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function [t,r] = coriolis(L)
% In class we ran this function using L=41.8084 (the latitude of Storrs, CT). This
% function takes the latitude (L) in degrees and mass (m) and calculates the trajectory
% of a particle with a 100 N load directed North. The initial conditions are set as L
% (in radians) * radius of Earth, 0 m/s initial x-velocity, 0 m E-W position (add to
% -72.261319 degrees for longitude of Storrs), 0 m/s initial E-W velocity, 10 m initial
% altitude, 0 m/s initial z-velocity [L*pi/180*R 0 0 0 10 0], the force is given as 100
% N North, 0 West and 9.81*m z (neutrally buoyant) [100 0 9.81*m]
% the output of myode is ddr=[dx/dt d2x/dt2 dy/dt d2y/dt2 dz/dt d2z/dt2]' and the input
% to myode is r=[x dx/dt y dy/dt z dz/dt]'
% using ode23 solver solves for r as a function of time, here we solve from 0 to 200 s
% r(:,1) = x (the north-south position from 0 to 200 s)
% r(:,3) = x (the West-East position from 0 to 200 s)
% r(:,5) = x (the altitude from 0 to 200 s)
% define ordinary differential equation in terms of 6 first order ODE's
function ddr = myode(t,r,R,L)
g=9.81; % acceleration due to gravity m/s^2
l=10; % 10 m long cable
we=2*pi/23.934/3600; % rotation of Earth (each day is 23.934 hours long)
ddr=zeros(4,1); % initialize ddr
ddr(1) = r(2); % x North(+) South (-)
ddr(2) = 2*we*r(4).*sin(L)-g/l*r(1); % dx/dt
ddr(3) = r(4); % y West (+) East (-)
ddr(4) = -2*we*(r(2).*sin(L))-g/l*r(3); % dy/dt
R=6378.1e3; % radius of Earth in m
[t,r]=ode45(@(t,r) myode(t,r,R,L),[0 30000], [1 0 0 0 ]);
we=2*pi/23.934/3600; % rotation of Earth (each day is 23.934 hours long)
xlabel('time (s)','Fontsize',18)
% Plot Coriolis effect path
title('Path at 0 hr, 4.1 hrs, 8.3 hrs','Fontsize',24)
i1=[1:100]; i2=[floor(N/2):floor(N/2)+100]; i3=[N-100:N];
hold on
xlabel('X (m)','Fontsize',18)
ylabel('Y (m)','Fontsize',18)
zlabel('Z (m)','Fontsize',18)
title('Coriolis acceleration Foucalt Pendulum')
% figure()
% % Plot Eotvos effect for deviation upwards
% plot(1e-3*(r(:,1)-r(1,1)),r(:,5))
% xlabel('North (+km)','Fontsize',18)
% ylabel('Altitude (+m)','Fontsize',18)
% title('Eotvos effect with north force')