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Pariksheet Nanda edited this page May 10, 2017 · 1 revision

Lists of sticky note feedback.

Things that went well

  • This was helpful for me, because although I knew all the commands I needed the opportunity to practice. Thanks!
  • Helpful: Handout, wiki, step-by-step tutorial.
  • Nice hands-on training, specially [sic] "how to use the super computer".
  • Space, materials, great speaker!
  • Answering individual questions / problems.
  • Interactivity is great.
  • The first question that had us make an alias after your teaching was great. More quick problems like that would be great! That said, I'm not sure if all of these subjects are really conducive to that.
  • Good speed. I really liked that it was split beginner / intermediate. Thanks for giving notes at the end.
  • Good workshop! Too basic for me, but that was my own fault. Should have taken the intermediate workshop.

Things to improve on

  • Explaining commands like module, PATH, etc
  • Recommend some textbooks for beginners.
  • Probably more detailed materials. Walking through what we will do, so we an go back if we get lost.
  • I think the website could link to existing tutorials that the HPC staff like for a variety of basics [sic] and even advanced skills.
  • Could add some tips and tricks to cheat sheet, such as organizing globus connect so you don't have to leave window open on Linux.
  • Hold some specific problem solving sessions.
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