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96 lines (67 sloc) 2.6 KB
from turtle import pos
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import os.path
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import glob
folder1 = 'main_dataset' #Read the label
metadata = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(folder1, 'metadata.csv')) #metadata.csv contains the dataset information
labels = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\parib\Desktop\COVID-19-PROJ\main_dataset\label.csv ", names=['label','condition']) #condition
true_label = labels[labels['condition'] == 'TRUE'] #covid pos
false_label = labels[labels['condition']== 'FALSE'] #covid neg
positive_labels = true_label.label
negative_labels = false_label.label
positive_list = []
negative_list = []
for i in positive_labels: #adding each positive and negative to their dedicated folder
for i in negative_labels:
label = labels['label'] #get the label, subject ID and file location
#condition = labels['condition']
subjectid = metadata['Subject ID'] #this is like the primary tag to find each img
filelocation = metadata['File Location'] #address of each img
filelocation_corrected = []
for i in filelocation: #address modification to capture img
address = (i[17:])
replace = address.replace('/','\\')
pos_dest = "Positive"
source = "covidimagesoutputPNGonly"
files = os.listdir(source)
src = "covidimagesoutputPNGonly"
dest = "Negative"
def assign_category(): #moving between folders
for each in negative_list:
shutil.copytree(src + "//" + each, dest + "//" + each)
except FileNotFoundError:
print ("File: ", each, "not found")
positive_folders = "Positive"
Negative_folders = "Negative"
def pos_png_only(): #seperating out the positive and negative
files = glob.glob("./Positive/**/*.PNG", recursive = True)
return files
def neg_png_only():
files = glob.glob("./Negative/**/*.PNG", recursive = True)
return files
pos_pics_destination = "Positivepics"
neg_pics_destination = "Negativepics"
if __name__ == "__main__":
pos = pos_png_only()
neg = neg_png_only()
for each in pos:
shutil.copy(each,pos_pics_destination) #copying each category
print("Done copying pos pics")
for each in neg:
shutil.copy(each, neg_pics_destination)
print("Done copying neg pics")
count = 0
count1 = 0
for i in pos:
count += 1
for i in neg:
count1 += 1
print("Positive pics = ", count, "Negative pics = ", count1) #making sure we have the right amout of files