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294 lines (259 sloc) 9.55 KB
#include "octree_info.h"
#include "points.h"
#include "types.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#ifdef KEY64
const char OctreeInfo::kMagicStr[16] = "_OCTREE_2.0_";
const char OctreeInfo::kMagicStr[16] = "_OCTREE_1.0_";
void OctreeInfo::initialize(int depth, int full_depth, bool node_displacement,
bool node_feature, bool split_label, bool adaptive, int adaptive_depth,
float threshold_distance, float threshold_normal, bool key2xyz,
bool extrapolate, bool save_pts, const Points& points) {
// by default, the octree contains Key and Child
int channel = (key2xyz && depth > 8) ? 2 : 1;
set_channel(OctreeInfo::kKey, channel);
set_location(OctreeInfo::kKey, -1);
set_channel(OctreeInfo::kChild, 1);
set_location(OctreeInfo::kChild, -1);
// set split label
if (split_label) {
set_channel(OctreeInfo::kSplit, 1);
set_location(OctreeInfo::kSplit, -1);
// set feature
const PointsInfo& pt_info =;
channel = +;
if (node_displacement) {
channel += 1;
// In this case, the difference of the average point with the center of
// octree node (3 channels) are saved replacing normal
if ( == 0) channel += 3;
if (save_pts) {
channel += 3; // save the average points as features
set_channel(OctreeInfo::kFeature, channel);
// location = -1 means the features exist on every node
int location = (node_feature || adaptive) ? -1 : depth;
set_location(OctreeInfo::kFeature, location);
// set label
if ( == 1) {
// the channel of label is fixed as 1
set_channel(OctreeInfo::kLabel, 1);
location = (node_feature || adaptive) ? -1 : depth;
set_location(OctreeInfo::kLabel, location);
// init bounding box
bbmin_[0] = bbmin_[1] = bbmin_[2] = -1.0f;
bbmax_[0] = bbmax_[1] = bbmax_[2] = 1.0f;
// !!! Skip nnum_[], nnum_cum_[], nnum_nempty_[] and ptr_dis_[],
// these three properties can only be set when the octree is built.
void OctreeInfo::reset() {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(OctreeInfo));
strcpy(magic_str_, kMagicStr);
bool OctreeInfo::check_format(string& msg) const {
const int max_depth = strcmp(kMagicStr, "_OCTREE_2.0_") ? 8 : 16;
if (strcmp(kMagicStr, magic_str_) != 0) {
msg += "The version of the provided octree format is " +
string(magic_str_) + ", not " + string(kMagicStr) + ".\n";
if (batch_size_ < 0) {
msg += "The batch_size_ should be larger than 0.\n";
if (depth_ < 1 || depth_ > max_depth) {
msg += "The depth_ should be in [1, " + std::to_string(max_depth) + "].\n";
if (full_layer_ < 0 || full_layer_ > depth_) {
msg += "The full_layer_ should be in range [1, depth_].\n";
if (is_adaptive_ && (adp_layer_ < full_layer_ || adp_layer_ > depth_)) {
msg += "The adp_layer_ should be in range [full_layer_, depth_].\n";
const int channel_max[] = { 2, 1, 8, 1 << 30, 1, 1 }; // qq: question, what does this do? kKey 2, kChild 1, kNeigh 8, kFeature 1<<30, kLabel 1, kSplit 1. Why child 1 and kneigh 8?
for (int i = 0; i < kPTypeNum; ++i) {
string str = std::to_string(i);
if (channels_[i] < 0 && channels_[i] > channel_max[i]) {
msg += "The channel " + str + " should be in range [0, " +
std::to_string(channel_max[i]) + "].\n";
if ((channels_[i] == 0) != ((content_flags_ & (1 << i)) == 0)) {
msg += "The content_flags_ should be consistent with channels_[" + str + "].\n";
if (channels_[i] != 0 && locations_[i] != -1 && locations_[i] != depth_) {
msg += "The locations_[" + str + "] should be -1 or " + std::to_string(depth_) + ".\n";
// the OctreeInfo is valid when no error message is produced
return msg.empty();
bool OctreeInfo::is_consistent(const OctreeInfo& info) const {
// ignore threshold_dist_, threshold_norm_, nnum_, nnum_cum_,
// nnum_nempty_, bbmin_, bbmax_, ptr_dis_
return strcmp(magic_str_, info.magic_str_) == 0 &&
memcmp(channels_, info.channels_, 16 * sizeof(int)) == 0 &&
memcmp(locations_, info.locations_, 16 * sizeof(int)) == 0 &&
batch_size_ == info.batch_size_ && depth_ == info.depth_ &&
full_layer_ == info.full_layer_ && adp_layer_ == info.adp_layer_ &&
is_adaptive_ == info.is_adaptive_ && key2xyz_ == info.key2xyz_ &&
has_node_dis_ == info.has_node_dis_ &&
content_flags_ == info.content_flags_;
int OctreeInfo::channel(PropType ptype) const {
if (!has_property(ptype)) return 0;
int i = property_index(ptype);
return channels_[i];
int OctreeInfo::size_of(PropType ptype) const {
int sz = 0;
if (ptype == kChild || ptype == kNeigh) { // qq: question what is kNeigh exactly?
sz = sizeof(int);
} else if (ptype == kFeature || ptype == kLabel || ptype == kSplit) {
sz = sizeof(float);
} else if (ptype == kKey) {
sz = sizeof(uintk);
} else {
// pass
return sz;
int OctreeInfo::locations(PropType ptype) const {
if (!has_property(ptype)) return 0;
int i = property_index(ptype);
return locations_[i];
int64_t OctreeInfo::ptr_dis(PropType ptype, const int depth) const {
if (!has_property(ptype)) return -1;
int i = property_index(ptype);
int64_t dis = ptr_dis_[i]; //int dis = ptr_dis_[i];
if (locations(ptype) == -1) {
dis += (int64_t) nnum_cum_[depth] * channel(ptype) * size_of(ptype);
if (dis==0){std::cout << "Warning in OctreeInfo: ptr_dis\n";}
} else {
// ignore the input parameter depth
return dis;
float OctreeInfo::bbox_max_width() const {
float max_width = bbmax_[0] - bbmin_[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) {
float dis = bbmax_[i] - bbmin_[i];
if (dis > max_width) max_width = dis;
// deal with degenarated case
if (max_width == 0.0f) max_width = 1.0e-10f;
return max_width;
void OctreeInfo::set_content_flags(int cf) {
content_flags_ = cf;
void OctreeInfo::set_batch_size(int b) {
batch_size_ = b < 1 ? 1 : b;
void OctreeInfo::set_depth(int d) {
depth_ = full_layer_ < d ? d : full_layer_;
void OctreeInfo::set_full_layer(int fd) {
full_layer_ = fd < 1 ? 1 : fd;
void OctreeInfo::set_nnum(int d, int num) {
nnum_[d] = num;
void OctreeInfo::set_nnum(const int* num) {
memcpy(nnum_, num, sizeof(int) * (depth_ + 1));
void OctreeInfo::set_nempty(int d, int num) {
nnum_nempty_[d] = num;
void OctreeInfo::set_nempty(const int* num) {
memcpy(nnum_nempty_, num, sizeof(int) * (depth_ + 1));
void OctreeInfo::set_nnum_cum(int d, int num) {
nnum_cum_[d] = num;
void OctreeInfo::set_nnum_cum(int capacity) {
nnum_cum_[0] = 0;
for (int d = 1; d < depth_ + 2; ++d) {
nnum_cum_[d] = nnum_cum_[d - 1] + nnum_[d - 1];
nnum_cum_[depth_ + 2] = capacity > nnum_cum_[depth_ + 1] ?
capacity : nnum_cum_[depth_ + 1];
void OctreeInfo::set_property(PropType ptype, int ch, int lc) {
// this is just a convenient interface to make sure that
// the set_channel and set_location be called together
set_channel(ptype, ch);
set_location(ptype, lc);
void OctreeInfo::set_channel(PropType ptype, int ch) {
// note: the channel and content_flags_ are consisent.
// If channels_[i] != 0, then the i^th bit of content_flags_ is 1.
int i = property_index(ptype);
if (ch > 0) {
channels_[i] = ch;
content_flags_ |= ptype;
} else {
channels_[i] = 0;
// set the corresponding content_flags_ bit as 0
content_flags_ &= ~ptype;
void OctreeInfo::set_location(PropType ptype, int lc) {
// lc: -1, the property exists at all node
// lc: d, the property exists at the d^th level of the octree
// So lc must be in the set [-1, depth]
int i = property_index(ptype);
locations_[i] = lc;
void OctreeInfo::set_ptr_dis() {
// the accumulated pointer displacement
// !!! ALERT !!! Make ptr_dis_[0] be equal to 8*n, otherwise there will be
// the memory alignment issue for CUDA when the we use 64 bit key.
ptr_dis_[0] = (sizeof(OctreeInfo) + 7) / 8 * 8;
for (int i = 1; i <= kPTypeNum; ++i) { // note the " <= " is used here
PropType ptype = static_cast<PropType>(1 << (i - 1));
int lc = locations(ptype);
int num = lc == -1 ? total_nnum_capacity() : node_num(lc);
// If the property do not exist, lc is equal to 0, then num = 8, both of them
// are meaningless. Their values are wiped out by channels_[i - 1] (= 0).
// So the value of ptr_dis_[i] is still correct.
ptr_dis_[i] = ptr_dis_[i - 1] + (int64_t) size_of(ptype) * num * channels_[i - 1]; // qq: TODO: here the size_of could be 4, num could be ~10 million, channels_ could be 24. int up to 2 billion.
void OctreeInfo::set_bbox(const float radius, const float* center) {
float bbmin[3] = {-radius + center[0], -radius + center[1], -radius + center[2]};
float bbmax[3] = {radius + center[0], radius + center[1], radius + center[2]};
set_bbox(bbmin, bbmax);
void OctreeInfo::set_bbox(const float* bbmin, const float* bbmax) {
const int dim = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
bbmin_[i] = bbmin[i];
bbmax_[i] = bbmax[i];
int OctreeInfo::property_index(PropType ptype) const {
int k = 0, p = ptype;
for (int i = 0; i < kPTypeNum; ++i) {
if (0 != (p & (1 << i))) {
k = i; break;
return k;