
dtype = numpy.float
dir = './data'
X, SMILES, IDS = sdf_2_map4(dir=dir, dimension=dimension, dtype=dtype)
# random shuffle fingerprints and smiles at the same time
seed = 1 # random.randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1)
X, SMILES, IDS = shuffle(X, SMILES, IDS, random_state=seed)
# data split and make test data full matrix
train_size = X.shape[0] - test_size
X_train = X[:train_size]
X_test = X[train_size:]
print('finish dataset preparation')
print('Train data dimension: %d*%d' %X_train.shape)
print('Test data dimension: %d*%d' %X_test.shape)
write_output(X_train, X_test, out_fn, distance, type, count=1000, SMILES=SMILES, IDS=IDS)
def ecfp_sparse_multi(out_fn, dataset_name, num_files, dimension, distance, type):
print('prepare dataset ' + dataset_name)
import pickle
from scipy.sparse import vstack
path = '/data/chunjiangzhu/Enamine_680M_SparseMatrix/'
if type == 'bit':
dtype = numpy.bool
elif type == 'int':
dtype =
dtype = numpy.float
# vertically stack sparse matrices from multiple files
test_size = 1
if num_files==0.5:
with open(path + dataset_name + '_' + str(dimension) + '_trunk_0.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
Y = pickle.load(handle, encoding='latin1')
size = 1000000
print('select %i out of %i' %(size, Y.shape[0]))
Y = Y[:size]
X_test = Y[Y.shape[0] - test_size:]
X_train = Y[:Y.shape[0] - test_size]
first = False
for i in range(num_files):
print('process ' + str(i) + ' trunk')
if first == False:
first = True
with open(path + dataset_name + '_' + str(dimension) + '_trunk_' + str(i) + '.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
Y = pickle.load(handle, encoding='latin1')
if i==num_files-1: #last one
X_test = Y[Y.shape[0] - test_size:]
X_train = Y[:Y.shape[0] - test_size]
X_train = Y
with open(path + dataset_name + '_' + str(dimension) + '_trunk_' + str(i) + '.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
Y = pickle.load(handle, encoding='latin1')
if i==num_files-1: #last one
X_test = Y[Y.shape[0] - test_size:]
X_train = vstack([X_train, Y[:Y.shape[0] - test_size]])
X_train = vstack([X_train, Y])
# X_train = X_train.astype(dtype)
# X_test = X_test.astype(dtype)
# X_train, X_test = train_test_split(X, test_size=1000)
# X_test = X_test.toarray()
# encounter memory error when calling train_test_split, for 100M
X_test = X_test.toarray()
print('finish dataset preparation')
write_output(X_train, X_test, out_fn, distance, type, 1000)
def ecfp_multi(out_fn, dataset_name, num_files, dimension, distance, type):
print('prepare dataset ' + dataset_name)
import pickle
from scipy.sparse import vstack
path = '/data/chunjiangzhu/Enamine_680M_SparseMatrix/'
if type == 'bit':
dtype = numpy.bool
elif type == 'int':
dtype =
dtype = numpy.float
# vertically stack sparse matrices from multiple files
test_size = 3
with open(path + dataset_name + '_' + str(dimension) + '_trunk_0.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
Y = pickle.load(handle, encoding='latin1')
size = 10000000
print('select %i out of %i' %(size, Y.shape[0]))
Y = Y[:size]
X_test = Y[Y.shape[0] - test_size:]
X_train = Y[:Y.shape[0] - test_size]
# make them full matrices here
X_train = X_train.toarray()
X_test = X_test.toarray()
print('finish dataset preparation')
write_output(X_train, X_test, out_fn, distance, type, 1000)
'fashion-mnist-784-euclidean': fashion_mnist,
'gist-960-euclidean': gist,
'glove-25-angular': lambda out_fn: glove(out_fn, 25),
'glove-50-angular': lambda out_fn: glove(out_fn, 50),
'glove-100-angular': lambda out_fn: glove(out_fn, 100),
'glove-200-angular': lambda out_fn: glove(out_fn, 200),
'mnist-784-euclidean': mnist,
'random-xs-20-euclidean': lambda out_fn: random(out_fn, 20, 10000, 100, 'euclidean'),
'random-s-100-euclidean': lambda out_fn: random(out_fn, 100, 100000, 1000, 'euclidean'),
'random-xs-20-angular': lambda out_fn: random(out_fn, 20, 10000, 100, 'angular'),
'random-s-100-angular': lambda out_fn: random(out_fn, 100, 100000, 1000, 'angular'),
'sift-128-euclidean': sift,
'nytimes-256-angular': lambda out_fn: nytimes(out_fn, 256),
'nytimes-16-angular': lambda out_fn: nytimes(out_fn, 16),
'word2bits-800-hamming': lambda out_fn: word2bits(out_fn, '400K', 'w2b_bitlevel1_size800_vocab400K'),
'lastfm-64-dot': lambda out_fn: lastfm(out_fn, 64),
'sift-256-hamming': lambda out_fn: sift_hamming(out_fn, 'sift.hamming.256'),
'chembl-1024-jaccard': lambda out_fn: ecfp(out_fn, 'Chembl', 1024, 2, 'jaccard', 'bit'),
'molport-1024-jaccard': lambda out_fn: ecfp(out_fn, 'Molport', 1024, 2, 'jaccard', 'bit'),
'chembl-1024-jaccard-tp': lambda out_fn: topological_fp(out_fn, 'Chembl', 1024, 7, 'jaccard', 'bit'),
'chembl-1024-r3-jaccard': lambda out_fn: ecfp(out_fn, 'Chembl', 1024, 3, 'jaccard', 'bit'),
'chembl-512-r2-jaccard': lambda out_fn: ecfp(out_fn, 'Chembl', 512, 2, 'jaccard', 'bit'),
'chembl-2048-r2-jaccard': lambda out_fn: ecfp(out_fn, 'Chembl', 2048, 2, 'jaccard', 'bit'),
'chembl-1024-p3-jaccard-tp': lambda out_fn: topological_fp(out_fn, 'Chembl', 1024, 3, 'jaccard', 'bit'),
'chembl-1024-p5-jaccard-tp': lambda out_fn: topological_fp(out_fn, 'Chembl', 1024, 5, 'jaccard', 'bit'),
'chembl-512-p7-jaccard-tp': lambda out_fn: topological_fp(out_fn, 'Chembl', 512, 7, 'jaccard', 'bit'),
'chembl-2048-p7-jaccard-tp': lambda out_fn: topological_fp(out_fn, 'Chembl', 2048, 7, 'jaccard', 'bit'),
'chembl-2048-p3-jaccard-tp': lambda out_fn: topological_fp(out_fn, 'Chembl', 2048, 3, 'jaccard', 'bit'),
'chembl-2048-p5-jaccard-tp': lambda out_fn: topological_fp(out_fn, 'Chembl', 2048, 5, 'jaccard', 'bit')