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123 lines (84 sloc) 3.14 KB
if(!function_exists('display_research_fac_sc')) {
add_shortcode('display_research_fac', 'display_research_fac_sc');
function display_research_fac_sc ($atts) {
$defaults = array();
$info = array();
$m_argv = array();
$m_query = null;
$no_content = "<p>No Profiles Are Available</p>";
$content = "";
$m_cats = null;
$fac_terms = array();
$fac_terms_nice = array();
$defaults = array('post_type' => 'facultyprofile', 'taxonomy' => 'profilecategory', 'category' => 'group-1');
$info = shortcode_atts($defaults, $atts);
$m_argv = array('post_type' => $info['post_type'],
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'meta_key' => 'lastname',
'order' => 'ASC',
'tax_query' => array(
array('taxonomy' => $info['taxonomy'],
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $info['category'])
$m_query = new WP_Query($m_argv);
$content .= "<ul class = \"small-block-grid-1 medium-block-grid-2 large-block-grid-3\">\n";
$post_id = get_the_ID();
$fac_terms = get_the_terms($post_id, $info['taxonomy']);
$res_areas = array();
$m_cats = "";
$m_css_dots = array();
$j = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < count($fac_terms); $i++) {
if(preg_match('/-res-area/', $fac_terms[$i]->slug)) {
$m_cats .= $fac_terms[$i]->slug . " ";
$res_areas[$j] = $fac_terms[$i]->name;
$m_css_dots[$j] = $fac_terms[$i]->slug . "-bg";
$res_areas = implode(", ", $res_areas);
$content .= "<li>\n
<p><a data-reveal-id = \"faculty-id-$post_id\" class = \"faculty-links $m_cats\" href = \"#\"><img class = \"gray-default\" data-id = \"$post_id\" src = \"" . get_field('photo') . "\" /></a></p>";
$content .= "<p>\n";
for($i = 0; $i < count($m_css_dots); $i++) {
$content .= "<span class = \"" . $m_css_dots[$i] . " active\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> ";
$content .= "</p>\n";
$content .= "<!-- start of modal profile -->
<div id = \"faculty-id-$post_id\" class=\"reveal-modal\" data-reveal aria-labelledby=\"modalTitle\" aria-hidden=\"true\" role=\"dialog\">
<h3>" . get_the_title() ."</h3>
<div class = \"left columns large-4\">
<p><img src = \"" . get_field("photo") . "\" alt = \"\" /></p>
<p><a href = \"" . get_field("website") . "\" class = \"button radius medium\" target = \"_faculty_web\">Website</a></p>
<div class = \"right columns large-8\">
<p><strong>Department: </strong> " . get_field("department") . "</p>
<p><strong>Title: </strong> " . get_field("title") . "</p>
<p><strong>Research Areas</strong> $res_areas</p>
<p><b>Brief Description</b></p>
" . get_field("facultydescription") . "</div>
<a class=\"close-reveal-modal\" aria-label=\"Close\">&#215;</a>
<!-- end of modal profile -->\n";
$content .= "</li>\n";
$content .= "</ul>\n";
} else {
$content = $no_content = "<p>No Profiles Are Available</p>";
return $content;
function appendString($m_data, $content) {
$content .= $m_data;
return $content;
} // end if -- end of detection