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799 lines (688 sloc) 34.4 KB
# Class parser_v7 - Carries over functionality from previous parser iteration
# with several differences:
# 1. Parser converted to class object
# 2. Parsing and HLR/Truth table components segregated
# 3. Additional robustness added to parser
# Conversion by Austin Deschenes
# Uses library document to create list of keywords/phrases. Takes separate document
# for analysis. Document is scanned for keywords in both text and tables - partial
# (up to MATCH_THRESHOLD) and exact matches are searched for. Matches are added to
# log which is printed to console. Additionally, a document identical to the one
# being analyzed is created with exact matches highlighted in green and partial
# matches highlighted in red
# Other stuff (astha):
# added hlr verification code
# new regex to handle different HLR formats
# cleaner xlsx formatting
# major bug fixes!
# can handle interpolating [<>=] conditions
# won't break on newline in HLR
# handles single conditions
# added parts lib handling!!
# Imports #
from __future__ import (
absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from docx import Document
from docx.document import Document as _Document
from docx.oxml.text.paragraph import CT_P
from docx.oxml.table import CT_Tbl
from docx.table import _Cell, Table
from docx.text.paragraph import Paragraph
from docx.shared import RGBColor
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
import re
import enchant
import os
import string
import shlex
from Tkinter import *
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.workbook import Workbook
from openpyxl.worksheet import Worksheet
from openpyxl.styles import Color, PatternFill, Font, Border
from openpyxl.styles import colors
from openpyxl.cell import Cell
# End of Imports #
PARTIAL_MATCH = 'Partial Match'
EXACT_MATCH = 'Exact Match'
BAD_SPELL = 'Bad Spell'
NEWLINE = '\n'
COMP_OPS = {'>': '<=', '<': '>=', '<=': '>', '>=': '<', '=': '!=', '!=': '='}
BOOL_VALS = {'TRUE': '1', 'FALSE': '0'}
BOOL_OPS = {'TRUE': '0', 'FALSE': '1'}
ASCII_CHARS = list(string.digits) + list(string.letters) + [' ', '"', '_', '\t']
PARTS_LIBRARY_TYPES = ['Boolean Hold', 'Timer']
class Parser:
"""Provides functionality for SRS parsing, HLR grabbing/verification, and truth table creation"""
def __init__(self, gui, doc_path, rev_path, hlr_path):
# Set up class instance vars #
self.gui = gui
self.doc_path = doc_path
#self.doc_path = 'C:\\Users\\vitaFrui\\Downloads\\SRS-sample_v3.docx'
self.rev_path = rev_path + '\\' + doc_path.split('\\')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_revision.docx'
#self.rev_path = 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\test.docx'
self.hlr_path = hlr_path
self.doc = Document(self.doc_path)
self.dict = enchant.Dict("en_US")
self.doc_text = None
self.doc_hlr = None
self.doc_hlr_parsed = None
# self.doc_library = []
self.doc_library = None
self.hlr_keywords = ['any', 'all', 'otherwise', 'met', 'greater', 'less', 'equal', 'TRUE', 'True', 'true', 'FALSE', 'False', 'false']
# dictionary of Parts Lib category : [keywords]
self.parts_lib_keywords = {
'Boolean Hold' : ['SET', 'RESET', 'OUT'],
'Timer' : ['OUT', 'SET', 'LATCH_TIME'],
def parse_doc(self):
Parses the document given to the parser at creation time - builds variable library if one does not exist,
checks for variable matches in text and highlights them accordingly; also locates likely spelling errors
if self.doc_library is None:
self.doc_text = ''
for block in self.iter_block_items():
if isinstance(block, Paragraph):
self.doc_text = self.doc_text + block.text + '\n'
elif isinstance(block, Table):
for row in block.rows:
for cell in row.cells:
for paragraph in cell.paragraphs:
self.doc_text = self.doc_text + paragraph.text + '\n'
self.gui_print("SRS verified. Please revise and correct any marked errors:\n\n", '')
def parse_paragraph(self, my_paragraph):
Parses an xml paragraph element from parent .docx file to highlight vars and spelling errors
:param my_paragraph: xml paragraph element to parse for variables and textual errors
:return: nothing
my_text = my_paragraph.text
my_text_tokens = self.get_tokens(my_text)
match_found = False
exact_match_found = False
good_spell = True
for token in my_text_tokens:
# check spelling (only considered if no match found) of normal words (just letter, not all caps)
if token.isupper() == False and bool('\d', token)) == False:
good_spell = self.dict.check(token)
for keyword in self.doc_library.keys():
# if keyword == token:
if keyword.strip().lower() == token.strip().lower(): # handle whitespace and weird sizes
# handle exact match
self.log_match(EXACT_MATCH, token, keyword)
match_found = True
exact_match_found = True
elif SequenceMatcher(None, token, keyword).ratio() > MATCH_THRESHOLD:
# handle partial match
self.log_match(PARTIAL_MATCH, token, keyword)
match_found = True
if match_found or good_spell is False:
# split text on current keyword
# this code needs further development for more keyword/text cases
my_text_pieces = my_text.split(token, 1)
if len(my_text_pieces) > 1:
# keyword + text before/after
text_before_keyword = my_text_pieces[0]
my_text = my_text_pieces[1]
self.doc_add_run(my_paragraph, text_before_keyword, None)
# only keyword or only keyword and text before OR after
my_text = my_text_pieces[0]
if exact_match_found:
self.doc_add_run(my_paragraph, token, EXACT_MATCH)
# gui_print("%s \n" % token, 'good')
elif match_found:
self.doc_add_run(my_paragraph, token, PARTIAL_MATCH)
#self.gui_print("%s \n" % token, 'bad_match')
self.doc_add_run(my_paragraph, token, BAD_SPELL)
# gui_print("%s \n Try: " % token, 'error_spell')
# suggestions = DICT.suggest(token)
# for s in suggestions:
# gui_print("%s, " % s, '-')
# gui_print ("\n", '-')
# reset booleans for next iteration
match_found = False
exact_match_found = False
good_spell = True
# add any leftover text
self.doc_add_run(my_paragraph, my_text, None)
def doc_add_run(my_paragraph, my_run_text, my_match_flag):
# used to add text to paragraph being parsed
if my_run_text == '':
# eliminate "empty" runs
if my_match_flag is PARTIAL_MATCH:
# handle partial match (COLOR = BLUE)
my_run = my_paragraph.add_run(my_run_text + ' ')
my_run_font = my_run.font
my_run_font.bold = True
my_run_font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)
elif my_match_flag is EXACT_MATCH:
# handle exact match (COLOR = GREEN)
my_run = my_paragraph.add_run(my_run_text + ' ')
my_run_font = my_run.font
my_run_font.bold = True
my_run_font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0x32, 0xCD, 0x32)
elif my_match_flag is BAD_SPELL:
# handle bad spelling (COLOR = PURPLE)
my_run = my_paragraph.add_run(my_run_text + ' ')
my_run_font = my_run.font
my_run_font.bold = True
my_run_font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0x66, 0x00, 0xFF)
# add runs w/o matches
def get_tokens(my_text):
# remove non-alphanumeric chars, except underscore, and tokenize
pattern = re.compile('[\W]+', re.UNICODE)
tokens_ascii = shlex.split(filter(lambda x: x in ASCII_CHARS, my_text))
tokens = [pattern.sub(" ", elem) for elem in tokens_ascii]
return tokens
def log_match(my_match_type, my_matching_token, my_matching_keyword):
# simple method to log matches
my_log = ''
my_log += my_match_type + ': ' + \
my_matching_token + ' / ' + my_matching_keyword + NEWLINE
return my_log
def library_parse(self):
# f = open('library1.txt', 'w')
self.doc_library = {}
for table in self.doc.tables:
# selects each table from the document which has "Signal Name" in the leftmost
if table.cell(0, 0).text == 'Signal Name':
# remove the header cell
s = (table.column_cells(0))
v = (table.column_cells(1))
for cell,cell2 in zip(s, v):
var_name = cell.text.strip()
var_type = 0
if 'bool' in cell2.text.lower() :
var_type = 1
vt = self.doc_library.get(var_name, -1)
# check to make sure var was not already identified
if vt != -1:
self.gui_print("Variable {} defined more than once.\n".format(var_name), '')
if vt != var_type:
self.gui_print("New definition for {} contradicts an old one.\n".format(var_name), '')
self.doc_library[var_name] = var_type
for k in self.doc_library.keys():
print ("%s --> %d" % (k, self.doc_library[k]))
def get_all_hlr(self):
# attempts to parse out all HLR related text from doc based on pattern matching
if self.doc_text is None:
my_text_lines = self.doc_text.split('\n')
# HLR start pattern
hlr_match_start = []
hlr_match_end = []
in_hlr = False
hlr_start_pattern = re.compile('^The[^.]*shall (?!provide)', re.IGNORECASE)
hlr_cont_pattern = re.compile(r"<<[\w]+>>|func|\b%s\b" % r"\b|\b".join(self.hlr_keywords), re.IGNORECASE)
for i in range(0, len(my_text_lines)):
if not in_hlr and[i]):
hlr_match_start.append(i - 1)
in_hlr = True
if in_hlr:
if (my_text_lines[i].strip() == ''):
in_hlr = False
elif not[i]):
in_hlr = False
self.doc_hlr = []
for i in range(0, len(hlr_match_start)):
start = hlr_match_start[i]
end = hlr_match_end[i]
print (my_text_lines[start] + " : " + my_text_lines[end])
return self.doc_hlr
def parse_all_hlr(self):
# get info from HLR - (tries) to get rid of all non functional HLRs
if self.doc_hlr is None:
# print (self.doc_hlr)
# for h in self.doc_hlr:
# print ("\nbf: ", h[0:18], h[-28:])
all_func_hlr = [hlr for hlr in self.doc_hlr if 'FUNC' in hlr.upper()]
# for h in all_func_hlr:
# print ("\nfunc: ", h[0:18])
self.doc_hlr_parsed = [self.parse_single_hlr(func_hlr) for func_hlr in all_func_hlr]
return self.doc_hlr_parsed
def parse_single_hlr(self, my_hlr):
# hlr parsing tool that can be called to grab info
# built pattern and use it to grab all keywords
# Ex format: For HLR Object 1_1 in Table of HLRs the following is provided:
# [['<<CC>>', 'TRUE'], ['and', ['<<A>>', 'TRUE'], ['<<B>>', 'TRUE']]]
uses_PL = 0 # parts library indicator
# keywords, expand/add as needed - but must update _parse_single_hlr_helper as well
hlr_pattern = re.compile(r"<<[\w]+>>|\b%s\b" % r"\b|\b".join(self.hlr_keywords))
# HERE: deal with variations of parts libraries
if 'parts lib' in my_hlr.lower():
uses_PL = 1
parts_lib_type = ''
if plt.lower() in my_hlr.lower():
parts_lib_type = plt # mark the parts library type
# print ("$$$$$" + my_hlr + '---------------' + parts_lib_type)
hlr_pattern = re.compile(r"<<[\w]+>>|\b%s\b" % r"\b|\b".join( self.parts_lib_keywords[parts_lib_type] ))
hlr_tokens = re.findall(hlr_pattern, my_hlr)
# print ("=====================\n" + my_hlr[1:8] + "\n MATCHES \n" + ", ".join(hlr_tokens) + "\n")
parsed_hlr = hlr_tokens
# print "Tokens:"
# print hlr_tokens
# print "Length = " + str(len(hlr_tokens))
# exit()
if not uses_PL:
parsed_hlr = [hlr_tokens[0], hlr_tokens[1]]
next_part = self.hlr_token_handler(hlr_tokens[2:])
if len(next_part) == 1:
next_part = next_part[0]
parsed_hlr = [parsed_hlr, next_part]
print (parsed_hlr)
return [my_hlr.splitlines()[0].strip(), parsed_hlr, uses_PL]
# def parse_parts_lib_hlr(self, pl_hlr):
# parts_lib_type = ''
# if plt.lower() in pl_hlr.lower():
# parts_lib_type = plt # mark the parts library type
# ## define the parts library formats here
# BoolHold_keywords = ['SET', 'RESET', 'OUT']
# Timer_keywords = ['OUT', 'SET', 'LATCH_TIME']
# if parts_lib_type == 'Boolean Hold':
# hlr_pattern = re.compile(r"<<[\w]+>>|\b%s\b" % r"\b|\b".join(BoolHold_keywords))
# hlr_tokens = re.findall(hlr_pattern, pl_hlr)
# print ("=====================\n" + pl_hlr + "\n ~~MATCHES~~ \n" + ", ".join(hlr_tokens) + "\n")
def hlr_token_handler(self, my_hlr_tokens, index=0, met_flag=-1):
if index < len(my_hlr_tokens):
hlr_token = my_hlr_tokens[index]
return []
parsed_hlr = []
if hlr_token == 'any':
parsed_hlr = ['or']
next_hlr_token = my_hlr_tokens[index + 1]
if next_hlr_token == 'TRUE' or next_hlr_token == 'FALSE':
parsed_hlr.extend(self.hlr_token_handler(my_hlr_tokens, index + 2, (0 if next_hlr_token == 'FALSE' else 1)))
parsed_hlr.extend(self.hlr_token_handler(my_hlr_tokens, index + 1, -1))
elif hlr_token == 'all':
parsed_hlr = ['and']
next_hlr_token = my_hlr_tokens[index + 1]
if next_hlr_token == 'TRUE' or next_hlr_token == 'FALSE':
parsed_hlr.extend(self.hlr_token_handler(my_hlr_tokens, index + 2, (0 if next_hlr_token == 'FALSE' else 1)))
parsed_hlr.extend(self.hlr_token_handler(my_hlr_tokens, index + 1, -1))
elif hlr_token == 'greater':
# parsed_hlr = ['>', my_hlr_tokens[index - 1], my_hlr_tokens[index + 1]]
parsed_hlr.append(['>', my_hlr_tokens[index - 1], my_hlr_tokens[index + 1]])
parsed_hlr.extend(self.hlr_token_handler(my_hlr_tokens, index + 2, met_flag))
elif hlr_token == 'less':
# parsed_hlr = ['<', my_hlr_tokens[index - 1], my_hlr_tokens[index + 1]]
parsed_hlr.append(['<', my_hlr_tokens[index - 1], my_hlr_tokens[index + 1]])
parsed_hlr.extend(self.hlr_token_handler(my_hlr_tokens, index + 2, met_flag))
elif hlr_token == 'equal':
# parsed_hlr = ['=', my_hlr_tokens[index - 1], my_hlr_tokens[index + 1]]
parsed_hlr.append(['=', my_hlr_tokens[index - 1], my_hlr_tokens[index + 1]])
parsed_hlr.extend(self.hlr_token_handler(my_hlr_tokens, index + 2, met_flag))
elif hlr_token == 'TRUE' and met_flag == -1 or hlr_token == 'FALSE' and met_flag == -1:
parsed_hlr.append([my_hlr_tokens[index - 1], hlr_token])
parsed_hlr.extend(self.hlr_token_handler(my_hlr_tokens, index + 1, met_flag))
elif "<<" in hlr_token and met_flag != -1:
parsed_hlr.append([my_hlr_tokens[index], 'FALSE' if met_flag == 0 else 'TRUE'])
parsed_hlr.extend(self.hlr_token_handler(my_hlr_tokens, index + 1, met_flag))
parsed_hlr = self.hlr_token_handler(my_hlr_tokens, index + 1)
return parsed_hlr
def verify_all_hlr(self):
# Double checks all HLRs in document to make sure they follow HLR rules
# DOES NOT VERIFY PARTS LIBRARY HLRs - we don't have clear enough info on that yet
if self.doc_hlr is None:
titles = set()
for hlr in self.doc_hlr:
# print ("------------------------------\n", hlr, "------------------------------\n")
if hlr == '':
lines = hlr.splitlines()
title = lines[0].strip()
# verify title only used once
if title in titles:
self.gui_print("HLR title %s is used more than once.\n" % title, '')
# verify 'shall' only used once
if hlr.lower().split().count('shall') != 1:
self.gui_print("%s contains # of 'shall'.\n" % title, '')
# prelim detection of parts lib hlr
if 'parts lib' in hlr.lower():
parts_lib_type = ''
if plt.lower() in hlr.lower():
parts_lib_type = plt # mark the parts library type
if parts_lib_type == '':
self.gui_print("Skipping %s, uses unknown Parts Lib.\n" % title, '')
self.gui_print("%s uses %s Parts Lib.\n" % (title, parts_lib_type), '')
# self.doc_hlr.remove(hlr)
# look through parse array for inconsistencies
if self.doc_hlr_parsed is None:
parsed_list = self.doc_hlr_parsed
var_pattern = re.compile('^<<[^ ]*>>')
arr_index = 0
while arr_index < len(parsed_list):
arr = parsed_list[arr_index]
# for a in ['', '1', '1']:
# arr = [ hlr name, [ ['<<CC>>', 'TRUE'], ['and', ['<<A>>', 'TRUE'], ['<', '<<B>>', '<<X1>>'] ] ], parts lib indicaton ]
print ("verif: ", arr)
title = arr[0] # hlr name
main_hlr = arr[1] # [ ['<<CC>>', 'TRUE'], ['and', ['<<A>>', 'TRUE'], ['<', '<<B>>', '<<X1>>'] ] ]
if len(main_hlr) < 2: # invalid HLR array
if arr[2] == 1: # skip any parts library hlrs
arr_index += 1
test_case = main_hlr[0] # ['<<CC>>', 'TRUE']
conditions = main_hlr[1] # ['and', ['<<A>>', 'TRUE'], ['<', '<<B>>', '<<X1>>'] ]
print (" arr inde: ", arr_index)
print (" title: ", title)
print (" main_hlr: ", main_hlr)
print (" test_cas: ", test_case)
print (" conditio: ", conditions, "len : ", len(conditions))
# continue
# check for test case to contain variable
if not var_pattern.match(test_case[0]):
self.gui_print("%s may be missing a <<variable>> declaration.\n" % title, '')
elif not self.doc_library.has_key(test_case[0][2:-2]):
self.gui_print("Variable {} in {} is not declared in library.\n".format(test_case[0], title ), '')
elif (self.doc_library[test_case[0][2:-2]] == 1 and test_case[1] not in BOOL_VALS.keys()) or (self.doc_library[test_case[0][2:-2]] == 0 and test_case[1] in BOOL_VALS.keys()): # if a boolean var is not working with boolean val...
self.gui_print("Variable %s in %s is of inconsistent type.\n" % (test_case[0], title), '')
elif len(conditions) >= 3 and str(conditions[0]) != 'and' and str(conditions[0]) != 'or' and str(conditions[0]) not in COMP_OPS.keys() :
self.gui_print("%s has poor syntax and will be skipped.\n" % title, '')
elif conditions[0] == 'and' or conditions[0] == 'or':
# conditions.pop(0)
for c_sub in conditions[1:]:
if c_sub[0] in COMP_OPS.keys(): # clip the '>' signs from the front
c_sub = c_sub[1:]
for sub_var in c_sub:
if sub_var != 'TRUE' and sub_var != 'FALSE' and not var_pattern.match(sub_var):
# now would be the time to deal with data variables
# if sub_var is data variable:
# continue
# else:
self.gui_print("%s may be missing a <<variable>> declaration.\n" % title, '')
if not self.doc_library.has_key(c_sub[0][2:-2]):
self.gui_print("Variable {} in {} is not declared in library.\n".format(c_sub[0], title ), '')
elif (self.doc_library[c_sub[0][2:-2]] == 1 and c_sub[1] not in BOOL_VALS.keys()) or (self.doc_library[c_sub[0][2:-2]] == 0 and c_sub[1] in BOOL_VALS.keys()): # if a boolean var is not working with boolean val...
self.gui_print("Variable %s in %s is of inconsistent type.\n" % (c_sub[0], title), '')
elif conditions[0] in COMP_OPS.keys():
# conditions[0].pop(0)
for sub_var in conditions[0][1:]:
if not var_pattern.match(sub_var):
# now would be the time to deal with data variables
# if sub_var is data variable:
# continue
# else:
self.gui_print("%s may be missing a <<variable>> declaration.\n" % title, '')
elif var_pattern.match(str(conditions[0])): # make sure 1st var is a variable
if not self.doc_library.has_key(str(conditions[0])[2:-2]):
self.gui_print("Variable {} in {} is not declared in library.\n".format(str(conditions[0]), title ), '')
elif (self.doc_library[str(conditions[0])[2:-2]] == 1 and str(conditions[1]) not in BOOL_VALS.keys()) or (self.doc_library[str(conditions[0])[2:-2]] == 0 and str(conditions[1]) in BOOL_VALS.keys()): # if a boolean var is not working with boolean val...
self.gui_print("Variable %s in %s is of inconsistent type.\n" % (str(conditions[0]), title), '')
self.gui_print("%s has bad syntax.\n" % title, '')
self.doc_hlr_parsed = parsed_list
def make_all_truth_tables(self):
if self.doc_hlr_parsed is None:
for ph in self.doc_hlr_parsed:
def make_truth_table(self, given_hlr):
# [ hlr name, [['<<CC>>', 'TRUE'], ['and', ['<<A>>', 'TRUE'], ['<<B>>', 'TRUE']]] , uses parts library ]
# [['<<CC>>', 'TRUE'], ['>', '<<A>>', '<<NV>>']]
hlr_title = given_hlr[0] ## name
p_hlr = given_hlr[1] ## [whole thing]
uses_PL = given_hlr[2] ## parts lib indicator
if uses_PL == 1:
## HANDLE PULLING PARTS LIB TEMPLATES (maybe use .csv or .xlsx?)
return [-1]
test_var = p_hlr[0] ## [<<c>> t]
test_name = test_var[0] ## []
test_res = '0->1'
test_res_op = '1->0'
indexes_to_switch_res = [] # array of result matrix indices where result must be set to opposite (<>= operators)
# hlr_column_names = ['Sub test case / ID Variables'] # array of col names for each variable comparison
if test_var[1] == 'FALSE': # if CC is set to a boolean, flip resulting strings
trt = test_res
test_res = test_res_op
test_res_op = test_res
elif test_var[1] != 'TRUE': # if CC is set to some value, edit the name to become the value
test_name = test_var[0] + ' = ' + test_var[1]
conditions = p_hlr[1]
res_arr = []
if len(conditions) < 1: # [] WEIRD CASE
return [-1]
gate = conditions[0]
if gate == 'or' or gate == 'and':
num_conds = len(conditions)-1
# print ("# conditions", num_conds, "conditions: ", conditions)
# now handle condition options
i = 1
while i <= len(conditions)-1:
# print ("i: ", i)
cond_type = conditions[i][0]
if len(conditions[i]) < 2: # ['or'] ['TRUE'] WEIRD CASES
return [-1]
if cond_type == '>' or cond_type == '<' or cond_type == '=':
# first, add new default column for old rows (since these ops require an extra 'condition' row)
ri = 0
while ri < len(res_arr):
if 'becomes' in res_arr[ri][0]:
if gate == 'and':
ri += 1
char = res_arr[ri][1]
if gate == 'and':
ri += 1
# now create the two rows for the conditions
var = conditions[i][1]
comp_var = conditions[i][2]
c1 = var + " becomes " + cond_type + " " + comp_var
c2 = var + " becomes " + COMP_OPS[cond_type] + " " + comp_var
crow1 = [c1]
crow2 = [c2]
j = 1
while j < num_conds + 2:
if j == i: # changing tested condition
elif j == i + 1: # changing opposite condition
if gate == 'and':
crow2.append('0') # basic 'and' condition
crow2.append('1') # basic 'or' condition
j += 1
indexes_to_switch_res.append(i+1) # record the switch of opposite conditions
i += 1
num_conds += 1
cond_bool = conditions[i][1]
crow = []
crow.append(cond_type) # first elem is variable
j = 1
while j < num_conds+1:
if j == i: # changing condition
crow.append( BOOL_OPS[cond_bool] + '->' + BOOL_VALS[cond_bool] )
if gate == 'and':
crow.append('' + BOOL_VALS[cond_bool]) # basic 'and' condition
crow.append('' + BOOL_OPS[cond_bool]) # basic 'or' condition
j += 1
i += 1
elif conditions[0] == '>' or conditions[0] == '<' or conditions[0] == '=':
var = conditions[1]
comp_var = conditions[2]
c1 = var + " becomes " + conditions[0] + " " + comp_var
c2 = var + " becomes " + COMP_OPS[conditions[0]] + " " + comp_var
crow1 = [c1, '0->1', '0']
crow2 = [c2, '0', '0->1']
elif str(conditions[0])[0:2] == '<<':
conditions = ['and', conditions]
return self.make_truth_table( [hlr_title, [test_var,conditions], uses_PL] )
return [-1]
test_arr = []
test_arr.append(test_name) # first elem is variable
j = 1
if len(res_arr) < 1:
return [-1]
while j < len(res_arr[0]): # handle every conditional column
if j in indexes_to_switch_res: # changing condition
test_arr.append( test_res_op )
test_arr.append( test_res )
j += 1
self.gui_print(" - " + hlr_title + "\n", '')
# for RR in res_arr:
# print (RR)
# print ("\n\n")
return res_arr
def make_test_cases(self):
if self.doc_hlr_parsed is None:
wb = Workbook()
ws =
grayFill = PatternFill(start_color='D9D9D9', end_color='D9D9D9', fill_type='solid')
if os.path.isfile(self.hlr_path) and self.hlr_path.split('\\')[-1].split('.')[1] == 'xlsx':
wb = load_workbook(self.hlr_path)
ws = wb.create_sheet()
ws.title = "Truth Tables"
ws_row = 2
ws_col = 'C'
self.gui_print("\nThe following HLRs were turned into test cases:\n", '')
for arr in self.doc_hlr_parsed:
print (arr)
print ("\n ------------ \n")
test_case = self.make_truth_table(arr)
# skip empty results
if test_case == [-1]:
tc_size = len(test_case[0])
# print title of TT and any PL reqs
ws[ws_col + str(ws_row) ] = arr[0]
ws_row += 1
ws[ws_col + str(ws_row)] = 'PL requirements?'
ws_row += 2
# print corner cell
ws.cell(ws_col + str(ws_row)).style.alignment.wrap_text = True
ws[ws_col + str(ws_row)] = "Sub test case / ID Variables"
ws[ws_col + str(ws_row)].fill = grayFill
ws[ws_col + str(ws_row)].font = Font(bold=True)
# add column names
for i in range(1, tc_size):
col_let = chr(ord(ws_col) + i)
ws[col_let + str(ws_row)] = "TCX_" + chr(ord(col_let) + 10)
ws[col_let + str(ws_row)].fill = grayFill
ws[col_let + str(ws_row)].font = Font(bold=True)
ws_row += 1
# make actual test case
for tc_row in test_case:
i = 0
for tc_element in tc_row:
ws[chr(ord(ws_col) + i) + str(ws_row)] = tc_element
if i == 0:
ws[chr(ord(ws_col) + i) + str(ws_row)].fill = grayFill
ws[chr(ord(ws_col) + i) + str(ws_row)].font = Font(bold=True)
i += 1
ws_row += 1
ws_row += 2
print ("\n _______________________________________________ \n")
# _make_all_truth_tables(parsed_arrays)
ws.column_dimensions[ws_col].width = 28'.')[0] + '.xlsx')
def iter_block_items(self):
Generate a reference to each paragraph and table child within *parent*,
in document order. Each returned value is an instance of either Table or
Paragraph. *parent* would most commonly be a reference to a main
Document object, but also works for a _Cell object, which itself can
contain paragraphs and tables.
if isinstance(self.doc, _Document):
parent_elm = self.doc.element.body
# print(parent_elm.xml)
elif isinstance(self.doc, _Cell):
parent_elm = self.doc._tc
raise ValueError("something's not right")
for child in parent_elm.iterchildren():
if isinstance(child, CT_P):
yield Paragraph(child, self.doc)
elif isinstance(child, CT_Tbl):
yield Table(child, self.doc)
def gui_print(self, text, code):
self.gui.insert('end', text, code)
# define colors of tags 'error' and 'good' and any others
self.gui.tag_configure('error_spell', foreground='red')
self.gui.tag_configure('good', foreground='green')
self.gui.tag_configure('bad_match', foreground='blue')
self.gui.tag_configure('', foreground='black')