Css bubbles animation

Basic Overview:

  • In order to create CSS Animations, we have to learn the basics of @keyframes and it’s animation properties.
  • As you can see above, I used @keyframes for the bubbles, scroll arrow and the color-changing title.
  • Along with introducing each concept, I will provide examples from how the bubbles were created so we can understand CSS Animations along with a mini tutorial on creating the bubble animations!


  1. Keyframes - define the stages and styles of the animation.
  2. Animation Properties - assign the @keyframes to a specific CSS element and define how it is animated.

Let’s talk about animation properties:

Animation properties must be added in order for your animation to work. Animation properties do two things:

  1. They assign the @keyframes to the elements that you want to animate.
  2. They define how it is animated.

Animation properties:

  • animation-name : @keyframes name (I did bubblesAnimation).
  • animation-duration : the time frame length, the total duration of the animation from start to the end.
  • animation-timing-function: sets the animation speed ( linear | ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier ).
  • animation-delay : the delay before our animation will start.
  • animation-iteration-count : how many times it will iterate through animation.
  • animation-direction : gives you the ability to change the loop direction, from start to end, or from end to start, or both.

Shorthand Syntax:

This is the animation property shorthand order (as I used for the bubbles) for a more concise and organized code structure:

animation: [animation-name] [animation-duration] [animation-timing-function] [animation-delay] [animation-iteration-count] [animation-direction];

Example using syntax for one of the bubbles:

*Click on image to enlarge*
× modal

Code explanation:

  • The animation will run for 35s with a 2s animation delay before it starts.
  • The timing functions of the bubbles are linear as they move upwards at a constant rate and I set the iteration count to infinite as it will continue to play over and over.
  • The side to side movement of the bubbles is labeled as sides which is separated with a comma as it is another keyframe besides bubblesAnimations.
  • Ease-in-out means the bubbles will start slowly, speed up, and then slow down towards the end.
  • Alternate means the animation will play from beginning to end, then back to the beginning, and so on.
  • The bubble is scaled 2% to the left and 5% from the top and other bubbles have varying positions based on your preference.
  • The bubble size is determined in the transform property. I scaled this one to (0.27) (this is a very tiny bubble while my largest one is scaled at (0.9)).

Adding Vendor Prefixes:

Also you probably noticed the -webkit- and -moz- prefixes which have identical code to the animation prefix. These are just browser-specific prefixes for browser support:

  • Chrome & Safari: -webkit-
  • Firefox: -moz-
  • Opera: -o-
  • Internet Explorer: -ms-

Bubble classes in HTML:


I choose to have 13 different classes for the bubbles but it is up to you how many bubbles your would like!

Bubble wrap in HTML:


The z-index property set to -1 ensures that our bubbles will appear behind our main title.

Shadows, shape and dimensions of the Bubble:

*Click on image to enlarge*
× modal

The last step is design our bubbles and make them look pretty! As you can see, we set a class="bubble" to every bubble so this piece of code will apply to each one of them.

Code explanation:

  • The border-radius is set to 50% for the round shape.
  • The height and width is 200px by 200px (although all are scaled to be different sizes, this just makes sure we get a perfect circle).
  • The box-shadow is set to a rgba color and the shadow around the bubbles is a greyish color to give more definition.
  • The inset function is great to add an inner shadow for the bubble. I went for a light lavender shade for a reflection complementing the colorful aquarium background.

Works cited and helpful articles:

DMD 3470 © Mahnoor Afteb