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import re, glob, os, collections,sys
from decimal import Decimal
from math import log
from string import ascii_lowercase
# parameters = [ 'TL{all}', 'r(A<->C){1}', 'r(A<->G){1}', 'r(A<->T){1}', 'r(C<->G){1}', 'r(C<->T){1}', 'r(G<->T){1}', 'r(A<->C){2}', 'r(A<->G){2}', 'r(A<->T){2}', 'r(C<->G){2}', 'r(C<->T){2}', 'r(G<->T){2}', 'r(A<->C){3}', 'r(A<->G){3}', 'r(A<->T){3}', 'r(C<->G){3}', 'r(C<->T){3}', 'r(G<->T){3}', 'pi(A){1}', 'pi(C){1}', 'pi(G){1}', 'pi(T){1}', 'pi(A){2}', 'pi(C){2}', 'pi(G){2}', 'pi(T){2}', 'pi(A){3}', 'pi(C){3}', 'pi(G){3}', 'pi(T){3}', 'alpha{1}', 'alpha{2}', 'alpha{3}', 'm{1}', 'm{2}', 'm{3}']
# parameter = 'speciation'
# parameter = parameters[1]
contain = []
gene_list = ['Prior1.log.txt', 'Posterior1.log.txt']
angio = {}
for fname in gene_list:
lines = open(fname, 'r').readlines()
# print lines
headers = lines[0].strip().split()
i = headers.index('tmrca(Anacostia)')
# print i
angio[fname] = []
for line in lines[1:]:
parts = line.strip().split()
# print fname,len(angio[fname])
# angio['Prior.log'] = [127.1125949594009,127.58479381380802,...]
# sys.exit('aborted')
# print angio['Prior.log.txt']
# print angio['Posterior.log.txt']
##partitioning specific parameter values into 3 groups
def partition(values_1, values_2, k):
###sorting values of chosen key
values = sorted(values_1)
# print 'values=', values
values2 = sorted(values_2)
length_values2 = len(values2)
length = int(len(values))
# print
# print 'length=', length
###creating 3 partitons of values
parts = [(length/k)*(i+1) for i in range(k-1)]
# parts = [length/3, (length/3)*2]
# print 'parts=', parts
all_list = []
for n in parts:
###creates lists of n, n*2, n*3 values
diff = 200000.0
diff_list = None
while int(len(values[i+1:])) >= n:
a_diff = values[i+n-1]-values[i]
b_diff = values[i+n]-values[i+1]
if a_diff < diff:
diff = a_diff
diff_list = values[i:i+n]
elif b_diff < diff:
diff = b_diff
diff_list = values[i+1:i+n+1]
# print 'all_list=', all_list
collect2 = [0.0]*(length/k)
# print collect2
collect = []
i =0
# print 'len=', all_list[0], all_list[1]
for i in range(len(all_list)-1):
a = [e for e in all_list[i+1] if e not in all_list[i]]
collect.append([e for e in values if e not in all_list[-1]])
collect2 = [0.0]*(k-1)
while i <= k-2:
tmp = []
for m in values2:
if (m >= collect[i][0]) and (m<=collect[i][-1]):
# print values2
values2 = [e for e in values2 if e not in tmp]
# print 'tmp==', tmp, values2
# print collect2, length_values2, sum(collect2)
# print 'collect2', collect2
Hp1 = log(k)
Hp2_list = []
# if float(collect2
for i in collect2:
if i !=0:
Hp2_list.append((-i/length) * log(i/length))
# print Hp2_list
Hp2 = sum(Hp2_list)
# Hp2 = ((-A2/Total_len) * log(A2/Total_len))+((-B2/Total_len) * log(B2/Total_len))+((-C2/Total_len) * log(C2/Total_len))
M = 100*(1.-(Hp1-Hp2)/log(k))
for i,m in enumerate(collect):
print 'D1 k=%d has n=%d' % (i, len(m))
print '*********************'
for i,m in enumerate(collect2):
print 'D2 k=%d has n=%d' % (i, int(m))
print '*******************************************'
# print 'Compatability of D1 and D2, M(D2|D1) =', M
return M
# print
k = 5
result1 = partition(angio['Prior1.log.txt'], angio['Posterior1.log.txt'], k)
result2 = partition(angio['Posterior1.log.txt'], angio['Prior1.log.txt'], k)
print 'Compatability of D1 and D2, M(D2|D1) =%d', result1
print 'Compatability of D1 and D2, M(D1|D2) =%d', result2
print 'Average Compatability of D1 and D2, {M(D2|D1)+ M(D1|D2)}/2 =', (result1+result2)/2.