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\title{AADL Security Framework Proposition and Examination}
\titlerunning{AADL Security} % abbreviated title (for running head)
% also used for the TOC unless
% \toctitle is used
%\author{Paul Wortman \and John A. Chandy}
%\authorrunning{Ivar Ekeland et al.} % abbreviated author list (for running head)
%%%% list of authors for the TOC (use if author list has to be modified)
%\tocauthor{Ivar Ekeland, Roger Temam, Jeffrey Dean, David Grove,
%Craig Chambers, Kim B. Bruce, and Elisa Bertino}
%\institute{University of Connecticut, Storrs CT 06269, USA}%\\
%\email{},\\ WWW home page:
%\texttt{http://users/\homedir iekeland/web/welcome.html}
%Universit\'{e} de Paris-Sud,
%Laboratoire d'Analyse Num\'{e}rique, B\^{a}timent 425,\\
%F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France}
\maketitle % typeset the title of the contribution
%AADL is a common use language that has been developed and tweaked over the years to allow the ability to
%describe model behavior and specifications, with more recent attempts to define language for security
%requirements and verification. This paper examines previous implementations of behavior, requirements, and
%security in AADL and then goes to propose a new framework for better integration and description of security
%requirements and behavior within the AADL lexicon.
\textbf{Something something abstract}
\keywords{security modeling, security framework, secure system design}
Talk about need for a new security framework in AADL. What is missing, what is needed.
What will this paper be bringing to the table?
\section{Related Work}
What has been done by others to expand the security capabilities of AADL?
\subsection{Defining Risk}
Talk about how Risk is defined differently depending on the point-of-view. How will risk be examined for the purpose of this paper?
\section{Introducing the Framework}
Give a detailed description of the framework at this point in time. What is there and what the paper will present.
\section{Exploring a Simple Implementation}
How does a simple examples such as a wireless transmitter get represented in this new framework?
\subsection{Expanding Considerations}
What other additional expansions can be made to the simple wireless transmitter example? Additional costs, variables, levels of additional detail.
\section{Examining Attack and Defense with Detail}
Examination of encryption and authentication processes through the lens of the new security framework.
\subsection{Expansion of Details}
Expand further on additional details and variables that can affect the modeling of secure system solutions.
\section{Additional Concerns}
Detail out the concerns about for needs of `libraries' of information and other data that will be required for greater formalization of calculated values.
Point is to try and have as few `unitless' metric values due to their arbitrary nature. At least will need to convert values to monetary value at some point since time can equal \$\$\$.
What has this paper shown? What needs to be worked on moving forward?
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