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319 lines (257 sloc) 12.6 KB
* Non-metric Space Library
* Main developers: Bilegsaikhan Naidan, Leonid Boytsov, Yury Malkov, Ben Frederickson, David Novak
* For the complete list of contributors and further details see:
* Copyright (c) 2013-2018
* This code is released under the
* Apache License Version 2.0
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include "global.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "ztimer.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "experimentconf.h"
#include "space.h"
#include "index.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "methodfactory.h"
#include "eval_results.h"
#include "meta_analysis.h"
#include "query_creator.h"
#include "thread_pool.h"
namespace similarity {
using std::vector;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::stringstream;
using std::mutex;
using std::thread;
using std::ref;
using std::lock_guard;
using std::unique_ptr;
template <typename dist_t>
class Experiments {
typedef Index<dist_t> IndexType;
static void RunAll(bool LogInfo,
unsigned ThreadTestQty,
size_t TestSetId,
const GoldStandardManager<dist_t>& managerGS,
bool recallOnly,
vector<vector<MetaAnalysis*>>& ExpResRange,
vector<vector<MetaAnalysis*>>& ExpResKNN,
const ExperimentConfig<dist_t>& config,
IndexType& Method,
const vector<shared_ptr<AnyParams>>& QueryTimeParams) {
if (LogInfo) LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> TestSetId: " << TestSetId;
if (LogInfo) LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Will use: " << ThreadTestQty << " threads in efficiency testing";
if (LogInfo) config.PrintInfo();
if (!config.GetRange().empty()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < config.GetRange().size(); ++i) {
const dist_t radius = config.GetRange()[i];
RangeCreator<dist_t> cr(radius);
Execute<RangeQuery<dist_t>, RangeCreator<dist_t>>(LogInfo,
ThreadTestQty, TestSetId,
ExpResRange[i], config, cr,
Method, QueryTimeParams);
if (!config.GetKNN().empty()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < config.GetKNN().size(); ++i) {
const size_t K = config.GetKNN()[i];
KNNCreator<dist_t> cr(K, config.GetEPS());
Execute<KNNQuery<dist_t>, KNNCreator<dist_t>>(LogInfo,
ThreadTestQty, TestSetId,
ExpResKNN[i], config, cr,
Method, QueryTimeParams);
if (LogInfo) LOG(LIB_INFO) << "experiment done at " << LibGetCurrentTime();
template <typename QueryType, typename QueryCreatorType>
static void Execute(bool LogInfo, unsigned ThreadTestQty, size_t TestSetId,
const vector<unique_ptr<GoldStandard<dist_t>>> &goldStand,
bool recallOnly,
std::vector<MetaAnalysis*>& ExpRes,
const ExperimentConfig<dist_t>& config,
const QueryCreatorType& QueryCreator,
IndexType& Method,
const vector<shared_ptr<AnyParams>>& QueryTimeParams) {
size_t numquery = config.GetQueryObjects().size();
unsigned MethQty = QueryTimeParams.size();
if (LogInfo) LOG(LIB_INFO) << "##### Query type: " << QueryType::Type();
if (LogInfo) LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> query params = " << QueryCreator.ParamsForPrint();
if (LogInfo) LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Computing efficiency metrics ";
if (LogInfo) LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> # of query time parameters: " << MethQty;
vector<uint64_t> SearchTime(MethQty);
vector<double> ClassAccuracy(MethQty);
vector<double> Recall(MethQty);
vector<double> NumCloser(MethQty);
vector<double> RecallAt1(MethQty);
vector<double> LogPosErr(MethQty);
vector<double> PrecisionOfApprox(MethQty);
vector<double> SystemTimeElapsed(MethQty);
uint64_t SeqSearchTime = 0;
vector<double> AvgNumDistComp(MethQty);
vector<double> ImprDistComp(MethQty);
vector<unsigned> max_result_size(MethQty);
vector<double> avg_result_size(MethQty);
vector<uint64_t> DistCompQty(MethQty);
mutex UpdateStat;
for (size_t MethNum = 0; MethNum < QueryTimeParams.size(); ++MethNum) {
* Setting query time parameters must be done
* before running any tests, in particular, because
* the function SetQueryTimeParams is NOT supposed to be THREAD-SAFE.
const AnyParams& qtp = *QueryTimeParams[MethNum];
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Query-Time Parameters: " << qtp.ToString();
if (LogInfo) LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Efficiency test for: "<< Method.StrDesc();
WallClockTimer wtm;
if (!ThreadTestQty) ThreadTestQty = 1;
vector<vector<size_t>> QueryIds;
vector<vector<unique_ptr<QueryType>>> Queries; // queries with results
* Because each thread uses its own parameter set, we must use
* exactly ThreadTestQty sets.
ParallelFor(0, ThreadTestQty, ThreadTestQty, [&](unsigned QueryPart, unsigned ThreadId) {
size_t numquery = config.GetQueryObjects().size();
WallClockTimer wtm;
for (size_t q = 0; q < numquery; ++q) {
if ((q % ThreadTestQty) == QueryPart) {
unique_ptr<QueryType> query(QueryCreator(config.GetSpace(),
uint64_t t1 = wtm.split();
uint64_t t2 = wtm.split();
lock_guard<mutex> g(UpdateStat);
ExpRes[MethNum]->AddDistComp(TestSetId, query->DistanceComputations());
ExpRes[MethNum]->AddQueryTime(TestSetId, (1.0*t2 - t1)/1e3);
DistCompQty[MethNum] += query->DistanceComputations();
avg_result_size[MethNum] += query->ResultSize();
if (query->ResultSize() > max_result_size[MethNum]) {
max_result_size[MethNum] = query->ResultSize();
SearchTime[MethNum] = wtm.elapsed();
AvgNumDistComp[MethNum] = static_cast<double>(DistCompQty[MethNum])/numquery;
ImprDistComp[MethNum] = config.GetDataObjects().size() / AvgNumDistComp[MethNum];
ExpRes[MethNum]->SetImprDistComp(TestSetId, ImprDistComp[MethNum]);
avg_result_size[MethNum] /= static_cast<double>(numquery);
if (LogInfo) LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Computing effectiveness metrics for " << Method.StrDesc();
for (unsigned QueryPart = 0; QueryPart < ThreadTestQty; ++QueryPart) {
for (size_t qi = 0; qi < Queries[QueryPart].size(); ++qi) {
size_t q = QueryIds[QueryPart][qi] ;
const QueryType* pQuery = Queries[QueryPart][qi].get();
unique_ptr<QueryType> queryGS(QueryCreator(config.GetSpace(), config.GetQueryObjects()[q]));
const GoldStandard<dist_t>& QueryGS = *goldStand[q];
EvalResults<dist_t> Eval(config.GetSpace(), pQuery, QueryGS, recallOnly);
NumCloser[MethNum] += Eval.GetNumCloser();
RecallAt1[MethNum] += Eval.GetRecallAt1();
LogPosErr[MethNum] += Eval.GetLogRelPos();
Recall[MethNum] += Eval.GetRecall();
double addAccuracy = (Eval.GetClassCorrect() == kClassCorrect ? 1:0);
ClassAccuracy[MethNum]+= addAccuracy;
PrecisionOfApprox[MethNum] += Eval.GetPrecisionOfApprox();
ExpRes[MethNum]->AddPrecisionOfApprox(TestSetId, Eval.GetPrecisionOfApprox());
ExpRes[MethNum]->AddRecall(TestSetId, Eval.GetRecall());
ExpRes[MethNum]->AddClassAccuracy(TestSetId, addAccuracy);
ExpRes[MethNum]->AddLogRelPosError(TestSetId, Eval.GetLogRelPos());
ExpRes[MethNum]->AddNumCloser(TestSetId, Eval.GetNumCloser());
ExpRes[MethNum]->AddRecallAt1(TestSetId, Eval.GetRecallAt1());
* Sequential search times should be computed only once.
for (size_t q = 0; q < numquery; ++q) {
const GoldStandard<dist_t>& QueryGS = *goldStand[q];
SeqSearchTime += QueryGS.GetSeqSearchTime();
for (size_t MethNum = 0; MethNum < QueryTimeParams.size(); ++MethNum) {
double timeSec = SearchTime[MethNum]/double(1e6);
double queryPerSec = numquery / timeSec;
if (LogInfo) {
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "=========================================";
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Index type is "<< Method.StrDesc();
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "=========================================";
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> max # results = " << max_result_size[MethNum];
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> avg # results = " << avg_result_size[MethNum];
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> # of distance computations = " << AvgNumDistComp[MethNum];
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Impr in # of dist comp: " << ImprDistComp[MethNum];
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "=========================================";
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Time elapsed: " << timeSec << " sec";
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> # of queries per sec: : " << queryPerSec;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Avg time per query: " << (timeSec/1e3/numquery) << " msec";
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> System time elapsed: " << (SystemTimeElapsed[MethNum]/double(1e6)) << " sec";
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "=========================================";
// This number is adjusted for the number of threads!
double ImprEfficiency = static_cast<double>(SeqSearchTime)/(SearchTime[MethNum]*ThreadTestQty);
ExpRes[MethNum]->SetImprEfficiency(TestSetId, ImprEfficiency);
ExpRes[MethNum]->SetQueryPerSec(TestSetId, queryPerSec);
Recall[MethNum] /= static_cast<double>(numquery);
ClassAccuracy[MethNum] /= static_cast<double>(numquery);
NumCloser[MethNum] /= static_cast<double>(numquery);
RecallAt1[MethNum] /= static_cast<double>(numquery);
LogPosErr[MethNum] /= static_cast<double>(numquery);
PrecisionOfApprox[MethNum] /= static_cast<double>(numquery);
if (LogInfo) {
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "=========================================";
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> # of test threads: " << ThreadTestQty;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Seq. search time elapsed: " << (SeqSearchTime/double(1e6)) << " sec";
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Avg Seq. search time per query: " << (SeqSearchTime/double(1e3)/numquery) << " msec";
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Impr. in Efficiency = " << ImprEfficiency;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Recall = " << Recall[MethNum];
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> PrecisionOfApprox = " << PrecisionOfApprox[MethNum];
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> RelPosError = " << exp(LogPosErr[MethNum]);
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> NumCloser = " << NumCloser[MethNum];
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> RecallAt1 = " << RecallAt1[MethNum];
LOG(LIB_INFO) << ">>>> Class. accuracy = " << ClassAccuracy[MethNum];
if (LogInfo) LOG(LIB_INFO) << "#### Finished " << QueryType::Type() << " " << LibGetCurrentTime();
} // namespace similarity