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753 lines (704 sloc) 20.1 KB
#ifndef USE_OLD_ALG
#define USE_OLD_ALG 0
#define KERNEL_DEBUG 0
#ifndef TEST
#define TEST 0
// cluster or local?
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/version.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "machine_specific.h"
#include "cuds/cuds_common.h"
#include "cuds/EdgeList.h"
#include "cuds/AdjacencyLists.h"
#include "cuds/"
#include "cuds/"
#include "cuds/"
namespace cuds{
void testSssp(const int nV){
cuds::adjlists::AdjacencyLists g;
cuds::intDeviceVector vdPrev(nV);
cuds::floatDeviceVector vdCost(nV);
int src = 0;
int dest = nV - 1;
printf("Entering Dijkstra\n");
cuds::sssp::dijkstra(g,0, vdCost, vdPrev);
cuds::intHostVector vhPrev = vdPrev;
cuds::floatHostVector vhCost = vdCost;
printf("Final cost:\n");
cuds::printDeviceArr<float>( thrust::raw_pointer_cast(, nV );
printf("Final predecessors:\n");
cuds::printDeviceArr<int>( thrust::raw_pointer_cast(, nV );
for(int i = 0; i < nV; i++){
if( i == src ) {
if( vhCost[i] == CUDS_INF ){
// unreachable
printf( "[%d unreachable from %d]\n", i, src);
printf("] cost: %0.02f\n", vhCost[i]);
void testApspDijkstra(const int nV){
const int nV2 = (int)(nV * nV);
cuds::adjlists::AdjacencyLists g;
cuds::intDeviceVector vdPrev;
cuds::floatDeviceVector vdCost;
printf("Entering Dijkstra\n");
cuds::apsp::dijkstra(g, vdCost, vdPrev);
cuds::intHostVector vhPrev = vdPrev;
cuds::floatHostVector vhCost = vdCost;
for(int src = 0; src < nV; src++){
int offset = src * nV;
int srcIndex = offset + src;
printf("\n----------\nAPSP source: %d\n----------\n", src);
printf("Final cost:\n");
cuds::printDeviceArr<float>( thrust::raw_pointer_cast( + offset, nV );
printf("Final predecessors:\n");
cuds::printDeviceArr<int>( thrust::raw_pointer_cast( + offset, nV );
for(int dest = 0; dest < nV; dest++){
if( dest == src ) {
int destIndex = offset + dest;
if( vhCost[destIndex] == CUDS_INF ){
// unreachable
printf( "[%d unreachable from %d]\n", dest, src);
cuds::sssp::printPath(src, dest, vhPrev, offset);
printf("] cost: %0.02f\n", vhCost[destIndex]);
void testBcDijkstra(const int nV){
const int nV2 = (int)(nV * nV);
cuds::adjlists::AdjacencyLists g;
//#if __CUDS_VERBOSE__
cuds::floatDeviceVector vdCost, vdTime(1, 0);
cuds::intDeviceVector vdBc, vdPred;
float *pdTime = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(;
//printf("Entering BC_Dijkstra\n");
cuds::bc::dijkstra::bc(g, vdBc, vdPred, vdCost, pdTime);
printf("\n####################\nBetweenness Centrality (APSP Dijkstra): \n####################\n");
printf("GPU time (without host/device transfer):\n");
cuds::printDeviceArr<float>(pdTime, 1, true);
int* pdBc = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(;
cuds::printDeviceArr<int>(pdBc, nV, true);
cuds::floatHostVector vhCost = vdCost;
cuds::intHostVector vhPred = vdPred;
for(int src = 0; src < nV; src++){
int offset = src * nV;
int srcIndex = offset + src;
printf("\n----------\nAPSP source: %d\n----------\n", src);
//printf("Final cost:\n");
//cuds::printDeviceArr<float>( thrust::raw_pointer_cast( + offset, nV );
//printf("Final predecessors:\n");
//cuds::printDeviceArr<int>( thrust::raw_pointer_cast( + offset, nV );
for(int dest = 0; dest < nV; dest++){
if( dest == src ) {
int destIndex = offset + dest;
if( vhCost[destIndex] == CUDS_INF ){
// unreachable
//printf( "[%d unreachable from %d]\n", dest, src);
cuds::sssp::printPath(src, dest, vhPred, offset);
printf("] cost: %0.02f\n", vhCost[destIndex]);
void testGraph(const int nV){
//cuds::adjlists::AdjacencyLists g, g2;
cuds::edgelist::EdgeList g3;
//printf("\n\nReading EdgeList into AdjacencyLists\n\n");
printf("\n\nReading EdgeList into EdgeArray\n\n");
cuds::graph::read("/home/saad/cuda-projects/hw/g.txt", g3);
bool testBcShi(const string inFile, int blockSize,
bool memcheckOnly, bool showOutput, int runNumber, string& csvLineString){
printf("*** BC-Shi ***\n");
printf("\nUsing input file: %s\n", inFile.c_str());
//const int nV2 = (int)(nV * nV);
cuds::edgelist::EdgeList g;
// how many vertices and edges?
int n = 0,m = 0;
if( cuds::graph::getGraphSize(inFile.c_str(), n, m) ){
printf("nV: %d nE: %d\n", n, m);
//string errorMessage;
//if( !cuds::bc::checkMemoryRequirements(cuds::bc::BC_ALG_SRIRAM, n, m, errorMessage) ){
//printf("Error: %s", errorMessage.c_str());
printf("Error reading graph info (nV/nE) form file %s\n", inFile.c_str());
return false;
// ok, now we can proceed
// read the graph
if(!cuds::graph::read(inFile.c_str(), g)){
return false;
const int nV = g.nVertices();
//#if __CUDS_VERBOSE__
//cuds::floatDeviceVector vdTime(1, 0);
cuds::floatDeviceVector vdBc;
float timeInMilliSec = 0;
//cuds::intDeviceVector vdPred;
printf("\nEntering BC_Shi\n");
string errorMessage;
if(cuds::bc::shi::bc(g, vdBc, errorMessage, csvLineString, timeInMilliSec, inFile, blockSize, memcheckOnly, runNumber) ){
if( showOutput ){
printf("\n####################\nBetweenness Centrality (Shi): \n####################\n");
//printf("GPU time (without host/device transfer):\n");
//cuds::printDeviceArr<float>(pdTime, 1, true);
float* pdBc = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(;
//float *pdTime = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(;
cuds::printDeviceArr<float>(pdBc, nV, true);
printf("Kernel time: %f millisec\n", timeInMilliSec);
printf("Error: %s\n", errorMessage.c_str());
return false;
// clean up
return true;
bool testBcJia(const string inFile, bool memcheckOnly, bool showOutput, int runNumber, string& csvLineString){
printf("*** BC-Jia ***\n");
printf("\nUsing input file: %s\n", inFile.c_str());
//const int nV2 = (int)(nV * nV);
cuds::edgelist::EdgeList g;
// how many vertices and edges?
int n = 0,m = 0;
if( cuds::graph::getGraphSize(inFile.c_str(), n, m) ){
printf("nV: %d nE: %d\n", n, m);
//string errorMessage;
//if( !cuds::bc::checkMemoryRequirements(cuds::bc::BC_ALG_SRIRAM, n, m, errorMessage) ){
//printf("Error: %s", errorMessage.c_str());
printf("Error reading graph info (nV/nE) form file %s\n", inFile.c_str());
return false;
// ok, now we can proceed
// read the graph
if(!cuds::graph::read(inFile.c_str(), g)){
return false;
const int nV = g.nVertices();
//#if __CUDS_VERBOSE__
//cuds::floatDeviceVector vdTime(1, 0);
cuds::floatDeviceVector vdBc;
float timeInMilliSec = 0;
//cuds::intDeviceVector vdPred;
printf("\nEntering BC_Jia\n");
string errorMessage;
if(cuds::bc::jia::bc(g, vdBc, errorMessage, csvLineString, timeInMilliSec, inFile, memcheckOnly, runNumber) ){
if( showOutput ){
printf("\n####################\nBetweenness Centrality (Jia): \n####################\n");
//printf("GPU time (without host/device transfer):\n");
//cuds::printDeviceArr<float>(pdTime, 1, true);
float* pdBc = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(;
//float *pdTime = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(;
cuds::printDeviceArr<float>(pdBc, nV, true);
printf("Kernel time: %f millisec\n", timeInMilliSec);
printf("Error: %s\n", errorMessage.c_str());
return false;
// clean up
return true;
bool testBcSriram(const string inFile, bool useSuccessor,
bool memcheckOnly, bool showOutput, int runNumber, string& csvLineString){
printf("*** BC-Sriram ***\n");
printf("\nUsing input file: %s\n", inFile.c_str());
//const int nV2 = (int)(nV * nV);
cuds::adjlists::AdjacencyLists g;
// how many vertices and edges?
int n = 0,m = 0;
if( cuds::graph::getGraphSize(inFile.c_str(), n, m) ){
printf("nV: %d nE: %d\n", n, m);
//string errorMessage;
//if( !cuds::bc::checkMemoryRequirements(cuds::bc::BC_ALG_SRIRAM, n, m, errorMessage) ){
//printf("Error: %s", errorMessage.c_str());
printf("Error reading graph info (nV/nE) form file %s\n", inFile.c_str());
return false;
// ok, now we can proceed
// read the graph
if(!cuds::graph::read(inFile.c_str(), g)){
return false;
const int nV = g.nVertices();
//#if __CUDS_VERBOSE__
//cuds::floatDeviceVector vdTime(1, 0);
cuds::floatDeviceVector vdBc;
float timeInMilliSec = 0;
//cuds::intDeviceVector vdPred;
printf("\nEntering BC_Sriram\n");
string errorMessage;
if(cuds::bc::sriram::bc(g, useSuccessor, vdBc,
errorMessage, csvLineString, timeInMilliSec, inFile, memcheckOnly, runNumber) ){
if( showOutput ){
printf("\n####################\nBetweenness Centrality (Sriram): \n####################\n");
//printf("GPU time (without host/device transfer):\n");
//cuds::printDeviceArr<float>(pdTime, 1, true);
float* pdBc = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(;
//float *pdTime = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(;
cuds::printDeviceArr<float>(pdBc, nV, true);
printf("Kernel time: %f millisec\n", timeInMilliSec);
printf("Error: %s\n", errorMessage.c_str());
return false;
// clean up
return true;
void testVector(){
cuds::intDeviceVector vdA(1,19);
cuds::intHostVector vhA(1,17);
int* pdA = thrust::raw_pointer_cast( );
int* phA = thrust::raw_pointer_cast( );
cuds::boolDeviceVector vdB(1,true);
cuds::boolHostVector vhB(1,true);
bool* pdB = thrust::raw_pointer_cast( );
bool* phB = thrust::raw_pointer_cast( );
int a = vdA[0];
int b = vhA[0];
printf("a: %d, b: %d\n", a, b); // 19, 17
vdA[0] = 2;
vhA[0] = 3;
a = vdA[0];
b = vhA[0];
printf("%d, %d\n", a, b); // 2, 3
// printf("%d, %d\n", vdA[0], vhA[0]); // 2, 3 will issue warning
vhA = vdA;
a = vdA[0];
b = vhA[0];
printf("%d, %d\n", a, b); // 2, 2
thrust::copy(vdA.begin(), vdA.end(), vhA.begin());
a = vdA[0];
b = vhA[0];
printf("%d, %d\n", a, b); // 2, 2
a = vdA[0];
b = vhA[0];
printf("%d, %d\n", a, b); // 2, 4
vdA[0] = 9;
vhA[0] = 10;
printf("%d, %d\n", (int)(vdA[0]), vhA[0]); // 9, 10
vdA[0] = vdA[0] + 1;
vhA[0] = vhA[0] + 1;
printf("%d, %d\n", (int)(vdA[0]), vhA[0]); // 10, 11
printf("%d, %d\n", (int)(vdA[0]), vhA[0]); // 11, 12
printf("%d, %d\n", (int)(vdA[0]), vhA[0]); // 11, 13
printf("%d, %d\n", (int)(vdA[0]), phA[0]); // 11, 14
vhB[0] = false;
vdB[0] = true;
printf("%d, %d\n", (bool)(vdB[0]), (bool)phB[0]); // 1, 0
int main(int argc, char** argv){
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
time_t rawtime;
struct tm * timeinfo;
time ( &rawtime );
timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
printf("%sSaad Quader Betweenness Centrality\n", asctime (timeinfo));
// parse command line options
/* Flag set by ‘--verbose’. */
static int noBitPredMatrixFlag = 0;
static int shiFlag = 0;
static int jiaFlag = 0;
static int sriramFlag = 0;
static int showOutputFlag = 0;
static int memoryCheckOnly = 0;
static int sriramUseSuccessorFlag = 0;
static int shiBlockSize = 0;
static int runNumber = 1;
string inFile = "", outFile = "", configName = "";
int c;
while (1)
static struct option long_options[] =
/* These options set a flag. */
{"nobitpred", no_argument, &noBitPredMatrixFlag, 1},
{"shi", no_argument, &shiFlag, 1},
{"jia", no_argument, &jiaFlag, 1},
{"sriram", no_argument, &sriramFlag, 1},
{"memcheck", no_argument, &memoryCheckOnly, 1},
{"show", no_argument, &showOutputFlag, 1},
{"successor", no_argument, &sriramUseSuccessorFlag, 1},
/* These options don't set a flag.
We distinguish them by their indices. */
{"shi-block-size", required_argument, 0, 's'}, // block size of shi
{"input", required_argument, 0, 'i'}, // input file
{"output", required_argument, 0, 'o'}, // output file for stats
{"config", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, // name of the configuration
{"run", required_argument, 0, 'r'}, // name of the configuration
{0, 0, 0, 0}
/* getopt_long stores the option index here. */
int option_index = 0;
c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "s:i:o:c:r:",
long_options, &option_index);
/* Detect the end of the options. */
if (c == -1)
switch (c)
case 0:
/* If this option set a flag, do nothing else now. */
if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0)
printf ("option %s", long_options[option_index].name);
if (optarg)
printf (" with arg %s", optarg);
printf ("\n");
case 's':
printf ("option -s with value `%s'\n", optarg);
shiBlockSize = atoi(optarg);
case 'r':
printf ("option -r with value `%s'\n", optarg);
runNumber = atoi(optarg);
case 'i':
printf ("option -i with value `%s'\n", optarg);
inFile = optarg;
case 'o':
printf ("option -o with value `%s'\n", optarg);
outFile = optarg;
case 'c':
printf ("option -c with value `%s'\n", optarg);
configName = optarg;
case '?':
/* getopt_long already printed an error message. */
abort ();
/* Instead of reporting ‘--verbose’
and ‘--brief’ as they are encountered,
we report the final status resulting from them. */
if (noBitPredMatrixFlag)
puts ("nobitpred flag is set");
if (shiFlag)
puts ("shi flag is set");
if (jiaFlag)
puts ("jia flag is set");
if (sriramFlag)
puts ("sriram flag is set");
if (sriramUseSuccessorFlag)
puts ("successor flag is set");
if (memoryCheckOnly)
puts ("memcheck flag is set");
/* Print any remaining command line arguments (not options). */
if (optind < argc)
printf ("non-option ARGV-elements: ");
while (optind < argc)
printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]);
putchar ('\n');
// resolve options dependency
if(!(shiFlag || jiaFlag || sriramFlag )){
printf("No bc algorithm is mentioned. Set one of the flags {--shi, --jia, --sriram}\n");
return 0;
if( (shiFlag && (sriramFlag || jiaFlag) ) ||
(sriramFlag && (shiFlag || jiaFlag) ) ||
(jiaFlag && (sriramFlag || shiFlag) ) ){
printf("Options error: Only one of the flags {--shi, --jia, --sriram} can be set at a time.\n");
return 0;
if( shiFlag && shiBlockSize < 0){
printf("--shi-block-size: Block size must be non-negative (0 means maximum).\n");
return 0;
if( sriramUseSuccessorFlag && !sriramFlag){
printf("--successor: applies only to Sriram's algorithm (--sriram).\n");
return 0;
if( inFile == "" ){
printf("[Error] No input file specified.\n");
return 0;
// ready to go
printf("Done option parsing.\n");
int cuda_major = CUDA_VERSION / 1000;
int cuda_minor = (CUDA_VERSION % 1000) / 10;
int thrust_major = THRUST_MAJOR_VERSION;
int thrust_minor = THRUST_MINOR_VERSION;
std::cout << "CUDA v" << cuda_major << "." << cuda_minor << std::endl;
std::cout << "Thrust v" << thrust_major << "." << thrust_minor << std::endl;
printf("sizeof int: %d float: %d bool: %d\n", sizeof(int), sizeof(float), sizeof(bool));
// call bc algorithm
string csvLineString = "";
bool bcAlgStatus = false;
if( shiFlag ){
bcAlgStatus = cuds::testBcShi(inFile, shiBlockSize, (bool) memoryCheckOnly, (bool)showOutputFlag, runNumber, csvLineString);
else if( jiaFlag){
bcAlgStatus = cuds::testBcJia(inFile, (bool) memoryCheckOnly, (bool) showOutputFlag, runNumber, csvLineString);
else if( sriramFlag){
bcAlgStatus = cuds::testBcSriram(inFile, (bool) sriramUseSuccessorFlag, (bool) memoryCheckOnly, (bool) showOutputFlag, runNumber, csvLineString);
// done algorithm
time ( &rawtime );
timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
string csvFile = "";
if( bcAlgStatus == false){
csvFile = "output/bc-exp-fail.csv";
char str[1000];
memset(str, 0, 1000);
csvLineString = str;
if(outFile == "" ){
outFile = "output/bc-exp-outcome.csv";
csvFile = outFile;
if(csvLineString != "" ){
printf("\nCSV output in %s:\n%s\n", csvFile.c_str(), csvLineString.c_str());
// write output in output file
int maxAttempts = 10;
unsigned long backoff = 1 * 1000 * 1000; // in microseconds
int iter = 1;
bool done = false;
FILE* fp = fopen(csvFile.c_str(), "a");
if(fp == NULL){
usleep(backoff * iter); // if the file is not availeble, backoff and then try again
fprintf(fp, "%s", csvLineString.c_str() );
done = true;
}while(!done && maxAttempts-- > 0);
if( done == false){
printf("\nOutput Error: Failed to print the csv line in file %s\n", outFile.c_str());
//string inFile = "g8.txt"; // by default, read g8.txt
//if( argc > 1 ){
//inFile = argv[1];
//int n = (int) pow(2.0f,5);
//if( argc > 1 ){
//n = (int) pow(2.0f, atoi(argv[1]));
//cuds::adjlists::AdjacencyLists g;
//g.generate(4, 3);
//g.generate(8, 6);
//g.generate(16, 10);
//g.generate(32, 16);
//g.generate(64, 16);
//g.generate(128, 16);
//cuds::edgelist::EdgeList g2;
//printf("nV = %d\n", n);
// saad::testSssp(n);
* */
return 1;