diff --git a/HW4/README.md b/HW4/README.md index ed5ca61..0b8a5f8 100644 --- a/HW4/README.md +++ b/HW4/README.md @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ heading `# Homework #4` in your `README.md` file The spring is unstretched when x_C=0.5 m. The potential energy due to gravity is: - PE_g=m x_C*g*sin(theta) + PE_g=m x_C\*g\*sin(theta) where m=0.5 kg, and g is the acceleration due to gravity, and the potential energy due to the spring is: - PE_s=1/2*K *(DL)^2$ + PE_s=1/2\*K \*(DL)^2 where DL = 0.5 - sqrt(0.5^2+(0.5-x_C)^2)