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38 lines (31 sloc) 1.48 KB
@echo off
REM Find the path to java. First look in JAT_JAVA, then JAVA_HOME, then in PATH
if defined JAT_JAVA if exist "%JAT_JAVA%\bin\java.exe" set _JAVA_CMD="%JAT_JAVA%\bin\java.exe"&& goto have_java
if defined JAVA_HOME if exist "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" set _JAVA_CMD="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe"&& goto have_java
for %%d in (%PATH%) do if exist "%%d\java.exe" set _JAVA_CMD="%%d\java.exe"&& goto have_java
echo Cannot find java.exe in JAT_JAVA, JAVA_HOME, or path && goto error
REM Determine where JAT classes are. If not running from JAT root, then JAT_HOME must
REM be defined.
if defined JAT_HOME if exist "%JAT_HOME%\jat.bat" goto have_home
if exist ".\jat.bat" set JAT_HOME=.&& goto have_home
REM Setup the classpath - the JAT source tree and everything in external_jar
set _JAT_LIBDIR=%JAT_HOME%\external_jar
REM The next statement is confusing but just combines names of all jars in
REM \external_jar into %JAT_CLASSPATH%
for /R %_JAT_LIBDIR% %%X in (*.jar) do for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%Y in ('set JAT_CLASSPATH') DO set JAT_CLASSPATH=%%Y;%%X
REM Now figure out the Java class to execute. Defaults to CEVSim.
if "%1" == "" set _MAIN_CLASS=jat.sim.CEVSim&& goto have_class
set _MAIN_CLASS=%1
REM remove the first argument and pass the rest to the Java program
%_JAVA_CMD% -classpath %JAT_CLASSPATH% %_MAIN_CLASS% %2 %3 %4 %5 %6
if not errorlevel 1 goto done
set _JAVA_CMD=