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Switch branches/tags

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148 lines (118 sloc) 5.1 KB
from hardware import Memory, RegisterFile, Register, MUX_2_1, ALU_32, AND_2
import utilities
from signals import Signals
class Core_SC:
def __init__(self):
self.I_Mem = Memory()
self.D_Mem = Memory()
self.RF = RegisterFile()
self.RegPC = Register()
self.signals = Signals()
self.cycle_num = 0
self.mode = 0
def set_PC(self, pc):
def set_mode(self, mode):
self.mode = mode
def run(self, n_cycles):
i_cycles = 0
ending_PC = self.I_Mem.get_ending_address()
while (n_cycles == 0 or i_cycles < n_cycles):
i_cycles += 1
self.cycle_num += 1
if ((self.mode & 2) == 0): utilities.print_new_cycle(self.cycle_num)
# clock changes
# read PC
self.signals.PC =
self.signals.PC_4 = self.signals.PC_new = self.signals.PC + 4
if ((self.mode & 2) == 0): utilities.println_int("PC", self.signals.PC)
if (self.signals.PC > ending_PC):
if ((self.mode & 2) == 0): print("No More Instructions")
i_cycles -= 1
self.signals.instruction = self.I_Mem.get_data()
if ((self.mode & 2) == 0): utilities.println_int("instruction", self.signals.instruction)
# Now you have PC and the instruction
# Some signals' value can be extracted from instruction directly
self.signals_from_instruction(self.signals.instruction, self.signals)
# call main_control
self.main_control(self.signals.opcode, self.signals)
# call sign_extend
self.signals.Sign_extended_immediate = self.sign_extend(self.signals.immediate)
# Write_register. Also an example of using MUX
self.signals.Write_register = MUX_2_1(self.signals.rt, self.signals.rd, self.signals.RegDst)
# ALU control
self.signals.ALU_operation = self.ALU_control(self.signals.ALUOp, self.signals.funct)
# Calculate branch address
self.signals.Branch_address = self.calculate_branch_address(self.signals.PC_4, self.signals.Sign_extended_immediate)
self.signals.Jump_address = self.calculate_jump_address(self.signals.PC_4, self.signals.instruction)
# Print out signals generated in Phase 1.
if ((self.mode & 4) == 0): utilities.print_signals_1(self.signals)
# If phase 1 only, continue to the next instruction.
if ((self.mode & 1) != 0):
# You will continue to complete the core in phase 2
# Use RF, ALU, D_Mem
# Preapre RF write
# Compute PC_new
# Print out signals generated in Phase 2.
if ((self.mode & 8) == 0): utilities.print_signals_2(self.signals)
return i_cycles
def signals_from_instruction (self, instruction, sig):
Extract the following signals from instruction.
opcode, rs, rt, rd, funct, immediate
sig.opcode = (instruction >> 26) & 0x3F
def main_control(self, opcode, sig):
Check the type of input instruction
#set defaults for control signals
sig.RegDst = sig.Jump = sig.Branch = sig.MemRead = sig.MemtoReg = sig.ALUOp = sig.MemWrite = sig.ALUSrc = sig.RegWrite = 0
#determine control signals
if opcode == 0: # R-Type 000000
sig.RegWrite = 1
sig.RegDst = 1
sig.ALUOp = 2
raise ValueError("Unknown opcode 0x%02X" % opcode)
def ALU_control(self, alu_op, funct):
Get alu_control from func field of instruction
Input: function field of instruction
Output: alu_control_out
# One example is given, continue to finish other cases.
if alu_op == 0: # 00
alu_control_out = 2 # 0010
raise ValueError("Unknown opcode code 0x%02X" % alu_op)
return alu_control_out
def sign_extend(self, immd):
Sign extend module.
Convert 16-bit to an int.
Extract the lower 16 bits.
If bit 15 of immd is 1, compute the correct negative value (immd - 0x10000).
immd = immd & 0xFFFF
return immd
def calculate_branch_address(self, pc_4, extended):
addr = 0
return addr
def calculate_jump_address(self, pc_4, instruction):
addr = 0
return addr