%plot --format svg
The interp2 function uses splines to interpolate between data points. What are three options for interpolation:
+cubic spline
+piecewise cubic spline
+linear spline
+quadratic spline
+fourth-order spline
+Numerical integration is a general application of the Newton-Cotes formulas. What is the first order approximation of the Newton-Cotes formula? *
+trapezoidal rule
+Simpson's 1/3 rule
+Simpson's 3/8 rule
+linear approximation of integral
+constant approximation of integral (sum(f(x)*dx))
+Is spring here to stay?
+ +The time is now.
+Final Project Sheet?
+can you provide some sort of hw answer key?
+What's the most 1337 thing you've ever done?
+Can we do out more examples by hand (doc cam or drawing on computer notepad) instead of with pre-written code?
+Favorite movie?
+fe_cr =load('stainless_steel_psi.jpg.dat');
+fprintf('toughness of structural steel is %1.1f psi\n',fe_c_toughness)
+fprintf('toughness of stainless steel is %1.1f psi',fe_cr_toughness)
Evaluating an integral, we assumed a polynomial form for each Newton-Cotes approximation.
+If we can evaluate the function at any point, it makes more sense to choose points more wisely rather than just using endpoints
+Let us set up two unknown constants, $c_{0}$ and $x_{0}$ and determine a wise place to evaluate f(x) such that
+and I is exact for polynomial of n=0, 1
+so $c_{0}=b-a$ and $x_{0}=\frac{b+a}{2}$
+$I=\int_{a}^{b}f(x)dx \approx (b-a)f\left(\frac{b+a}{2}\right)$
+ +f1=@(x) x+1
+f2=@(x) 1/2*x.^2+x+1
+f3=@(x) 1/6*x.^3+1/2*x.^2+x
fprintf('integral of f1 from 2 to 3 = %f',f2(3)-f2(2))
+fprintf('integral of f1 from 2 to 3 ~ %f',(3-2)*f1(3/2+2/2))
+fprintf('integral of f2 from 2 to 3 = %f',f3(3)-f3(2))
+fprintf('integral of f2 from 2 to 3 ~ %f',(3-2)*f2(3/2+2/2))
This process is called Gauss Quadrature. Usually, the bounds are fixed at -1 and 1 instead of a and b
+and I is exact for polynomial of n=0, 1
+so $c_{0}=2$ and $x_{0}=0$
+$I=\int_{-1}^{1}f(x)dx \approx 2f\left(0\right)$
+Now, integrals can be performed with a change of variable
+x= 2 to 3
+or $x_{d}=$ -1 to 1
+at $x_{d}=-1$, x=a
+at $x_{d}=1$, x=b
+$x=\frac{(b+a) +(b-a)x_{d}}{2}$
+$\int_{2}^{3}x+1dx=\int_{-1}^{1}\left(\frac{(2+3) +(3-2)x_{d}}{2} ++1\right) +\frac{3-2}{2}dx_{d}$
+$\int_{2}^{3}x+1dx=\int_{-1}^{1}\left(\frac{5 +x_{d}}{2} ++1\right) +\frac{3-2}{2}dx_{d}$
+ +$\int_{2}^{3}x+1dx=\int_{-1}^{1}\left(\frac{7}{4}+\frac{1}{4}x_{d}\right)dx_{d}=2\frac{7}{4}=3.5$
+ +function I=gauss_1pt(func,a,b)
+ % Gauss quadrature using single point
+ % exact for n<1 polynomials
+ c0=2;
+ xd=0;
+ dx=(b-a)/2;
+ x=(b+a)/2+(b-a)/2*xd;
+ I=func(x).*dx*c0;
Matlab/Octave built-in functions use two types of adaptive quadrature to increase accuracy of integrals of functions.
: Simpson quadrature good for nonsmooth functions
: Lobatto quadrature good for smooth functions
q = quad(fun, a, b, tol, trace, p1, p2, …)
+fun : function to be integrates
+a, b: integration bounds
+tol: desired absolute tolerance (default: 10-6)
+trace: flag to display details or not
+p1, p2, …: extra parameters for fun
+quadl has the same arguments
% integral of quadratic
Expanding the Taylor Series:
+ +x=linspace(-pi,pi);
+y_noise =y_smooth+rand(size(x))*0.1-0.05;
+title('Low noise in sin wave')
% Central Difference derivative
+title('Noise Amplified with derivative')
+Fit a function and take derivative
+a. splines won't help much
+b. best fit curve (better)
+Smooth data (does not matter if you smooth before/after derivative)
+legend('deriv of spline','no change')
+pa=[a(4/2:-1:1) a a(end:-1:end-4/2+1)]
% Smooth data
+N=10; % average data between 10 points (forward/backward)
+y_data=[y_noise(N/2:-1:1) y_noise y_noise(end:-1:end-N/2+1)];
+for i=6:length(x)
+ y_filter(i)=mean(y_data(i-5:i+5));
+title('Noise Amplified with derivative')