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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Author: Jay Lawson -->
<!-- This is my attempt at developing a new build file for MegaMek -->
<!-- The goals of this new build file are as follows -->
<!-- 1) Produce four packages with each release -->
<!-- a) An OS X bundled release using jarbundler -->
<!-- b) A Windows release with the EXE file -->
<!-- c) A linux release with the file -->
<!-- d) A source-file only release to comply with GPL -->
<!-- 2) Reduce the amount of folders and files in each release to make it -->
<!-- more intuitive for the user -->
<project default="release" name="MegaMek" basedir=".">
<!-- Global properties for this build -->
<property name="srcdir" value="src" />
<property name="propdir" value="i18n" />
<property name="confdir" value="mmconf" />
<property name="logdir" value="logs" />
<property name="builddir" value="classes" />
<property name="libdir" value="lib" />
<property name="datadir" value="data" />
<property name="apidocsdir" value="apidocs" />
<property name="docdir" value="docs" />
<property name="svndir" value="svndev" />
<property name="util" value="packaging_utils" />
<!-- Version and packaging properties -->
<property name="" value="megamek" />
<!-- same as builddir but under svn -->
<property name="svnbuilddir" value="${svndir}/${builddir}" />
<!-- svnroot used for svn authentification -->
<property name="svnroot" value="svn://" />
<property name="timestampfile" value="${logdir}/timestamp" />
<property name="TinyXMLsrc" value="" />
<!-- Name of the target jarfile and the class containing the main-Method -->
<property name="jarfile" value="MegaMek.jar" />
<property name="jarmainclass" value="megamek.MegaMek" />
<!-- This is the relative path to the 'data' directory -->
<property name="dataclasspath" value="." />
<!-- Build the list of the lib/*.jar files to be included in the "Class-Path" attribute of the jar's manifest dynamically. -->
<pathconvert pathsep=" " property="jarclasspath">
<!-- We'll include the jars in the "lib" directory -->
<fileset dir="lib/">
<include name="*.jar" />
<flattenmapper />
<globmapper from="*" to="lib/*" />
<condition property="isOsUnixLike">
<os family="unix" />
<condition property="isOsWindows">
<os family="windows" />
<condition property="isOsUnixNotMac">
<os family="unix" />
<os family="mac" />
<condition property="isOsMac">
<os family="mac" />
<taskdef name="jarbundler" classname="net.sourceforge.jarbundler.JarBundler" classpath="${util}/jarbundler-2.1.0.jar" />
<!-- if we're using a Mac then we'll use the launch4j for Mac OS -->
<target name="checkOSMac" if="isOsMac">
<taskdef name="launch4j" classname="net.sf.launch4j.ant.Launch4jTask" classpath="${util}/launch4j/launch4j.jar:${util}/launch4j/lib/xstream.jar" />
<!-- if we're using Windows then we use the launch4j for Windows -->
<target name="checkOSWindows" if="isOsWindows">
<taskdef name="launch4j" classname="net.sf.launch4j.ant.Launch4jTask" classpath="${util}/launch4j/launch4j.jar:${util}/launch4j/lib/xstream.jar" />
<!-- if we're using UNIX or Linux then we'll use the launch4j for Linux -->
<target name="checkOSUNIX" if="isOsUnixNotMac">
<taskdef name="launch4j" classname="net.sf.launch4j.ant.Launch4jTask" classpath="${util}/linux/launch4j/launch4j.jar:${util}/linux/launch4j/lib/xstream.jar" />
<target name="svndev-init" depends="checkOSMac, checkOSWindows, checkOSUNIX">
<tstamp />
<delete dir="${svndir}" />
<input message="Please enter version number (eg. 0.34.0):" addproperty="version" />
<property name="osxdist" value="${}-${version}-mac" />
<property name="windist" value="${}-${version}-windows" />
<property name="nixdist" value="${}-${version}" />
<property name="srcdist" value="${}-${version}-source" />
<!-- following svndev-* tasks get, build & package the current version from svn -->
<target name="svndev-get" depends="svndev-init" description="get the latest source from SVN">
<exec executable="svn">
<arg line="export ${svnroot} ${svndir}" />
<target name="svndev-build" depends="svndev-get" description="compile project from SVN and generate JAR file">
<mkdir dir="${svnbuilddir}" />
<!-- compile -->
<echo message="building MegaMek from svn sources" />
<javac debug="true" debuglevel="lines,source" target="1.7" source="1.7" destdir="${svnbuilddir}" srcdir="${svndir}/${srcdir}" memoryInitialSize="512m" memoryMaximumSize="512m" fork="true">
<pathelement location="${svndir}" />
<fileset dir="${svndir}/${libdir}" includes="*.jar" />
<!-- jar -->
<jar basedir="${svnbuilddir}" jarfile="${svndir}/${jarfile}">
<fileset dir="${svndir}/${propdir}" includes="**/*.properties" />
<fileset dir="${svndir}/${srcdir}" includes="**/*.properties" />
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${}" />
<attribute name="Class-Path" value=". ${jarclasspath}" />
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="${jarmainclass}" />
<!-- generate current equipment.txt -->
<java jar="${svndir}/MegaMek.jar" fork="true">
<arg line="-eqdb docs/equipment.txt" />
<pathelement path="${svndir}" />
<fileset dir="${svndir}/${libdir}" includes="*.jar" />
<copy todir="${svndir}/docs" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${docdir}" includes="equipment.txt" />
<!-- generate current OfficialUnitList.txt -->
<java jar="${svndir}/MegaMek.jar" fork="true">
<arg line="-oul" />
<pathelement path="${svndir}" />
<fileset dir="${svndir}/${libdir}" includes="*.jar" />
<copy todir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${docdir}" includes="OfficialUnitList.txt" />
<!-- Ensure that the log directory exists. -->
<mkdir dir="${svndir}/${logdir}" />
<touch file="${svndir}/${timestampfile}" />
<target name="svndev-clean" description="remove the SVN build directory">
<delete dir="${svnbuilddir}" />
<delete dir="${svndir}" />
<target name="mac-bundle" description="Bundle the project built from SVN into an Mac OSX distribution">
<mkdir dir="${osxdist}" />
<copy todir="${osxdist}">
<fileset dir="${svndir}">
<include name="${docdir}/" />
<include name="readme*.txt" />
<include name="license.txt" />
<include name="${logdir}/" />
<include name="${datadir}/" />
<include name="${confdir}/" />
<exclude name="**/*.psd"/>
<mkdir dir="${osxdist}/" />
<copy todir="${osxdist}/">
<fileset dir="${util}/">
<include name="**/*" />
<copy file="${util}/JavaApplicationStub" todir="${osxdist}/" />
<copy todir="${osxdist}/">
<fileset dir="${svndir}">
<include name="${libdir}/*.jar" />
<include name="${jarfile}" />
<!-- We are no longer going to use jarbundler directly, but rather a static app that
we can copy new jars into. We are also moving the lib outside the app
so that it is consistent with MekHQ
<jarbundler dir="${osxdist}" name="MegaMek" mainclass="megamek.MegaMek" stubfile="packaging_utils/JavaApplicationStub" icon="data/images/misc/megamek.icns" workingdirectory="$APP_PACKAGE/../" vmoptions="-Xmx256m">
<jarfileset dir="${svndir}">
<include name="**/*.jar" />
<exclude name="${util}/" />
<javaproperty name="apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar" value="true" />
<javaproperty name="apple.awt.brushMetal" value="true" />
<!-- I think this will only work on OS X systems -->
<target name="mac-dmg" description="Create a dmg file from the OS X distribution (NOTE: only works on OSX)">
<exec executable="hdiutil">
<arg line="create -srcfolder ${osxdist} ${osxdist}.dmg -volname megamek-dev-svn-mac-${DSTAMP}" />
<target name="mac-stub" if="isOsMac" description="Replace stubs if on OSX">
<delete file="${osxdist}/" />
<exec executable="ln">
<arg line="-s /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub" />
<arg value="${osxdist}/" />
<target name="mac-zip">
<tar destfile="${osxdist}.tar.bz2" compression="bzip2" longfile="gnu">
<tarfileset dir="${osxdist}" mode="755" />
<target name="mac-tar" depends="mac-stub,mac-zip" description="Create a compressed tar file of the OS X distribution" />
<target name="mac-clean">
<delete dir="${osxdist}" />
<target name="mac-package" depends="mac-bundle, mac-tar, mac-clean" description="Package a Mac OS X distribution of the project built from SVN" />
<target name="nix-bundle" description="Bundle the project built from SVN into a unix distribution">
<mkdir dir="${nixdist}" />
<mkdir dir="${nixdist}/${nixdist}" />
<copy todir="${nixdist}/${nixdist}">
<fileset dir="${svndir}">
<include name="${jarfile}" />
<include name="${libdir}/*.jar" />
<include name="${logdir}/" />
<include name="${datadir}/" />
<include name="${confdir}/" />
<include name="${docdir}/" />
<include name="readme*.txt" />
<include name="license.txt" />
<include name="" />
<exclude name="**/*.psd"/>
<target name="nix-tar" description="Create a compressed tar file of the unix distribution">
<tar destfile="${nixdist}.tar.gz" basedir="${nixdist}" compression="gzip" longfile="gnu" />
<target name="nix-clean">
<delete dir="${nixdist}" />
<target name="nix-package" depends="nix-bundle, nix-tar, nix-clean" description="Package a Unix distribution of the project built from SVN" />
<!-- Produce an EXE file -->
<target name="exe" description="Generate an EXE wrapper for MegaMek.jar">
<delete file="${svndir}/MegaMek.exe" />
<launch4j configFile="${util}/megamek.4j.xml" />
<target name="win-bundle" depends="exe" description="Bundle the project built from SVN into a Windows distribution">
<mkdir dir="${windist}" />
<copy todir="${windist}">
<fileset dir="${svndir}">
<include name="${libdir}/" />
<include name="${logdir}/" />
<include name="${datadir}/" />
<include name="${confdir}/" />
<include name="${docdir}/" />
<include name="readme*.txt" />
<include name="license.txt" />
<include name="MegaMek.exe" />
<exclude name="**/*.psd"/>
<copy file="${util}/megamek.l4j.ini" todir="${windist}" />
<copy file="${svndir}/MegaMek.jar" todir="${windist}/lib/" />
<target name="unitfiles-zip" description="Create a zipfile of the Mech datafiles">
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/battlearmor" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/convfighter" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/dropships" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/fighters" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/ge" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/infantry" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/jumpships" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/mechs" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/protomechs" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/smallcraft" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/spacestation" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/unofficial" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/vehicles" />
<zip zipfile="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/" basedir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/warship" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/battlearmor" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/convfighter" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/dropships" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/fighters" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/ge" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/infantry" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/jumpships" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/mechs" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/protomechs" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/smallcraft" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/spacestation" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/unofficial" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/vehicles" />
<delete dir="${svndir}/${datadir}/mechfiles/warship" />
<target name="win-zip" description="Create a zipfile of the Windows distribution">
<zip zipfile="${basedir}/${windist}.zip" basedir="${windist}" />
<target name="win-clean">
<delete dir="${windist}" />
<target name="win-package" depends="win-bundle, win-zip, win-clean" description="Package a Windows distribution of the project built from SVN" />
<target name="source-package" description="Package a source-only distribution of the project built from SVN">
<mkdir dir="${srcdist}" />
<mkdir dir="${srcdist}/${srcdist}" />
<copy todir="${srcdist}/${srcdist}">
<fileset dir="${svndir}">
<exclude name="${builddir}/**" />
<exclude name="MegaMek.jar" />
<tar destfile="${srcdist}.tar.gz" basedir="${srcdist}" compression="gzip" longfile="gnu">
<exclude name="${builddir}/**" />
<exclude name="MegaMek.jar" />
<exclude name="MegaMek.exe" />
<delete dir="${srcdist}" />
<target name="release" depends="svndev-build, unitfiles-zip, mac-package, nix-package, win-package, source-package, svndev-clean" description="Build the project from SVN and package it as Windows, Mac, Unix, and source-only" />
<target name="mac-release" depends="svndev-build, mac-package, svndev-clean" description="Build the project from local source and package it as Mac" />
<target name="win-release" depends="svndev-build, win-package, svndev-clean" description="Build the project from local source and package it as Windows" />
<target name="nix-release" depends="svndev-build, nix-package, svndev-clean" description="Build the project from local source and package it as Unix" />
<target name="src-release" depends="svndev-build, source-package, svndev-clean" description="Build the project from local source and package it as source-only" />