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##substitute rare gene of choice for intein
####set up psi blast to get pssms
#### *.fa = amino acid sequences of inteins
#### transcont.fasta = aminoacid sequence of metagenome (use emboss transeq on assembled reads)
for b in *.fa; do psiblast -query "$b" -db transcont.fasta -out ${b%.fa}.blast -outfmt 6 -num_iterations 5 -out_pssm ${b%.fa}.pssm -save_pssm_after_last_round; done
# this takes a while, recommend doin git in a script
#to get rid of converged sequences/pssm
for file in $(grep -l CONVERGED *.blast); do rm -i ${file%.blast}.pssm; done
###################### search an AA metagenome with all intein pssms ###################
######### *.pssm= pssm
######### contigs.fastaa = nucleotide sequence from assembled reads
for b in *.pssm; do tblastn -in_pssm "$b" -db contigs.fasta -out "$b".search -outfmt 6 -evalue 1e-10; done
#use each pssm to blast a metagenome (-d) this command will only work for aa metagenomes
#this must be done in a directory containing all the pssms, an infile for each pssm, and the
#metagenome that the user intends to search which has been previously formated into a db,
#and a list of the names of each pssm in a file called pssm.list
###########extract all the hits from a metagenome using all PSSMs #######################
################ remove redundant sequences hit in multiple PSSMs #####################
cat *.search |cut -f 2 >all.bout
#list all of the hits from a psiblast using all intein PSSMs
sort all.hits >sort.hits
#sort all of the hits alphabetically by contig name from metagenome file
uniq sort.hits >mg_name.hits
#extract only unique hits mg_name.hits is a list of contigs which were found by PSSMs
#can also do in excel, data -> remove duplicates
####need to remove \n in contigs so each sequence is all in one line
#linebreak inbetween multifasta, this is all one line
awk '!/^>/ { printf "%s", $0; n = "\n" }
/^>/ { print n $0; n = "" }
END { printf "%s", n }
' contigs.fasta >> contigs.eol
##### mg.fas = fasta of metagenome assembly, usually contigs.eol from above
for filn in `cat all.hits`; do grep -A 1 $filn contigs.eol> $filn.seqfile;done
#makes a list of all of the contigs and searches for the corresponding fasta sequence in the metagenome .fas file
#### *.seqfile = fasta sequences of contigs identified by pssms
#### intein.db == multifasta of intein sequences containing all inteins from (AA)
for filn in `cat all.hits`; do blastx -query $filn.seqfile -db /home/CAM/yfeng/inteindb/intein.db -outfmt 6 -out $filn.blast ;done
#new blast
for f in `cat all.hits`; do head -1 $f.blast >> all.tsbh; done
#works for allf
#extract tsbh for each contig, identifies hit as being BIL, HNT, HE, mid, or intein
cat *.tsbh > all.tsbh
#make one file of all the tsbh for all contigs
for filn in *.seqfile; do blastx -query $filn -db /home/CAM/yfeng/inteindb/intein.db -outfmt "6 qaccver saccver qstart qend sstart send evalue qseq" -max_target_seqs 1 >> seqs.tsbh ;done
#sort all.tsbh by bitscore in excel or equivalent (highlight all -> data -> sort )
# at this point the user needs to determine how many of the hits should be extracts I have
#determined that bits of 100 or more are actually inteins anything under that cannot be reliably aligned
# to the identified intein hit, once the user has determined how many of the hits are above 100
#use tail to grab _ hits from the bottom of the list for instance if the last 20 hits are
#above 100: tail -n 20 >
############ NR blast is optional: used to identify gene/species
################ once hits are extracted they need to be blasted against the #############
################ nr db to identify the extein the intein may be inserted into ############
cut -f 1 > contigs.list
#makes a list of the contigs in the list which have hits over 100
for filn in `cat contigs.list`; do blastall -p blastp -i $filn.seqfile -d nr -m 8 -o $filn.outfile; done
#blasts nr db with significant contigs
for filn in `cat contigs.list`; do grep -m 1 "gi" $filn.outfile > $;done
#extracts tsbh from nr db
for filn in `cat contigs.list`; do cut -f 2 $ >$;done
#extracts gi # from the tsbh of each contig
for filn in *.fa; do blastx -query $filn -db /isg/shared/databases/blast/nr -outfmt 6 -out $filn.outfile -evalue 1e-10 -max_target_seqs 1 -num_threads 10; done
#extract sequences from nr which correspond to the contigs used to search nr
#for mapping you need to prepare two sets of nucl sequences
#1) contigs as is: which contains extein/intein/extein
#2) contigs with intein removed: extein/extein
#sometimes the contig seqs might be very large so you have to cut them down to size
#attached is which does that. usage: perl all.tsbh
#you may need to adjust or look at script
#if you trim contigs then you need to blastx again to find location of the intein in the sequence
#to artificially remove inteins from the exteins to get the second set of sequences use
#similar to, except it takes theflanking region instead of the intein
#usage: perl all.tsbh
#again may need to adjust script
############After you have both sets of sequences you can map them to the reads#####
###do this for both sets of sequences, make sure you change the names of output and input files####
##i would do all of this with a submission script unless the reads file is small####
###build bowtie index
bowtie2-build extonly.txt extonly
#extonly.txt = multifasta with second set of sequences from above
#extonly name of bowtie index (can be anything)
#map reads back to sequences
bowtie2 -x exind -1 /home/CAM/yfeng/metagenomes/lakevida/trimmedf.fastq -2 /home/CAM/yfeng/metagenomes/lakevida/trimmr.fastq -S exmap.sam -p 10
# -x: base name of the bowtie index
# -1 and -2 path to forward and reveerse reads, can also work for unpaired reads
# -S sam file to output to
# -p number of threads
#makes your sam file much smaller so its downloadable, and also convert sam to bam
samtools view -b -F 4 combmap.sam > combmapped.bam
#only thing you should chabge is the .sam and .bam file name
#these other parameters are required for filtering to work
#sort bam file by genome position so it actually makes sense
samtools sort exmapped.bam -o exsort.bam
#change .bam to output file name of previous step
#you can then load the files into IGV and see the mapped reads and coverage or use them in bedtools
#for Integrated genome viewer(IGV) you need to generate a bam index for your map file and a fasta index for your sequences
#bam index
samtools index -b name.bam
#fasta index
samtools faidx name.fasta