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* Non-metric Space Library
* Main developers: Bilegsaikhan Naidan, Leonid Boytsov, Yury Malkov, Ben Frederickson, David Novak
* For the complete list of contributors and further details see:
* Copyright (c) 2013-2018
* This code is released under the
* Apache License Version 2.0
#include "index.h"
#include "params.h"
#include <set>
#include <limits>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <thread>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <queue>
#define METH_SMALL_WORLD_RAND "sw-graph"
#define METH_SMALL_WORLD_RAND_SYN "small_world_rand"
namespace similarity {
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::thread;
using std::mutex;
using std::unique_lock;
using std::condition_variable;
using std::ref;
template <typename dist_t>
class Space;
* A small world approach. It builds the knn-graph incrementally and relies on
* a straightforward randomized algorithm to insert an element.
* The main publication is as follows, but the basic algorithm was also presented as SISAP'12:
* Malkov, Y., Ponomarenko, A., Logvinov, A., & Krylov, V., 2014.
* Approximate nearest neighbor algorithm based on navigable small world graphs. Information Systems, 45, 61-68.
class MSWNode{
MSWNode(const Object *Obj, size_t id) {
nodeObj_ = Obj;
id_ = id;
void removeAllFriends(){
static void link(MSWNode* first, MSWNode* second){
// addFriend checks for duplicates if the second argument is true
first->addFriend(second, true);
second->addFriend(first, true);
// Removes only friends from a given set
void removeGivenFriends(const vector<bool>& delNodes) {
size_t newQty = 0;
* This in-place one-iteration deletion of elements in delNodes
* Invariant in the beginning of each loop iteration:
* i >= newQty
* Furthermore:
* i - newQty == the number of entries deleted in previous iterations
for (size_t i = 0; i < friends_.size(); ++i) {
IdType id = friends_[i]->getId();
if (! {
friends_[newQty] = friends_[i];
// Removes friends from a given set and attempts to replace them with friends' closest neighbors
// cacheDelNode should be thread-specific (or else calling this function isn't thread-safe)
template <class dist_t>
void removeGivenFriendsPatchWithClosestNeighbor(const Space<dist_t>& space, bool use_proxy_dist,
const vector<bool>& delNodes, vector<MSWNode*>& cacheDelNode) {
* This in-place one-iteration deletion of elements in delNodes
* Loop invariants:
* 1) i >= newQty
* 2) i - newQty = delQty
* Hence, when the loop terminates delQty + newQty == friends_.size()
size_t newQty = 0, delQty = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < friends_.size(); ++i) {
MSWNode* oneFriend = friends_[i];
IdType id = oneFriend->getId();
if (! {
friends_[newQty] = friends_[i];
} else {
if (cacheDelNode.size() <= delQty) cacheDelNode.resize(2*delQty + 1);
cacheDelNode[delQty] = oneFriend;
CHECK_MSG((delQty + newQty) == friends_.size(),
"Seems like a bug, delQty:" + ConvertToString(delQty) +
" newQty: " + ConvertToString(newQty) +
" friends_.size()=" + ConvertToString(friends_.size()));
// When patching use the function link()
for (size_t i = 0; i < delQty; ++i) {
MSWNode *toDelFriend = cacheDelNode[i];
MSWNode *friendReplacement = nullptr;
dist_t dmin = numeric_limits<dist_t>::max();
const Object* queryObj = this->getData();
for (MSWNode* neighb : toDelFriend->getAllFriends()) {
IdType neighbId = neighb->getId();
if (! {
const MSWNode* provider = neighb;
dist_t d = use_proxy_dist ? space.ProxyDistance(provider->getData(), queryObj) :
space.IndexTimeDistance(provider->getData(), queryObj);
if (d < dmin) {
dmin = d;
friendReplacement = neighb;
if (friendReplacement != nullptr) {
link(this, friendReplacement);
* 1. The list of friend pointers is sorted.
* 2. If bCheckForDup == true addFriend checks for
* duplicates using binary searching (via pointer comparison).
void addFriend(MSWNode* element, bool bCheckForDup) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(accessGuard_);
if (bCheckForDup) {
auto it = lower_bound(friends_.begin(), friends_.end(), element);
if (it == friends_.end() || (*it) != element) {
friends_.insert(it, element);
} else {
const Object* getData() const {
return nodeObj_;
size_t getId() const { return id_; }
void setId(IdType id) { id_ = id; }
* Before getting access to the friends,
* one needs to lock the mutex accessGuard_
* The mutex can be released ONLY when
* we exit the scope that has access to
* the reference returned by getAllFriends()
const vector<MSWNode*>& getAllFriends() const {
return friends_;
mutex accessGuard_;
const Object* nodeObj_;
size_t id_;
vector<MSWNode*> friends_;
template <typename dist_t>
class EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse{
EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse() {
distance = 0;
element = NULL;
EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse(dist_t di, MSWNode* node) {
distance = di;
element = node;
dist_t getDistance() const {return distance;}
MSWNode* getMSWNode() const {return element;}
bool operator< (const EvaluatedMSWNodeReverse &obj1) const {
return (distance > obj1.getDistance());
dist_t distance;
MSWNode* element;
template <typename dist_t>
class EvaluatedMSWNodeDirect{
EvaluatedMSWNodeDirect() {
distance = 0;
element = NULL;
EvaluatedMSWNodeDirect(dist_t di, MSWNode* node) {
distance = di;
element = node;
dist_t getDistance() const {return distance;}
MSWNode* getMSWNode() const {return element;}
bool operator< (const EvaluatedMSWNodeDirect &obj1) const {
return (distance < obj1.getDistance());
dist_t distance;
MSWNode* element;
template <typename dist_t>
class SmallWorldRand : public Index<dist_t> {
virtual void SaveIndex(const string &location) override;
virtual void LoadIndex(const string &location) override;
SmallWorldRand(bool PrintProgress,
const Space<dist_t>& space,
const ObjectVector& data);
void CreateIndex(const AnyParams& IndexParams) override;
virtual void AddBatch(const ObjectVector& batchData, bool bPrintProgress, bool bCheckIDs = false) override;
virtual void DeleteBatch(const ObjectVector& batchData, int delStrategy,
bool checkIDs = false/* this is a debug flag only, turning it on may affect performance */) override;
virtual void DeleteBatch(const vector<IdType>& batchData, int delStrategy,
bool checkIDs = false/* this is a debug flag only, turning it on may affect performance */) override;
typedef unordered_map<IdType,MSWNode*> ElementMap;
const std::string StrDesc() const override;
void Search(RangeQuery<dist_t>* query, IdType) const override;
void Search(KNNQuery<dist_t>* query, IdType) const override;
void searchForIndexing(const Object *queryObj,
std::priority_queue<EvaluatedMSWNodeDirect<dist_t>> &resultSet,
IdType maxInternalId) const;
void add(MSWNode *newElement, IdType maxInternalId);
void addCriticalSection(MSWNode *newElement);
void SetQueryTimeParams(const AnyParams& ) override;
enum PatchingStrategy { kNone = 0, kNeighborsOnly = 1 };
//This method should be called before LoadIndex to initialize parameters,
//that are usually initialized in Create Index
void InitParamsManually(const AnyParams& IndexParams);
size_t NN_;
size_t efConstruction_;
size_t efSearch_;
size_t indexThreadQty_;
string pivotFile_;
ObjectVector pivots_;
const Space<dist_t>& space_;
bool PrintProgress_;
bool use_proxy_dist_;
mutable mutex ElListGuard_;
ElementMap ElList_;
IdType NextNodeId_ = 0; // This is internal node id
bool changedAfterCreateIndex_ = false;
MSWNode* pEntryPoint_ = nullptr;
void SearchOld(KNNQuery<dist_t>* query) const;
void SearchV1Merge(KNNQuery<dist_t>* query) const;
void UpdateNextNodeId(size_t newNextNodeId);
void CompactIdsIfNeeded();
void CheckIDs() const;
enum AlgoType { kOld, kV1Merge };
AlgoType searchAlgoType_;