diff --git a/ASEE_paper.aux b/ASEE_paper.aux new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6229b31 --- /dev/null +++ b/ASEE_paper.aux @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +\relax +\bbl@beforestart +\babel@aux{english}{} +\citation{nilson2015} +\citation{kluyver2016} +\citation{student1908} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Laboratory schedule for 14-week semester in upper-level engineering course. Each box represents an assignment that includes measurements, statistical analysis, and lab report. The "Mass Measurement Contest" asks students to use a combination of methods from weeks 1-9 to predict the mass of an object attached to a vibrating beam. The final two weeks are used to measure a first-order convective heat transfer problem, incorporating statistical uncertainty, finite element analysis, and verification. \relax }}{2}\protected@file@percent } +\providecommand*\caption@xref[2]{\@setref\relax\@undefined{#1}} +\newlabel{timeline}{{1}{2}} +\bibstyle{unsrtnat} +\bibdata{ASEEpaper} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Plotted above in (a) is the average change in lab report grade as a function of the first Report~\#0 - A statistical analysis of three sample populations. The specification for passing Report \#0 is shown as a red line at 70 points. The green area above the ``Linear model change in grade''=0 shows the students that continuously improved their report grades throughout the semester. The dark red section in the lower-left, that has no student data, would be students that performed poorly and continued to decrease quality. The light-red section between 70 and 100 are the students that decreased quality to the point of risking failing Report~\#6. The yellow section between 70 and 100 above the orange risk section are students that decreased quality, but maintained high enough marks to not risk failing lab reports. There are three populations of students from Fall 2018 $\square $~markers and Fall 2019 $\circ $~markers:\IeC {\nobreakspace }Red indicates students that failed Report~\#0, but their scores increased throughout the semester, Green indicates students that passed Report~\#0 whose scores continued to increase throughout the semester, and orange are students that passed Report~\#0, but their scores decreased throughout the semester. The orange marks in the red sections, "maintain poor quality" were at risk of failing other lab reports. In (b), box plots of the scores from 2018 and 2019 on reports 0-6 are plotted. The median is shown by a horizontal line, the notches indicate the confidence interval, the whiskers denote the range of scores, with outliers marked as circles, and the upper- and lower-quartiles are shown by the boxes above and below the median lines. The red-dashed line indicates the specification for a passing grade on the reports. \relax }}{3}\protected@file@percent } +\newlabel{quality}{{2}{3}} +\bibcite{nilson2015}{{1}{2015}{{Nilson and Stanny}}{{}}} +\bibcite{kluyver2016}{{2}{2016}{{Kluyver et~al.}}{{Kluyver, Ragan-Kelley, P{\'e}rez, Granger, Bussonnier, Frederic, Kelley, Hamrick, Grout, Corlay, et~al.}}} +\bibcite{student1908}{{3}{1908}{{Student}}{{}}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Plotted above is a histogram of the reported errors from Fall~2018 and Fall~2019 for the mass measurement contest. The average mass reported in Fall~2018 and Fall~2019 was 18~$\pm $~33~g and 41~$\pm $~27~g, respectively with error reported as standard deviation. The actual mass measurements were 32~$\pm $~2~g. The histogram is the error=(reported value - the actual value). \relax }}{4}\protected@file@percent } +\newlabel{contest}{{3}{4}} diff --git a/ASEE_paper.bbl b/ASEE_paper.bbl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a4cafd --- /dev/null +++ b/ASEE_paper.bbl @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +\begin{thebibliography}{3} +\providecommand{\natexlab}[1]{#1} +\providecommand{\url}[1]{\texttt{#1}} +\expandafter\ifx\csname urlstyle\endcsname\relax + \providecommand{\doi}[1]{doi: #1}\else + \providecommand{\doi}{doi: \begingroup \urlstyle{rm}\Url}\fi + +\bibitem[Nilson and Stanny(2015)]{nilson2015} +L.~Nilson and C.J. Stanny. +\newblock \emph{Specifications Grading: Restoring Rigor, Motivating Students, + and Saving Faculty Time}. +\newblock Stylus Publishing, 2015. +\newblock ISBN 9781620362440. + +\bibitem[Kluyver et~al.(2016)Kluyver, Ragan-Kelley, P{\'e}rez, Granger, + Bussonnier, Frederic, Kelley, Hamrick, Grout, Corlay, et~al.]{kluyver2016} +Thomas Kluyver, Benjamin Ragan-Kelley, Fernando P{\'e}rez, Brian~E Granger, + Matthias Bussonnier, Jonathan Frederic, Kyle Kelley, Jessica~B Hamrick, Jason + Grout, Sylvain Corlay, et~al. +\newblock Jupyter notebooks-a publishing format for reproducible computational + workflows. +\newblock In \emph{ELPUB}, pages 87--90, 2016. + +\bibitem[Student(1908)]{student1908} +Student. +\newblock The probable error of a mean. +\newblock \emph{Biometrika}, pages 1--25, 1908. + +\end{thebibliography} diff --git a/ASEE_paper.blg b/ASEE_paper.blg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e85eff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/ASEE_paper.blg @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2019/Arch Linux) +Capacity: max_strings=100000, hash_size=100000, hash_prime=85009 +The top-level auxiliary file: ASEE_paper.aux +The style file: unsrtnat.bst +Database file #1: ASEEpaper.bib +You've used 3 entries, + 2481 wiz_defined-function locations, + 570 strings with 4987 characters, +and the built_in function-call counts, 1417 in all, are: += -- 106 +> -- 91 +< -- 4 ++ -- 34 +- -- 28 +* -- 102 +:= -- 232 +add.period$ -- 10 +call.type$ -- 3 +change.case$ -- 5 +chr.to.int$ -- 3 +cite$ -- 3 +duplicate$ -- 72 +empty$ -- 117 +format.name$ -- 33 +if$ -- 300 +int.to.chr$ -- 1 +int.to.str$ -- 4 +missing$ -- 4 +newline$ -- 24 +num.names$ -- 9 +pop$ -- 32 +preamble$ -- 1 +purify$ -- 3 +quote$ -- 0 +skip$ -- 49 +stack$ -- 0 +substring$ -- 49 +swap$ -- 19 +text.length$ -- 2 +text.prefix$ -- 0 +top$ -- 0 +type$ -- 18 +warning$ -- 0 +while$ -- 12 +width$ -- 0 +write$ -- 47 diff --git a/ASEE_paper.log b/ASEE_paper.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a8a51f --- /dev/null +++ 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+%\normalsize Your Institution Name} +\date{} % This leaves the date blank. + +\makeatletter % This gets the margins for the title set. +\patchcmd{\@maketitle}{\begin{center}}{\begin{adjustwidth}{0.5in}{0.5in}\begin{center}}{}{} +\patchcmd{\@maketitle}{\end{center}}{\end{center}\end{adjustwidth}}{}{} +\makeatother + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\begin{document} +\raggedright +\maketitle +\thispagestyle{empty} +\pagestyle{empty} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% PAPER CONTENTS +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\section*{Abstract} + +In this paper, I will discuss a project-based competition in an upper-level +mechanical engineering laboratory course. I redesigned the course in Fall 2018 +to prepare students to make engineering decisions and accomplish design goals. +My short-term objectives were to prepare the students to start their capstone +projects senior year and improve technical writing. The course introduced +static and dynamic beam models and experiments. The project-based competition +asked students to use a cantilever beam to measure the mass of an object. The +laboratory course focused on learning from failure in the form of writing +exercises, peer-editing, and graded progress reports during experiments. +Students spent the first 9 weeks of the course following experimental procedures +and writing lab reports. In the final project-based competition, the students +designed their own set of experiments including finite element analysis and +experimental procedures. The students were graded upon their approach to the +problem and quantification of uncertainties in measured and predicted values. I +awarded a cash prize to the most accurate mass measurement. I will discuss the +impacts of the project-based competition on the following year's senior capstone +projects and detail the measured improvements in technical writing throughout +the semesters in Fall 2018 and Fall 2019. The impacts were measured based +upon a standardized rubric and qualitative interviews. + + +%------------------------------------------------ + +\section*{Introduction} + + +%------------------------------------------------ + +\section*{Methods} + +The course focuses on technical writing and measurements. The laboratory schedule +is shown in Fig.~\ref{timeline}. Lab \#0 was used to introduce statistical +significance in measurements. We relate discussions of rational models and +empirical measurements with statistical analysis. All students worked with the same data set and +submitted reports graded with the rubric in the appendix A.1. Lab \#1 asked +students to quantify differences in machining methods between band saw and +computer numerical control (CNC) parts. Labs \#2-4 asked students to quantify +differences between rational predictions using analytical and numerical models +and empirical measurements. In Lab \#5, the students were asked to perform a +design of experiments, create a predictive model, and use engineering judgement +to measure the mass of an object on a vibrating beam. The final Lab \#6 included +a combination of rational predictions using lumped-mass assumptions, finite +element analysis, and empirical measurements. + +Two of the labs +included finite element analysis to create numerical experiments. The numerical +experiments were compared to measured values for validation and analytical +values for verification. Lab \#2 included digital image correlation to measure +the full kinematic deflection of a beam under static load. + +\begin{figure} + \includegraphics[width=5in]{./lab_schedule.png} + \caption{Laboratory schedule for 14-week semester in upper-level engineering + course. Each box represents an assignment that includes measurements, + statistical analysis, and lab report. The "Mass Measurement Contest" + asks students to use a combination of methods from weeks 1-9 to predict the mass + of an object attached to a vibrating beam. The final two weeks are used to + measure a first-order convective heat transfer problem, incorporating + statistical uncertainty, finite element analysis, and verification. \label{timeline} } +\end{figure} + +The laboratory course includes a number of novel features: specifications +grading, interactive lab handouts, and a project-based competition with +\$150-prize. I use specifications +grading for lab reports \cite{nilson2015}. Each lab report is graded based upon a +pass-fail criteria and a standardized grading rubric. Lab groups of two students were given the +opportunity to revise failed lab reports with tokens. Initially, each lab +group has two tokens with the opportunity to earn more during in-class +discussions or extra credit assignments. Specification grading is geared towards +meeting a minimum set of standards, but allowing the teaching assistants and +myself to offer more criticism. The goal was to help the class improve technical +writing skills or at least maintain a reasonable quality for professional +engineers. + +The lab handouts are hosted as interactive Jupyter\cite{kluyver2016} +notebooks. Students access a server to process example test data, enter their +experimental data, and plot results of analytical predictions. The background +information is rendered as html with links to resources such as Student's 1908 The +Probable Error of a Mean\cite{student1908}, animations, or Wikipedia articles. +The goal was to provide resources that prepare the students for capstone +engineering projects and ultimately for professional engineering projects. + +The project-based competition asks lab groups to measure the mass of an object +attached to a vibrating beam. In weeks 10 and 11, the students create a design of +experiments, take measurements, and create finite element analysis models. The +competition does not have calibration weights, so the students have to rely on +rational predictions and engineering judgments. The +competition ends with the submission of their best estimate of object mass with +a propagation of error and the Methods section. The lab group with the most +accurate measurement was awarded a \$150-prize. After the prize was awarded, the +actual object masses were distributed. The lab groups used week 12 to revise +their approach and submit the lab report. The goal was to encourage students to +create, design, and evaluate, then give clear feedback on the final error in the +predicted results. + +%------------------------------------------------ + +\section*{Results and Discussion} + +The course focused on improving technical writing and making measurements. In +Fig.~\ref{}\quality}(a), the scores of each lab group is fit to a linear model to +determine the change in report grade per report. The goal was to have the entire +class in the green "continuous improvement"-area. In Fall~2018, 92\% of the +class continually improved and in Fall~2019, 72\% of the class continually +improved their scores. + +\begin{figure}[ht] + + \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.5\textwidth} + \begin{centering} + \includegraphics[width=3.5in]{./track_progress/report_quality.png} + \caption{} + \end{centering} + \end{subfigure} + \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.5\textwidth} + \begin{centering} + \includegraphics[width=3in]{./track_progress/report_scores.png} + \caption{} + \end{centering} + \end{subfigure} + + \caption{Plotted above in (a) is the average change in lab report grade as a function of + the first Report~\#0 - A statistical analysis of three sample populations. The + specification for passing Report \#0 is shown as a red line at 70 points. The + green area above the ``Linear model change in grade''=0 shows the students that + continuously improved their report grades throughout the semester. The dark red + section in the lower-left, that has no student data, would be students that + performed poorly and continued to decrease quality. The light-red section + between 70 and 100 are the students that decreased quality to the point of + risking failing Report~\#6. The yellow section between 70 and 100 above the + orange risk section are students that decreased quality, but maintained high + enough marks to not risk failing lab reports. There are three populations of + students from Fall 2018 $\square$~markers and Fall 2019 $\circ$~markers: Red indicates + students that failed Report~\#0, but their scores increased throughout the + semester, Green indicates students that passed Report~\#0 whose scores continued + to increase throughout the semester, and orange are students that passed + Report~\#0, but their scores decreased throughout the semester. The orange marks + in the red sections, "maintain poor quality" were at risk of failing other lab + reports. In (b), box plots of the scores from 2018 and 2019 on reports 0-6 are + plotted. The median is shown by a horizontal line, the notches indicate the + confidence interval, the whiskers denote the range of scores, with outliers + marked as circles, and the upper- and lower-quartiles are shown by the boxes + above and below the median lines. The red-dashed line indicates the + specification for a passing grade on the reports. \label{quality}} +\end{figure} + +\begin{figure}[ht] + \includegraphics[width=5in]{./track_progress/mass_measure.png} + + \caption{Plotted above is a histogram of the reported errors from Fall~2018 + and Fall~2019 for the mass measurement contest. The average mass reported in + Fall~2018 and Fall~2019 was 18~$\pm$~33~g and 41~$\pm$~27~g, respectively with + error reported as standard deviation. The actual mass measurements were + 32~$\pm$~2~g. The histogram is the error=(reported value - the actual value). \label{contest}} +\end{figure} + + +%------------------------------------------------ +\section*{Conclusions and Future Work} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% REFERENCE LIST +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\vspace{4\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip} % Creaters proper 4 blank line +spacing. +\footnotesize % Makes bibliography 10 pt font. +\bibliographystyle{unsrtnat} %Can use a different style as long as it is one +\bibliography{ASEEpaper} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + +\end{document} diff --git a/ASEEpaper.bib b/ASEEpaper.bib new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd9d498 --- /dev/null +++ b/ASEEpaper.bib @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +@book{nilson2015, + title={Specifications Grading: Restoring Rigor, Motivating Students, and Saving Faculty Time}, + author={Nilson, L. and Stanny, C.J.}, + isbn={9781620362440}, + year={2015}, + publisher={Stylus Publishing} +} + +@inproceedings{kluyver2016, + title={Jupyter Notebooks-a publishing format for reproducible computational + workflows.}, + author={Kluyver, Thomas and Ragan-Kelley, Benjamin and P{\'e}rez, Fernando and + Granger, Brian E and Bussonnier, Matthias and Frederic, Jonathan and Kelley, + Kyle and Hamrick, Jessica B and Grout, Jason and Corlay, Sylvain and others}, + booktitle={ELPUB}, + pages={87--90}, + year={2016} +} + +@article{student1908, + title={The probable error of a mean}, + author={Student}, + journal={Biometrika}, + pages={1--25}, + year={1908}, + publisher={JSTOR} +} diff --git a/abstract.md b/abstract.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f40fc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/abstract.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +# Project-based engineering competition in upper-level engineering laboratory + +In this paper, I will discuss a project-based competition in an upper-level +mechanical engineering laboratory course. I redesigned the course in Fall 2018 +to prepare students to make engineering decisions and accomplish design goals. +My short-term objectives were to prepare the students to start +their capstone projects senior year and improve technical writing. +The course introduced static and dynamic beam models and experiments. The +project-based competition asked students to use a cantilever beam to measure the +mass of an object. The laboratory course focused on learning +from failure in the form of writing exercises, peer-editing, and graded progress +reports during experiments. Students spent the first 9 weeks of the course following +experimental procedures and writing lab reports. In the final project-based +competition, the students designed their own set of experiments including finite +element analysis and experimental procedures. The students were graded upon +their approach to the problem and quantification of uncertainties in measured +and predicted values. I awarded a cash prize to the most accurate +mass measurement. I will discuss the impacts of the project-based competition on +the following year's senior capstone projects and detail the measured improvements in +technical writing throughout the semesters in Fall 2018 and Fall 2019. The +impacts will be measured based upon a standardized rubric and qualitative +interviews. + +Topics: + +- Cloud computing: + + - data processing/cleaning + + - statistics and uncertainty + + - curve fitting + +- Numerical modeling + + - finite element analysis + + - convergence + + - verification vs validation + +- Experiments + + - strain gage + + - calipers + + - accelerometers + + - thermocouples + +- Technical writing + + - short documents (<5 pgs, <4 figures) + + - practice quantifying statements + + - learn from failure + + - specification-based grading - lab reports diff --git a/lab_schedule.png b/lab_schedule.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10bc1b9 Binary files /dev/null and b/lab_schedule.png differ diff --git a/lab_schedule.svg b/lab_schedule.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd786cd --- /dev/null +++ b/lab_schedule.svg @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thermocouple + Solid(hot) + Water (cold) + + convection + conduction + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +