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345 lines (296 sloc) 8 KB
#include "common.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "CuTest.h"
* CuStr
char* CuStrAlloc(int size)
char* newStr = (char*) malloc( sizeof(char) * (size) );
return newStr;
char* CuStrCopy(const char* old)
int len = strlen(old);
char* newStr = CuStrAlloc(len + 1);
strcpy(newStr, old);
return newStr;
* CuString
void CuStringInit(CuString* str)
str->length = 0;
str->size = STRING_MAX;
str->buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * str->size);
str->buffer[0] = '\0';
CuString* CuStringNew(void)
CuString* str = (CuString*) malloc(sizeof(CuString));
str->length = 0;
str->size = STRING_MAX;
str->buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * str->size);
str->buffer[0] = '\0';
return str;
void CuStringDelete(CuString *str)
if (!str) return;
void CuStringResize(CuString* str, int newSize)
str->buffer = (char*) realloc(str->buffer, sizeof(char) * newSize);
str->size = newSize;
void CuStringAppend(CuString* str, const char* text)
int length;
if (text == NULL) {
text = "NULL";
length = strlen(text);
if (str->length + length + 1 >= str->size)
CuStringResize(str, str->length + length + 1 + STRING_INC);
str->length += length;
strcat(str->buffer, text);
void CuStringAppendChar(CuString* str, char ch)
char text[2];
text[0] = ch;
text[1] = '\0';
CuStringAppend(str, text);
void CuStringAppendFormat(CuString* str, const char* format, ...)
va_list argp;
char buf[HUGE_STRING_LEN];
va_start(argp, format);
vsprintf(buf, format, argp);
CuStringAppend(str, buf);
void CuStringInsert(CuString* str, const char* text, int pos)
int length = strlen(text);
if (pos > str->length)
pos = str->length;
if (str->length + length + 1 >= str->size)
CuStringResize(str, str->length + length + 1 + STRING_INC);
memmove(str->buffer + pos + length, str->buffer + pos, (str->length - pos) + 1);
str->length += length;
memcpy(str->buffer + pos, text, length);
* CuTest
void CuTestInit(CuTest* t, const char* name, TestFunction function)
t->name = CuStrCopy(name);
t->failed = 0;
t->ran = 0;
t->message = NULL;
t->function = function;
t->jumpBuf = NULL;
CuTest* CuTestNew(const char* name, TestFunction function)
CuTest* tc = CU_ALLOC(CuTest);
CuTestInit(tc, name, function);
return tc;
void CuTestDelete(CuTest *t)
if (!t) return;
void CuTestRun(CuTest* tc)
jmp_buf buf;
tc->jumpBuf = &buf;
if (setjmp(buf) == 0)
// added by Saad
printf("Test: %s\n", tc->name);
tc->ran = 1;
tc->jumpBuf = 0;
static void CuFailInternal(CuTest* tc, const char* file, int line, CuString* string)
char buf[HUGE_STRING_LEN];
sprintf(buf, "%s:%d: ", file, line);
CuStringInsert(string, buf, 0);
tc->failed = 1;
tc->message = string->buffer;
if (tc->jumpBuf != 0) longjmp(*(tc->jumpBuf), 0);
void CuFail_Line(CuTest* tc, const char* file, int line, const char* message2, const char* message)
CuString string;
if (message2 != NULL)
CuStringAppend(&string, message2);
CuStringAppend(&string, ": ");
CuStringAppend(&string, message);
CuFailInternal(tc, file, line, &string);
void CuAssert_Line(CuTest* tc, const char* file, int line, const char* message, int condition)
if (condition) return;
CuFail_Line(tc, file, line, NULL, message);
void CuAssertStrEquals_LineMsg(CuTest* tc, const char* file, int line, const char* message,
const char* expected, const char* actual)
CuString string;
if ((expected == NULL && actual == NULL) ||
(expected != NULL && actual != NULL &&
strcmp(expected, actual) == 0))
if (message != NULL)
CuStringAppend(&string, message);
CuStringAppend(&string, ": ");
CuStringAppend(&string, "expected <");
CuStringAppend(&string, expected);
CuStringAppend(&string, "> but was <");
CuStringAppend(&string, actual);
CuStringAppend(&string, ">");
CuFailInternal(tc, file, line, &string);
void CuAssertIntEquals_LineMsg(CuTest* tc, const char* file, int line, const char* message,
int expected, int actual)
char buf[STRING_MAX];
if (expected == actual) return;
sprintf(buf, "expected <%d> but was <%d>", expected, actual);
CuFail_Line(tc, file, line, message, buf);
void CuAssertDblEquals_LineMsg(CuTest* tc, const char* file, int line, const char* message,
double expected, double actual, double delta)
char buf[STRING_MAX];
if (fabs(expected - actual) <= delta) return;
sprintf(buf, "expected <%f> but was <%f>", expected, actual);
CuFail_Line(tc, file, line, message, buf);
void CuAssertPtrEquals_LineMsg(CuTest* tc, const char* file, int line, const char* message,
void* expected, void* actual)
char buf[STRING_MAX];
if (expected == actual) return;
sprintf(buf, "expected pointer <0x%p> but was <0x%p>", expected, actual);
CuFail_Line(tc, file, line, message, buf);
* CuSuite
void CuSuiteInit(CuSuite* testSuite)
testSuite->count = 0;
testSuite->failCount = 0;
memset(testSuite->list, 0, sizeof(testSuite->list));
CuSuite* CuSuiteNew(void)
CuSuite* testSuite = CU_ALLOC(CuSuite);
return testSuite;
void CuSuiteDelete(CuSuite *testSuite)
unsigned int n;
for (n=0; n < MAX_TEST_CASES; n++)
if (testSuite->list[n])
void CuSuiteAdd(CuSuite* testSuite, CuTest *testCase)
assert(testSuite->count < MAX_TEST_CASES);
testSuite->list[testSuite->count] = testCase;
void CuSuiteAddSuite(CuSuite* testSuite, CuSuite* testSuite2)
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < testSuite2->count ; ++i)
CuTest* testCase = testSuite2->list[i];
CuSuiteAdd(testSuite, testCase);
void CuSuiteRun(CuSuite* testSuite)
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < testSuite->count ; ++i)
CuTest* testCase = testSuite->list[i];
if (testCase->failed) { testSuite->failCount += 1; }
void CuSuiteSummary(CuSuite* testSuite, CuString* summary)
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < testSuite->count ; ++i)
CuTest* testCase = testSuite->list[i];
CuStringAppend(summary, testCase->failed ? "F" : ".");
CuStringAppend(summary, "\n\n");
void CuSuiteDetails(CuSuite* testSuite, CuString* details)
int i;
int failCount = 0;
if (testSuite->failCount == 0)
int passCount = testSuite->count - testSuite->failCount;
const char* testWord = passCount == 1 ? "test" : "tests";
CuStringAppendFormat(details, "OK (%d %s)\n", passCount, testWord);
if (testSuite->failCount == 1)
CuStringAppend(details, "There was 1 failure:\n");
CuStringAppendFormat(details, "There were %d failures:\n", testSuite->failCount);
for (i = 0 ; i < testSuite->count ; ++i)
CuTest* testCase = testSuite->list[i];
if (testCase->failed)
CuStringAppendFormat(details, "%d) %s: %s\n",
failCount, testCase->name, testCase->message);
CuStringAppend(details, "\n!!!FAILURES!!!\n");
CuStringAppendFormat(details, "Runs: %d ", testSuite->count);
CuStringAppendFormat(details, "Passes: %d ", testSuite->count - testSuite->failCount);
CuStringAppendFormat(details, "Fails: %d\n", testSuite->failCount);