Our site is a made-up tour guide business for UConn. The site includes some facts about UConn and the information about what our business offers to potential students.
- EC2 Instance Public IPv4:
- EC2 Autoscaling Servers:
- d1hse2k6jej3kc.cloudfront.net
S3 Allows you to store huge amounts of data and customers will pay for how much storage they use
- Highly scalable at low costs
99.99% availability
- No need to worry about downtimes or being unable to access data
Fast retrieval of data
- Cloudfront utlizes edge locations to decrease the distance between viewers and where the data is stored
Prices can increase quickly if there is high traffic to your website
High speeds are not always necessary
Optimally routes traffic
- Reduces loads on each individual instance
Highly Flexible -Can designate a minimum or maximum number of servers to be running to ensure maximum site uptime
Can choose which operating system you use
Can utilize spot bidding
- Reduce costs by bidding for instances that are not currently in use by AWS
Can be difficult to estimate number of instances required
Vast number of options can be confusing for beginners