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1116 lines (937 sloc) 41.6 KB
* Non-metric Space Library
* Main developers: Bilegsaikhan Naidan, Leonid Boytsov, Yury Malkov, Ben Frederickson, David Novak
* For the complete list of contributors and further details see:
* Copyright (c) 2013-2018
* This code is released under the
* Apache License Version 2.0
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
// This is only for _mm_prefetch
#include <mmintrin.h>
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
#include <intrin.h>
#include "portable_simd.h"
#include "space.h"
#include "knnquery.h"
#include "knnqueue.h"
#include "rangequery.h"
#include "ported_boost_progress.h"
#include "method/small_world_rand.h"
#include "sort_arr_bi.h"
#include "thread_pool.h"
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <typeinfo>
#define MAX_ID_TO_SIZE_RATIO 1.5
namespace similarity {
using namespace std;
template <typename dist_t>
struct IndexThreadParamsSW {
const Space<dist_t>& space_;
SmallWorldRand<dist_t>& index_;
IdType startNodeId_;
const ObjectVector& batchData_;
size_t index_every_;
size_t out_of_;
ProgressDisplay* progress_bar_;
mutex& display_mutex_;
size_t progress_update_qty_;
const Space<dist_t>& space,
SmallWorldRand<dist_t>& index,
IdType startNodeId,
const ObjectVector& batchData,
size_t index_every,
size_t out_of,
ProgressDisplay* progress_bar,
mutex& display_mutex,
size_t progress_update_qty
) :
{ }
template <typename dist_t>
struct IndexThreadSW {
void operator()(IndexThreadParamsSW<dist_t>& prm) {
ProgressDisplay* progress_bar = prm.progress_bar_;
mutex& display_mutex(prm.display_mutex_);
* Skip the first element, it was added already in the AddBatch
size_t futureNextNodeId = prm.startNodeId_ + prm.batchData_.size();
size_t nextQty = prm.progress_update_qty_;
for (size_t id = 1; id < prm.batchData_.size(); ++id) {
if (prm.index_every_ == id % prm.out_of_) {
MSWNode* node = new MSWNode(prm.batchData_[id], id + prm.startNodeId_);
prm.index_.add(node, futureNextNodeId);
if ((id + 1 >= min(prm.batchData_.size(), nextQty)) && progress_bar) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(display_mutex);
(*progress_bar) += (nextQty - progress_bar->count());
nextQty += prm.progress_update_qty_;
if (progress_bar) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(display_mutex);
(*progress_bar) += (progress_bar->expected_count() - progress_bar->count());
template <typename dist_t>
SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::SmallWorldRand(bool PrintProgress,
const Space<dist_t>& space,
const ObjectVector& data) :
Index<dist_t>(data), space_(space), PrintProgress_(PrintProgress), use_proxy_dist_(false) {}
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::UpdateNextNodeId(size_t newNextNodeId)
NextNodeId_ = newNextNodeId;
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::CompactIdsIfNeeded()
if (ElList_.size() * MAX_ID_TO_SIZE_RATIO < NextNodeId_) {
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "ID compactification started";
NextNodeId_ = 0;
for (auto it : ElList_) {
MSWNode* node = it.second;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "ID compactification ended";
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::AddBatch(const ObjectVector& batchData,
bool bPrintProgress,
bool bCheckIDs /* this is a debug flag only, turning it on may affect performance */)
if (batchData.empty()) return;
changedAfterCreateIndex_ = true;
size_t futureNextNodeId = NextNodeId_ + batchData.size();
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "Current nextNodeId: " << NextNodeId_
<< " futureNextNodeId + 1 after batch addition: " << futureNextNodeId;
// 2) One entry should be added before all the threads are started, or else add() will not work properly
bool isEmpty = false;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(ElListGuard_);
isEmpty = ElList_.empty();
int start_add=0;
if (isEmpty){
addCriticalSection(new MSWNode(batchData[0], NextNodeId_));
start_add = 1;
unique_ptr<ProgressDisplay> progress_bar(bPrintProgress ?
new ProgressDisplay(batchData.size(), cerr)
if (indexThreadQty_ <= 1) {
// Skip the first element, one element is already added
if (progress_bar) ++(*progress_bar);
for (size_t id = start_add; id < batchData.size(); ++id) {
MSWNode* node = new MSWNode(batchData[id], id + NextNodeId_);
add(node, futureNextNodeId);
if (progress_bar) ++(*progress_bar);
} else {
vector<thread> threads(indexThreadQty_);
vector<shared_ptr<IndexThreadParamsSW<dist_t>>> threadParams;
mutex progressBarMutex;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indexThreadQty_; ++i) {
new IndexThreadParamsSW<dist_t>(space_, *this, NextNodeId_,
i, indexThreadQty_,
progress_bar.get(), progressBarMutex, 200)));
for (size_t i = 0; i < indexThreadQty_; ++i) {
threads[i] = thread(IndexThreadSW<dist_t>(), ref(*threadParams[i]));
for (size_t i = 0; i < indexThreadQty_; ++i) {
LOG(LIB_INFO) << indexThreadQty_ << " indexing threads have finished";
if (bCheckIDs) CheckIDs();
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "The number of data points: " << ElList_.size() << " NextNodeId_ = " << NextNodeId_;
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::DeleteBatch(const ObjectVector& batchData, int delStrategy, bool checkIDs) {
vector<IdType> batchIds;
for (auto o : batchData) batchIds.push_back(o->id());
DeleteBatch(batchIds, delStrategy, checkIDs);
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::DeleteBatch(const vector<IdType>& batchData, int delStrategyCode, bool checkIDs) {
if (batchData.empty() || // 1. batch is empty
0 == NextNodeId_ // 2. no data is indexed
) return;
changedAfterCreateIndex_ = true;
* Done in several stages.
* 1) Identifying entries to be deleted & deleting nodes from ElList_.
* 2) Removing neighbors with subsequent patching
* 3) Actually removing nodes from ElList_ and freeing memory.
// Stage 1. Identifying entries to be deleted.
vector<MSWNode*> vToPatchNodes;
vector<MSWNode*> vToDelNodes;
vector<bool> delNodesBitset(NextNodeId_);
for (IdType objId : batchData) {
const auto it = ElList_.find(objId);
CHECK_MSG(it != ElList_.end(), "An attempt to delete a non-existing object with id=" + ConvertToString(objId));
MSWNode* delNode=it->second;
IdType delNodeId = delNode->getId();
CHECK(delNodeId < (ssize_t)delNodesBitset.size());
for (MSWNode* node: vToDelNodes) {
for (MSWNode* pNeighbor : node->getAllFriends()) {
IdType neighbNodeId = pNeighbor->getId();
CHECK(neighbNodeId < (ssize_t)delNodesBitset.size());
if (!
// vToPatchNodes can have duplicates, but we must process one node exactly ones
sort(vToPatchNodes.begin(), vToPatchNodes.end());
auto it = unique(vToPatchNodes.begin(), vToPatchNodes.end());
vToPatchNodes.resize(distance(vToPatchNodes.begin(), it));
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "The number of nodes that need patching: " << vToPatchNodes.size();
// Stage 2. Removing neighbors & possibly patching
PatchingStrategy patchStrat = static_cast<PatchingStrategy>(delStrategyCode);
CHECK_MSG(patchStrat == kNone || patchStrat == kNeighborsOnly,
"Unsupported patching strategy code: " + ConvertToString(delStrategyCode));
queue<MSWNode*> toPatchQueue;
for (MSWNode* node : vToPatchNodes) toPatchQueue.push(node);
mutex mtx;
vector<thread> threads;
if (indexThreadQty_ <= 1) {
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "Single threaded batch delete: " << vToPatchNodes.size();
MSWNode* node = nullptr;
vector<MSWNode*> cacheDelNode;
while(GetNextQueueObj(mtx, toPatchQueue, node)) {
if (kNone == patchStrat) node->removeGivenFriends(delNodesBitset);
else node->removeGivenFriendsPatchWithClosestNeighbor<dist_t>(space_, use_proxy_dist_,
delNodesBitset, cacheDelNode);
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < indexThreadQty_; ++i) {
[&]() {
MSWNode* node = nullptr;
vector<MSWNode*> cacheDelNode;
while(GetNextQueueObj(mtx, toPatchQueue, node)) {
if (kNone == patchStrat) node->removeGivenFriends(delNodesBitset);
else node->removeGivenFriendsPatchWithClosestNeighbor<dist_t>(space_, use_proxy_dist_,
delNodesBitset, cacheDelNode);
for (auto& thread : threads) thread.join();
if (checkIDs) {
for (auto it : ElList_) {
MSWNode* node = it.second;
IdType nodeId = node->getId();
CHECK(nodeId < (ssize_t)delNodesBitset.size());
for (MSWNode* neighb : node->getAllFriends()) {
IdType neighNodeId = neighb->getId();
CHECK(neighNodeId < (ssize_t)delNodesBitset.size());
if ( {
* Two things to check here:
* 1) Was the node with to-be-deleted neighbor in the list of nodes that need patching?
* 2) Was the deleted node in the list of to-be-deleted nodes?
* 3) Do we have a reciprocal neighbor situation here?
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "Bug: a to-be-deleted node is still found among neighbors!";
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "Is this neighbor in the list of to-be-deleted nodes (as expected)? " << (find(vToDelNodes.begin(),vToDelNodes.end(),neighb)!=vToDelNodes.end());
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "Is the connected node in the list of to-be-patched nodes (as expected)? " << (find(vToPatchNodes.begin(), vToPatchNodes.end(), node) != vToPatchNodes.end());
bool isRecipNeighb = false;
for (MSWNode* nn : neighb->getAllFriends()) {
if (nn == neighb) {
isRecipNeighb = true;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "Do we have a reciprocal neighbor situation here (as expected)? " << isRecipNeighb;
// Stage 4. Clean-up and ID update
for (MSWNode* node : vToDelNodes) {
delete node;
pEntryPoint_ = ElList_.empty() ? nullptr : ElList_.begin()->second;
CHECK(pEntryPoint_ != nullptr || ElList_.empty());
if (checkIDs) CheckIDs();
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::CheckIDs() const
// ElList_.size() can be smaller though
CHECK_MSG(NextNodeId_ >= (ssize_t)ElList_.size(),
"Bug NextNodeId_ = " + ConvertToString(NextNodeId_) +
" is < ElList_.size() = " + ConvertToString(ElList_.size()));
vector<bool> visitedBitset(NextNodeId_);
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "Checking validity of node IDs asslignment";
//We check that each ID is unique and is within the range [0, NextNodeId_)
for(ElementMap::const_iterator it = ElList_.begin(); it != ElList_.end(); ++it) {
MSWNode* pNode = it->second;
IdType nodeID = pNode->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeID >= 0 && nodeID < NextNodeId_,
"Bug: unexpected node ID " + ConvertToString(nodeID) +
" for object ID " + ConvertToString(pNode->getData()->id()) +
"NextNodeId_ = " + ConvertToString(NextNodeId_));
"Bug: duplicating node ID " + ConvertToString(nodeID) +
" encountered which check object ID " + ConvertToString(pNode->getData()->id()));
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::InitParamsManually(const AnyParams& IndexParams)
AnyParamManager pmgr(IndexParams);
pmgr.GetParamOptional("NN", NN_, 10);
pmgr.GetParamOptional("efConstruction", efConstruction_, NN_);
efSearch_ = NN_;
pmgr.GetParamOptional("indexThreadQty", indexThreadQty_, thread::hardware_concurrency());
pmgr.GetParamOptional("useProxyDist", use_proxy_dist_, false);
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "NN = " << NN_;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "efConstruction_ = " << efConstruction_;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "indexThreadQty = " << indexThreadQty_;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "useProxyDist = " << use_proxy_dist_;
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::CreateIndex(const AnyParams& IndexParams)
AnyParamManager pmgr(IndexParams);
pmgr.GetParamOptional("NN", NN_, 10);
pmgr.GetParamOptional("efConstruction", efConstruction_, NN_);
efSearch_ = NN_;
pmgr.GetParamOptional("indexThreadQty", indexThreadQty_, thread::hardware_concurrency());
pmgr.GetParamOptional("useProxyDist", use_proxy_dist_, false);
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "NN = " << NN_;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "efConstruction_ = " << efConstruction_;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "indexThreadQty = " << indexThreadQty_;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "useProxyDist = " << use_proxy_dist_;
AddBatch(this->data_, PrintProgress_);
changedAfterCreateIndex_ = false;
template <typename dist_t>
SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::SetQueryTimeParams(const AnyParams& QueryTimeParams) {
AnyParamManager pmgr(QueryTimeParams);
pmgr.GetParamOptional("efSearch", efSearch_, NN_);
string tmp;
//pmgr.GetParamOptional("algoType", tmp, "v1merge");
pmgr.GetParamOptional("algoType", tmp, "old");
if (tmp == "v1merge") searchAlgoType_ = kV1Merge;
else if (tmp == "old") searchAlgoType_ = kOld;
else {
throw runtime_error("algoType should be one of the following: old, v1merge");
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "Set SmallWorldRand query-time parameters:";
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "efSearch =" << efSearch_;
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "algoType =" << searchAlgoType_;
template <typename dist_t>
const std::string SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::StrDesc() const {
template <typename dist_t>
SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::~SmallWorldRand() {
for (auto e : ElList_) {
MSWNode* pNode = e.second;
delete pNode;
template <typename dist_t>
SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::searchForIndexing(const Object *queryObj,
priority_queue<EvaluatedMSWNodeDirect<dist_t>> &resultSet,
IdType nextNodeIdUpperBound) const
* The trick of using large dense bitsets instead of unordered_set was
* borrowed from Wei Dong's kgraph:
* This trick works really well even in a multi-threaded mode. Indeed, the amount
* of allocated memory is small. For example, if one has 8M entries, the size of
* the bitmap is merely 1 MB. Furthermore, setting 1MB of entries to zero via memset would take only
* a fraction of millisecond.
vector<bool> visitedBitset(nextNodeIdUpperBound); // seems to be working efficiently even in a multi-threaded mode.
vector<MSWNode*> neighborCopy;
* Search for the k most closest elements to the query.
MSWNode* provider = pEntryPoint_;
CHECK_MSG(provider != nullptr, "Bug: there is not entry point set!")
priority_queue <dist_t> closestDistQueue;
priority_queue <EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse<dist_t>> candidateSet;
dist_t d = use_proxy_dist_ ? space_.ProxyDistance(provider->getData(), queryObj) :
space_.IndexTimeDistance(provider->getData(), queryObj);
EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse<dist_t> ev(d, provider);
if (closestDistQueue.size() > efConstruction_) {
IdType nodeId = provider->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeId < nextNodeIdUpperBound,
"Bug: nodeId (" + ConvertToString(nodeId) + ") > nextNodeIdUpperBound (" + ConvertToString(nextNodeIdUpperBound));
visitedBitset[nodeId] = true;
resultSet.emplace(d, provider);
if (resultSet.size() > NN_) { // TODO check somewhere that NN > 0
while (!candidateSet.empty()) {
const EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse<dist_t>& currEv =;
dist_t lowerBound =;
* Check if we reached a local minimum.
if (currEv.getDistance() > lowerBound) {
MSWNode* currNode = currEv.getMSWNode();
* This lock protects currNode from being modified
* while we are accessing elements of currNode.
size_t neighborQty = 0;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(currNode->accessGuard_);
//const vector<MSWNode*>& neighbor = currNode->getAllFriends();
const vector<MSWNode*>& neighbor = currNode->getAllFriends();
neighborQty = neighbor.size();
if (neighborQty > neighborCopy.size()) neighborCopy.resize(neighborQty);
for (size_t k = 0; k < neighborQty; ++k)
// Can't access curEv anymore! The reference would become invalid
// calculate distance to each neighbor
for (size_t neighborId = 0; neighborId < neighborQty; ++neighborId) {
MSWNode* pNeighbor = neighborCopy[neighborId];
IdType nodeId = pNeighbor->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeId < nextNodeIdUpperBound,
"Bug: nodeId (" + ConvertToString(nodeId) + ") > nextNodeIdUpperBound (" + ConvertToString(nextNodeIdUpperBound));
if (!visitedBitset[nodeId]) {
visitedBitset[nodeId] = true;
d = use_proxy_dist_ ? space_.ProxyDistance(pNeighbor->getData(), queryObj) :
space_.IndexTimeDistance(pNeighbor->getData(), queryObj);
if (closestDistQueue.size() < efConstruction_ || d < {
if (closestDistQueue.size() > efConstruction_) {
candidateSet.emplace(d, pNeighbor);
if (resultSet.size() < NN_ || > d) {
resultSet.emplace(d, pNeighbor);
if (resultSet.size() > NN_) { // TODO check somewhere that NN > 0
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::add(MSWNode *newElement, IdType nextNodeIdUpperBound){
bool isEmpty = false;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(ElListGuard_);
isEmpty = ElList_.empty();
// Before add() is called, the first node should be created!
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "Bug: the list of nodes shouldn't be empty!";
throw runtime_error("Bug: the list of nodes shouldn't be empty!");
priority_queue<EvaluatedMSWNodeDirect<dist_t>> resultSet;
searchForIndexing(newElement->getData(), resultSet, nextNodeIdUpperBound);
// TODO actually we might need to add elements in the reverse order in the future.
// For the current implementation, however, the order doesn't seem to matter
while (!resultSet.empty()) {
MSWNode::link(, newElement);
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::addCriticalSection(MSWNode *newElement){
unique_lock<mutex> lock(ElListGuard_);
if (nullptr == pEntryPoint_) {
// When adding the very first element, assign the value of the entry point!
pEntryPoint_ = newElement;
ElList_.insert(make_pair(newElement->getData()->id(), newElement));
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::Search(RangeQuery<dist_t>* query, IdType) const {
// throw runtime_error("Range search is not supported!");
if (searchAlgoType_ == kV1Merge) {std::cerr << "call SearchV1Merge" << endl; SearchV1Merge(query);}
else {std::cerr << "call SearchOld" << endl; SearchOld(query);}
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::Search(KNNQuery<dist_t>* query, IdType) const {
if (searchAlgoType_ == kV1Merge) SearchV1Merge(query);
else SearchOld(query);
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::SearchV1Merge(KNNQuery<dist_t>* query) const {
if (ElList_.empty()) return;
CHECK_MSG(efSearch_ > 0, "efSearch should be > 0");
* The trick of using large dense bitsets instead of unordered_set was
* borrowed from Wei Dong's kgraph:
* This trick works really well even in a multi-threaded mode. Indeed, the amount
* of allocated memory is small. For example, if one has 8M entries, the size of
* the bitmap is merely 1 MB. Furthermore, setting 1MB of entries to zero via memset would take only
* a fraction of millisecond.
vector<bool> visitedBitset(NextNodeId_);
* Search of most k-closest elements to the query.
MSWNode* currNode = pEntryPoint_;
CHECK_MSG(currNode != nullptr, "Bug: there is not entry point set!")
SortArrBI<dist_t,MSWNode*> sortedArr(max<size_t>(efSearch_, query->GetK()));
const Object* currObj = currNode->getData();
dist_t d = query->DistanceObjLeft(currObj);
sortedArr.push_unsorted_grow(d, currNode); // It won't grow
IdType nodeId = currNode->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeId < NextNodeId_, "Bug: nodeId (" + ConvertToString(nodeId) + ") > NextNodeId_ (" +ConvertToString(NextNodeId_) +")");
visitedBitset[nodeId] = true;
uint_fast32_t currElem = 0;
typedef typename SortArrBI<dist_t,MSWNode*>::Item QueueItem;
vector<QueueItem>& queueData = sortedArr.get_data();
vector<QueueItem> itemBuff(8*NN_);
// efSearch_ is always <= # of elements in the queueData.size() (the size of the BUFFER), but it can be
// larger than sortedArr.size(), which returns the number of actual elements in the buffer
while(currElem < min(sortedArr.size(),efSearch_)){
auto& e = queueData[currElem];
e.used = true;
currNode =;
for (MSWNode* neighbor : currNode->getAllFriends()) {
_mm_prefetch(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(const_cast<const Object*>(neighbor->getData())), _MM_HINT_T0);
for (MSWNode* neighbor : currNode->getAllFriends()) {
_mm_prefetch(const_cast<const char*>(neighbor->getData()->data()), _MM_HINT_T0);
if (currNode->getAllFriends().size() > itemBuff.size())
size_t itemQty = 0;
dist_t topKey = sortedArr.top_key();
//calculate distance to each neighbor
for (MSWNode* neighbor : currNode->getAllFriends()) {
nodeId = neighbor->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeId < NextNodeId_, "Bug: nodeId (" + ConvertToString(nodeId) + ") > NextNodeId_ (" +ConvertToString(NextNodeId_));
if (!visitedBitset[nodeId]) {
currObj = neighbor->getData();
d = query->DistanceObjLeft(currObj);
visitedBitset[nodeId] = true;
if (sortedArr.size() < efSearch_ || d < topKey) {
itemBuff[itemQty++]=QueueItem(d, neighbor);
if (itemQty) {
_mm_prefetch(const_cast<const char*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&itemBuff[0])), _MM_HINT_T0);
std::sort(itemBuff.begin(), itemBuff.begin() + itemQty);
size_t insIndex=0;
insIndex = sortedArr.merge_with_sorted_items(&itemBuff[0], itemQty);
if (insIndex < currElem) {
currElem = insIndex;
} else {
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < itemQty; ++ii) {
size_t insIndex = sortedArr.push_or_replace_non_empty_exp(itemBuff[ii].key, itemBuff[ii].data);
if (insIndex < currElem) {
currElem = insIndex;
// To ensure that we either reach the end of the unexplored queue or currElem points to the first unused element
while (currElem < sortedArr.size() && queueData[currElem].used == true)
for (uint_fast32_t i = 0; i < query->GetK() && i < sortedArr.size(); ++i) {
query->CheckAndAddToResult(queueData[i].key, queueData[i].data->getData());
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::SearchV1Merge(RangeQuery<dist_t>* query) const {
if (ElList_.empty()) return;
CHECK_MSG(efSearch_ > 0, "efSearch should be > 0");
* The trick of using large dense bitsets instead of unordered_set was
* borrowed from Wei Dong's kgraph:
* This trick works really well even in a multi-threaded mode. Indeed, the amount
* of allocated memory is small. For example, if one has 8M entries, the size of
* the bitmap is merely 1 MB. Furthermore, setting 1MB of entries to zero via memset would take only
* a fraction of millisecond.
vector<bool> visitedBitset(NextNodeId_);
* Search of most k-closest elements to the query.
MSWNode* currNode = pEntryPoint_;
CHECK_MSG(currNode != nullptr, "Bug: there is not entry point set!")
SortArrBI<dist_t,MSWNode*> sortedArr(efSearch_); // max<size_t>(efSearch_, query->GetK())
const Object* currObj = currNode->getData();
dist_t d = query->DistanceObjLeft(currObj);
sortedArr.push_unsorted_grow(d, currNode); // It won't grow
IdType nodeId = currNode->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeId < NextNodeId_, "Bug: nodeId (" + ConvertToString(nodeId) + ") > NextNodeId_ (" +ConvertToString(NextNodeId_) +")");
visitedBitset[nodeId] = true;
uint_fast32_t currElem = 0;
typedef typename SortArrBI<dist_t,MSWNode*>::Item QueueItem;
vector<QueueItem>& queueData = sortedArr.get_data();
vector<QueueItem> itemBuff(8*NN_);
// efSearch_ is always <= # of elements in the queueData.size() (the size of the BUFFER), but it can be
// larger than sortedArr.size(), which returns the number of actual elements in the buffer
while(currElem < min(sortedArr.size(),efSearch_)){
auto& e = queueData[currElem];
e.used = true;
currNode =;
for (MSWNode* neighbor : currNode->getAllFriends()) {
_mm_prefetch(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(const_cast<const Object*>(neighbor->getData())), _MM_HINT_T0);
for (MSWNode* neighbor : currNode->getAllFriends()) {
_mm_prefetch(const_cast<const char*>(neighbor->getData()->data()), _MM_HINT_T0);
if (currNode->getAllFriends().size() > itemBuff.size())
size_t itemQty = 0;
dist_t topKey = sortedArr.top_key();
//calculate distance to each neighbor
for (MSWNode* neighbor : currNode->getAllFriends()) {
nodeId = neighbor->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeId < NextNodeId_, "Bug: nodeId (" + ConvertToString(nodeId) + ") > NextNodeId_ (" +ConvertToString(NextNodeId_));
if (!visitedBitset[nodeId]) {
currObj = neighbor->getData();
d = query->DistanceObjLeft(currObj);
visitedBitset[nodeId] = true;
if (sortedArr.size() < efSearch_ || d < topKey) {
itemBuff[itemQty++]=QueueItem(d, neighbor);
if (itemQty) {
_mm_prefetch(const_cast<const char*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&itemBuff[0])), _MM_HINT_T0);
std::sort(itemBuff.begin(), itemBuff.begin() + itemQty);
size_t insIndex=0;
insIndex = sortedArr.merge_with_sorted_items(&itemBuff[0], itemQty);
if (insIndex < currElem) {
currElem = insIndex;
} else {
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < itemQty; ++ii) {
size_t insIndex = sortedArr.push_or_replace_non_empty_exp(itemBuff[ii].key, itemBuff[ii].data);
if (insIndex < currElem) {
currElem = insIndex;
// To ensure that we either reach the end of the unexplored queue or currElem points to the first unused element
while (currElem < sortedArr.size() && queueData[currElem].used == true)
for (uint_fast32_t i = 0; i < sortedArr.size(); ++i) { // i < query->GetK() &&
query->CheckAndAddToResult(queueData[i].key, queueData[i].data->getData());
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::SearchOld(KNNQuery<dist_t>* query) const {
if (ElList_.empty()) return;
CHECK_MSG(efSearch_ > 0, "efSearch should be > 0");
* The trick of using large dense bitsets instead of unordered_set was
* borrowed from Wei Dong's kgraph:
* This trick works really well even in a multi-threaded mode. Indeed, the amount
* of allocated memory is small. For example, if one has 8M entries, the size of
* the bitmap is merely 1 MB. Furthermore, setting 1MB of entries to zero via memset would take only
* a fraction of millisecond.
vector<bool> visitedBitset(NextNodeId_);
MSWNode* provider = pEntryPoint_;
CHECK_MSG(provider != nullptr, "Bug: there is not entry point set!")
priority_queue <dist_t> closestDistQueue; //The set of all elements which distance was calculated
priority_queue <EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse<dist_t>> candidateQueue; //the set of elements which we can use to evaluate
const Object* currObj = provider->getData();
dist_t d = query->DistanceObjLeft(currObj);
query->CheckAndAddToResult(d, currObj); // This should be done before the object goes to the queue: otherwise it will not be compared to the query at all!
EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse<dist_t> ev(d, provider);
IdType nodeId = provider->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeId < NextNodeId_, "Bug: nodeId (" + ConvertToString(nodeId) + ") > NextNodeId_ (" +ConvertToString(NextNodeId_) + ")");
visitedBitset[nodeId] = true;
auto iter =; // This one was already compared to the query
const EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse<dist_t>& currEv = iter;
// Did we reach a local minimum?
if (currEv.getDistance() > {
for (MSWNode* neighbor : (currEv.getMSWNode())->getAllFriends()) {
_mm_prefetch(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(const_cast<const Object*>(neighbor->getData())), _MM_HINT_T0);
for (MSWNode* neighbor : (currEv.getMSWNode())->getAllFriends()) {
_mm_prefetch(const_cast<const char*>(neighbor->getData()->data()), _MM_HINT_T0);
const vector<MSWNode*>& neighbor = (currEv.getMSWNode())->getAllFriends();
// Can't access curEv anymore! The reference would become invalid
//calculate distance to each neighbor
for (auto iter = neighbor.begin(); iter != neighbor.end(); ++iter){
nodeId = (*iter)->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeId < NextNodeId_, "Bug: nodeId (" + ConvertToString(nodeId) + ") > NextNodeId_ (" +ConvertToString(NextNodeId_));
if (!visitedBitset[nodeId]) {
currObj = (*iter)->getData();
d = query->DistanceObjLeft(currObj);
visitedBitset[nodeId] = true;
if (closestDistQueue.size() < efSearch_ || d < {
if (closestDistQueue.size() > efSearch_) {
candidateQueue.emplace(d, *iter);
query->CheckAndAddToResult(d, currObj);
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::SearchOld(RangeQuery<dist_t>* query) const {
if (ElList_.empty()) return;
CHECK_MSG(efSearch_ > 0, "efSearch should be > 0");
* The trick of using large dense bitsets instead of unordered_set was
* borrowed from Wei Dong's kgraph:
* This trick works really well even in a multi-threaded mode. Indeed, the amount
* of allocated memory is small. For example, if one has 8M entries, the size of
* the bitmap is merely 1 MB. Furthermore, setting 1MB of entries to zero via memset would take only
* a fraction of millisecond.
vector<bool> visitedBitset(NextNodeId_);
MSWNode* provider = pEntryPoint_;
CHECK_MSG(provider != nullptr, "Bug: there is not entry point set!")
priority_queue <dist_t> closestDistQueue; //The set of all elements which distance was calculated
priority_queue <EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse<dist_t>> candidateQueue; //the set of elements which we can use to evaluate
const Object* currObj = provider->getData();
dist_t d = query->DistanceObjLeft(currObj);
query->CheckAndAddToResult(d, currObj); // This should be done before the object goes to the queue: otherwise it will not be compared to the query at all!
EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse<dist_t> ev(d, provider);
IdType nodeId = provider->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeId < NextNodeId_, "Bug: nodeId (" + ConvertToString(nodeId) + ") > NextNodeId_ (" +ConvertToString(NextNodeId_) + ")");
visitedBitset[nodeId] = true;
auto iter =; // This one was already compared to the query
const EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse<dist_t>& currEv = iter;
// Did we reach a local minimum?
if (currEv.getDistance() > {
for (MSWNode* neighbor : (currEv.getMSWNode())->getAllFriends()) {
_mm_prefetch(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(const_cast<const Object*>(neighbor->getData())), _MM_HINT_T0);
for (MSWNode* neighbor : (currEv.getMSWNode())->getAllFriends()) {
_mm_prefetch(const_cast<const char*>(neighbor->getData()->data()), _MM_HINT_T0);
const vector<MSWNode*>& neighbor = (currEv.getMSWNode())->getAllFriends();
// Can't access curEv anymore! The reference would become invalid
//calculate distance to each neighbor
for (auto iter = neighbor.begin(); iter != neighbor.end(); ++iter){
nodeId = (*iter)->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeId < NextNodeId_, "Bug: nodeId (" + ConvertToString(nodeId) + ") > NextNodeId_ (" +ConvertToString(NextNodeId_));
if (!visitedBitset[nodeId]) {
currObj = (*iter)->getData();
d = query->DistanceObjLeft(currObj);
visitedBitset[nodeId] = true;
if (closestDistQueue.size() < efSearch_ || d < {
if (closestDistQueue.size() > efSearch_) {
candidateQueue.emplace(d, *iter);
query->CheckAndAddToResult(d, currObj);
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::SaveIndex(const string &location) {
"It seems that data was added/deleted after calling CreateIndex, in this case saving indices isn't possible");
ofstream outFile(location);
CHECK_MSG(outFile, "Cannot open file '" + location + "' for writing");
size_t lineNum = 0;
WriteField(outFile, METHOD_DESC, StrDesc()); lineNum++;
WriteField(outFile, "NN", NN_); lineNum++;
for(ElementMap::iterator it = ElList_.begin(); it != ElList_.end(); ++it) {
MSWNode* pNode = it->second;
IdType nodeID = pNode->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeID >= 0 && nodeID < (ssize_t)this->data_.size(),
"Bug: unexpected node ID " + ConvertToString(nodeID) +
" for object ID " + ConvertToString(pNode->getData()->id()) +
"data_.size() = " + ConvertToString(this->data_.size()));
outFile << nodeID << ":" << pNode->getData()->id() << ":";
for (const MSWNode* pNodeFriend: pNode->getAllFriends()) {
IdType nodeFriendID = pNodeFriend->getId();
CHECK_MSG(nodeFriendID >= 0 && nodeFriendID < (ssize_t)this->data_.size(),
"Bug: unexpected node ID " + ConvertToString(nodeFriendID) +
" for object ID " + ConvertToString(pNodeFriend->getData()->id()) +
"data_.size() = " + ConvertToString(this->data_.size()));
outFile << ' ' << nodeFriendID;
outFile << endl; lineNum++;
outFile << endl; lineNum++; // The empty line indicates the end of data entries
WriteField(outFile, LINE_QTY, lineNum + 1 /* including this line */);
template <typename dist_t>
void SmallWorldRand<dist_t>::LoadIndex(const string &location) {
vector<MSWNode *> ptrMapper(this->data_.size());
for (unsigned pass = 0; pass < 2; ++ pass) {
ifstream inFile(location);
CHECK_MSG(inFile, "Cannot open file '" + location + "' for reading");
size_t lineNum = 1;
string methDesc;
ReadField(inFile, METHOD_DESC, methDesc);
CHECK_MSG(methDesc == StrDesc(),
"Looks like you try to use an index created by a different method: " + methDesc);
ReadField(inFile, "NN", NN_);
string line;
while (getline(inFile, line)) {
if (line.empty()) {
lineNum++; break;
stringstream str(line);
char c1, c2;
IdType nodeID, objID;
CHECK_MSG((str >> nodeID) && (str >> c1) && (str >> objID) && (str >> c2),
"Bug or inconsitent data, wrong format, line: " + ConvertToString(lineNum)
CHECK_MSG(c1 == ':' && c2 == ':',
string("Bug or inconsitent data, wrong format, c1=") + c1 + ",c2=" + c2 +
" line: " + ConvertToString(lineNum)
CHECK_MSG(nodeID >= 0 && nodeID < (ssize_t)this->data_.size(),
DATA_MUTATION_ERROR_MSG + " (unexpected node ID " + ConvertToString(nodeID) +
" for object ID " + ConvertToString(objID) +
" data_.size() = " + ConvertToString(this->data_.size()) + ")");
CHECK_MSG(this->data_[nodeID]->id() == objID,
DATA_MUTATION_ERROR_MSG + " (unexpected object ID " + ConvertToString(this->data_[nodeID]->id()) +
" for data element with ID " + ConvertToString(nodeID) +
" expected object ID: " + ConvertToString(objID) + ")"
if (pass == 0) {
unique_ptr<MSWNode> node(new MSWNode(this->data_[nodeID], nodeID));
ptrMapper[nodeID] = node.get();
IdType dataId = node->getData()->id();
ElList_.insert(make_pair(dataId, node.release()));
} else {
MSWNode *pNode = ptrMapper[nodeID];
"Bug, got NULL pointer in the second pass for nodeID " + ConvertToString(nodeID));
IdType nodeFriendID;
while (str >> nodeFriendID) {
CHECK_MSG(nodeFriendID >= 0 && nodeFriendID < (ssize_t)this->data_.size(),
"Bug: unexpected node ID " + ConvertToString(nodeFriendID) +
"data_.size() = " + ConvertToString(this->data_.size()));
MSWNode *pFriendNode = ptrMapper[nodeFriendID];
CHECK_MSG(pFriendNode != NULL,
"Bug, got NULL pointer in the second pass for nodeID " + ConvertToString(nodeFriendID));
pNode->addFriend(pFriendNode, false /* don't check for duplicates */);
"It looks like there is some extract erroneous stuff in the end of the line " +
size_t ExpLineNum;
ReadField(inFile, LINE_QTY, ExpLineNum);
CHECK_MSG(lineNum == ExpLineNum,
DATA_MUTATION_ERROR_MSG + " (expected number of lines " + ConvertToString(ExpLineNum) +
" read so far doesn't match the number of read lines: " + ConvertToString(lineNum) + ")");
pEntryPoint_ = ElList_.empty() ? nullptr : ElList_.begin()->second;
CHECK(pEntryPoint_ != nullptr || ElList_.empty());
NextNodeId_ = ElList_.size();
LOG(LIB_INFO) << "Next node id: " << NextNodeId_ << " ElList_.size(): " << ElList_.size();
template class SmallWorldRand<float>;
template class SmallWorldRand<double>;
template class SmallWorldRand<int>;