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 decimal subtotal = 0;
decimal price;
string input;
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Cashier Program!");
// Input loop for item prices
Console.Write("Enter item price (ex. 1.99) or press enter key if done: ");
input = Console.ReadLine();
if (decimal.TryParse(input, out price))
subtotal += price;
else if (input != "")
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a valid price.");
} while (input != "");
// Calculate sales tax
decimal salesTax = subtotal * 0.0615m;
// Calculate total with tax
decimal total = subtotal + salesTax;
Console.WriteLine($"Subtotal is: {subtotal:C}");
Console.WriteLine($"Sales tax is: {salesTax:C}");
Console.WriteLine($"Total amount due: {total:C}");
// Input for cash given
decimal cash;
Console.Write("Enter the cash given by the customer: ");
input = Console.ReadLine();
if (!decimal.TryParse(input, out cash) || cash <= 0)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a valid positive number.");
} while (!decimal.TryParse(input, out cash) || cash <= 0);
// Calculate change
decimal change = cash - total;
// Calculate denominations
int twenties = (int)(change / 20);
change %= 20;
int tens = (int)(change / 10);
change %= 10;
int fives = (int)(change / 5);
change %= 5;
int ones = (int)change;
change -= ones;
int quarters = (int)(change / 0.25m);
change %= 0.25m;
int dimes = (int)(change / 0.1m);
change %= 0.1m;
int nickels = (int)(change / 0.05m);
change %= 0.05m;
int pennies = (int)(change / 0.01m);
// Output change
Console.WriteLine($"Change: {twenties} $20s, {tens} $10s, {fives} $5s, {ones} $1s, {quarters} quarters, {dimes} dimes, {nickels} nickels, {pennies} pennies");
Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using the Cashier Program!");