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import math, copy
players = [BLACK, WHITE]
playerColor = WHITE
opponentColor = BLACK
max_depth = 3
def Minimax(state, depth, maximizingPlayer, alpha, beta):
if depth == max_depth:
return state.eval(state.board, playerColor, opponentColor), None
if maximizingPlayer == playerColor:
best_move = None
for successor_state in state.generate_successors(state.board, maximizingPlayer):
if players[0] == maximizingPlayer:
val, move = Minimax(successor_state, depth + 1, players[1], alpha, beta)
val, move = Minimax(successor_state, depth + 1, players[0], alpha, beta)
if val == max(val, alpha):
alpha = val
best_move = successor_state.last_move
if alpha >= beta:
return beta, best_move
#best_val = max(best_move, val)
#alpha = max(alpha, best_move)
#if beta <= alpha:
# break
return alpha, best_move
best_move = None
for successor_state in state.generate_successors(state.board, maximizingPlayer):
if players[0] == maximizingPlayer:
val, move = Minimax(successor_state, depth + 1, players[1], alpha, beta)
val, move = Minimax(successor_state, depth + 1, players[0], alpha, beta)
if val == min(val, beta):
beta = val
best_move = successor_state.last_move
if beta <= alpha:
return alpha, best_move
#best_move = min(best_move, val)
#beta = min(beta, best_move)
#if beta <= alpha:
# break
return beta, best_move
class State:
def __init__(self, board = [], player = 'B', last_move = (), playerMode = 1):
self.nrows = 18
self.ncols = 18
self.board = board
self.last_move = last_move
if board == []:
self.gameOver = 0
self.playerMode = playerMode
def setup(self):
for row in range(self.nrows):
for col in range(self.ncols):
if((row + col) % 2 == 0):
def piece(self, row, col):
return self.board[row][col]
def removePiece(self, row, col):
self.board[row][col] = ' '
def placePiece(self, row, col, color):
if self.board[row][col] == ' ':
self.board[row][col] = color
print("Error: attempted to place piece on occupied spot")
def movePiece(self, from_position, to_position):
piece_color = self.piece(from_position[0],from_position[1])
#print(from_position[0], to_position[0]+1)
#print(from_position[1], to_position[1]+1)
row_range = range(*sorted([from_position[0], to_position[0]+1]))
column_range = range(*sorted([from_position[1], to_position[1]+1]))
#print("row_range: ", row_range)
#print("column_range: ", column_range)
self.removePiece(from_position[0], from_position[1])
for x in row_range:
#print("row: ", x)
for y in column_range:
#print("column: ", y)
self.placePiece(to_position[0], to_position[1], piece_color)
def __str__(self):
string = ""
for row in range(self.nrows):
string += str(self.board[row]) + "\n"
return string
def first_moves_set(self):
firstMoves = []
firstMoves.append((0, 0))
firstMoves.append((0, 17))
firstMoves.append((17, 0))
firstMoves.append((17, 17))
firstMoves.append((8, 8))
firstMoves.append((8, 9))
firstMoves.append((9, 8))
firstMoves.append((9, 9))
return firstMoves
def second_moves_set(self):
secondMoves = []
#If bottom left corner of the board is removed
if (self.board[0][0] == ' '):
secondMoves.append((0, 1))
secondMoves.append((1, 0))
return secondMoves
#Top left corner is removed
elif (self.board[0][17] == ' '):
secondMoves.append((0, 16))
secondMoves.append((1, 17))
return secondMoves
#Top right
elif (self.board[17][17] == ' '):
secondMoves.append((16, 17))
secondMoves.append((17, 16))
return secondMoves
#Bottom right
elif (self.board[17][0] == ' '):
secondMoves.append((16, 0))
secondMoves.append((17, 1))
return secondMoves
#Middle game states, bottom left
elif (self.board[8][8] == ' '):
secondMoves.append((8, 9))
secondMoves.append((8, 7))
secondMoves.append((7, 8))
secondMoves.append((9, 8))
return secondMoves
#Mid top left
elif (self.board[8][9] == ' '):
secondMoves.append((8, 10))
secondMoves.append((8, 8))
secondMoves.append((9, 9))
secondMoves.append((7, 9))
return secondMoves
#Mid top right
elif (self.board[9][9] == ' '):
secondMoves.append((8, 9))
secondMoves.append((10, 9))
secondMoves.append((9, 8))
secondMoves.append((9, 10))
return secondMoves
#Mid bot right
elif (self.board[9][8] == ' '):
secondMoves.append((10, 8))
secondMoves.append((8, 8))
secondMoves.append((9, 9))
secondMoves.append((9, 7))
return secondMoves
#Function to generate all possible moves, including multiple jumps
def generate_moves(self, board, color):
possible_moves = []
jump_to = (0, 0)
up = down = left = right = 2
for row in range(self.nrows):
#print("row: ", row )
for col in range(self.ncols):
#print("col: ", col )
#Checking if it should search for black or white moves.
if (board[row][col] == color):
#Searching moves that can go up
#Current position
curr_pos = (row, col)
#Is move within the scope of the board?
while ((curr_pos[0] - up) >= 0):
jump_to = (curr_pos[0] - up, col)
#print(jump_to[0], jump_to[1])
#Is there a blank space where we need to jump, and is there an opponent's piece to jump over?
if (board[jump_to[0]][jump_to[1]] == ' ' and board[jump_to[0]+1][jump_to[1]] != ' '):
#Append move if possible
possible_moves.append(((row, col), (jump_to[0], jump_to[1])))
#Update how far it'll jump next time (for multiple jumps)
curr_pos = jump_to
#Searching moves that can go down
curr_pos = (row, col)
#Is move within the scope of the board?
while ((curr_pos[0] + down) < self.ncols):
jump_to = (curr_pos[0] + down, col)
#print(jump_to[0], jump_to[1])
#Is there a blank space where we need to jump, and is there an opponent's piece to jump over?
if (board[jump_to[0]][jump_to[1]] == ' ' and board[jump_to[0]-1][jump_to[1]] != ' '):
#Append move if possible
possible_moves.append(((row, col), (jump_to[0], jump_to[1])))
#Update how far it'll jump next time (for multiple jumps)
curr_pos = jump_to
#Searching for moves that can go left of the board
#Current position
curr_pos = (row, col)
#Is move within scope of the board?
while ((curr_pos[1] + right) < self.nrows):
jump_to = (row, curr_pos[1] + right)
#print(jump_to[0], jump_to[1])
#Is there a blank space where we need to jump, and is there an opponent's piece to jump over?
if (board[jump_to[0]][jump_to[1]] == ' ' and board[jump_to[0]][jump_to[1]-1] != ' '):
#Append move if possible
possible_moves.append(((row, col), (jump_to[0], jump_to[1])))
#Update how far you'll jump next time (for multiple jumps)
curr_pos = jump_to
#Searching for moves that can go right
curr_pos = (row, col)
#Is move within scope of the board?
while ((curr_pos[1] - left) >= 0):
jump_to = (row, curr_pos[1] - left)
#print(jump_to[0], jump_to[1])
#Is there a blank space where we need to jump, and is there an opponent's piece to jump over?
if (board[jump_to[0]][jump_to[1]] == ' ' and board[jump_to[0]][jump_to[1]+1] != ' '):
#Append move if possible
possible_moves.append(((row, col), (jump_to[0], jump_to[1])))
#Update how far it'll jump next time (for multiple jumps)
curr_pos = jump_to
return possible_moves
#Generate successors for moves, needs implemented
def generate_successors(self, board, color):
successors = []
for move in self.generate_moves(board, color):
board_copy = copy.deepcopy(State(board))
board_copy.movePiece(move[0], move[1])
if color == BLACK:
successors.append(State(board_copy.board, WHITE, move))
successors.append(State(board_copy.board, BLACK, move))
return successors
#Evaluation function
def eval(self, board, playerColor, opponentColor):
player_moves = self.generate_moves(board, playerColor)
opponent_moves = self.generate_moves(board, opponentColor)
if player_moves == 0:
return -1 * math.inf
if opponent_moves == 0:
return math.inf
return len(player_moves)/(len(opponent_moves)*4)
def makeMove(self, color):
if len(self.generate_moves(self.board, color)) > 0:
move = Minimax(self, 0, color, math.inf * -1, math.inf)
#self.movePiece(move[1][0], move[1][1])
return move[1]
self.gameOver = 1
return 1