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(ns ulysses.utils-test
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest testing are is]]
[ulysses.utils :as utils]))
(deftest noop
(are [x] (nil? (apply utils/noop x))
[] [1] [1 2]))
(deftest boolean?
(testing "yes"
(are [y] (utils/boolean? y)
(testing "no"
(are [y] (not (utils/boolean? y))
nil "" 0 "true" "false")))
(deftest lazy-seq?
(testing "yes"
(are [y] (utils/lazy-seq? y)
(map integer? [1 2 3])))
(testing "no"
(are [y] (not (utils/lazy-seq? y))
(list) (vector) (hash-map) nil "")))
(deftest objectifiable?
(testing "yes"
(are [y] (utils/objectifiable? y)
#js {}
#js {"foo" "bar"}
["clojure" "too"]))
(testing "no"
(are [y] (not (utils/objectifiable? y))
nil 3 4)))
; missing: ptr
; missing: ptr-first
(deftest metas-equal?
(is (utils/metas-equal? [(with-meta {:a 1} {:key 1})]
[(with-meta {:a 2} {:key 1})]))
(is (not (utils/metas-equal? [(with-meta {:a 1} {:key 1})]
[(with-meta {:a 2} {:key 2})]))))
(deftest remap-and-variations
(let [from {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}]
(testing "remap"
(is (= {:a 2 :b 4 :c 6}
(utils/remap (partial * 2) from))))
(testing "remap-k"
(is (= {:a1 1 :b2 2 :c3 3}
(fn [k v] (keyword (str (name k) v)))
(testing "remap-v"
(is (= {:a :a1 :b :b2 :c :c3}
(fn [k v] (keyword (str (name k) v)))
(deftest hyphenate-keys
(is (= {:a-b 1 :c-d 2} (utils/hyphenate-keys {:a_b 1 :c_d 2}))))
(deftest map-subels
(testing "when values have ids"
(let [in [{:id 23 :value 3} {:id 95 :value 4}]
out (utils/map-subels :div in)
expected (list (with-meta [:div (first in)] {:key 23})
(with-meta [:div (second in)] {:key 95}))]
(is (= out expected))
(is (utils/metas-equal? out expected))))
(testing "when values don't have ids"
(let [in [3 4]
out (utils/map-subels :div in)
expected (list (with-meta [:div (first in)] {:key "default-key-0"})
(with-meta [:div (second in)] {:key "default-key-1"}))]
(is (= out expected))
(is (utils/metas-equal? out expected))))
(testing "when values have ids sometimes"
(let [in [{:id 23 :value 3} 4]
out (utils/map-subels :div in)
expected (list (with-meta [:div (first in)] {:key 23})
(with-meta [:div (second in)] {:key "default-key-1"}))]
(is (= out expected))
(is (utils/metas-equal? out expected)))))
(deftest str->int
(testing "successful cases"
(are [x y] (= x (utils/str->int y))
0 "0"
-5 "-5"
1 "1"
20003018 "20003018"
0 0
-5 -5
1 1
20003018 20003018))
(testing "unsuccessful cases"
(are [x] (nil? (utils/str->int x))
"" "0.0" "1.0" "123.123"
"garbage" "12moregarbage12"
123.123 nil)))
(deftest clj->json
(are [x y] (= x (utils/clj->json y))
"null" nil
"true" true
"-3" -3
"[1,2,3]" [1 2 3]
"[\"one\",\"three\",\"two\"]" (sorted-set :one :two :three)))
(deftest json->clj
(testing "basic values"
(are [x y] (= x (utils/json->clj y))
nil "null"
true "true"
-3 "-3"
[1 2 3] "[1,2,3]"
["one" "two" "three"] "[\"one\",\"two\",\"three\"]"))
(testing "maps: no keywordizing"
(is (= {"a" 1 "b" 2} (utils/json->clj "{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2}"))))
(testing "maps: keywordizing"
(is (= {:a 1 :b 2} (utils/json->clj "{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2}" :keywords))))
(testing "exception throwing"
(are [x] (thrown? js/SyntaxError (utils/json->clj x))
"asdf" "[1,2")))
(deftest url-encode-component
(are [x y] (= x (utils/url-encode-component y))
"foo" "foo"
"foo%20bar" "foo bar"
"%3F%26%3F%26" "?&?&"))
(deftest truncate-with-ellipsis
(testing "normal"
(is (= "foo..." (utils/truncate-with-ellipsis "foo bar" 3))))
(testing "custom ellipsis"
(is (= "foo[..]" (utils/truncate-with-ellipsis "foo bar" 3 "[..]")))))
(deftest into-maybe
(is (= (list 1) (utils/into-maybe (list) [1])))
(is (= (lazy-seq (list 1 2 3)) (utils/into-maybe (list) [1 2 3])))
(is (= #{1} (utils/into-maybe #{1} [1])))
(is (= #{1 2} (utils/into-maybe #{3} #{1 2}))))
(deftest by-id
(are [x y] (= x (utils/by-id y))
{} []
{1 {:id 1}} [{:id 1}]
{1 {:id 1} 2 {:id 2}} [{:id 1} {:id 2}]
{1 {:id 1} 2 {:id 2}} [{:id 1} {:id 2 :old true} {:id 2}]))
(deftest find-by-id
(let [ms [{:id 1} {:id 2} {:id 94}]]
(testing "found (type int)"
(are [pf y] (= (pf ms) (utils/find-by-id y ms))
first 1
second 2
last 94))
(testing "found (type int-string)"
(are [pf y] (= (pf ms) (utils/find-by-id y ms))
first "1"
second "2"
last "94"))
(testing "not found"
(are [x] (nil? (utils/find-by-id x ms))
33 "33" "1.0" nil))))
(deftest merge-by-id
;; ih test util, ex: (ih [1 2 3]) => [{:id 1} {:id 2} {:id 3}]
(let [ih (fn [coll]
((if (list? coll) identity (partial into (empty coll)))
(map #(if (map? %) % (hash-map :id %)) coll)))]
(testing "two seq args"
(are [x a b] (= x (utils/merge-by-id (ih a) (ih b)))
[] [] []
[] [] (list)
[{:id 0} {:id 1} {:id 2}] [0] [1 2]
#{{:id 0} {:id 1} {:id 2}} #{0} #{1 2}
#{{:id 0} {:id 1} {:id 2}} #{0} [1 2]
(list {:id 0} {:id 1 :a true} {:id 2} {:id 3}) (list 0 {:id 1 :a false} 2) [{:id 1 :a true} 2 3]))
(testing "many seq args"
(are [x many] (= x (apply utils/merge-by-id (map ih many)))
[] [[] [] []]
[] [[] (list) (list)]
[{:id 0}] [[] [0] [] [0]]
#{{:id 0} {:id 1} {:id 2}} [#{0} #{1 2} #{0 2 1}]
#{{:id 0} {:id 1} {:id 2 :a true}} [#{0} [1 2] #{{:id 2 :a true}}]
(list {:id 0} {:id 1} {:id 2 :a true} {:id 3}) [(list 0 1 2) [1 {:id 2 :a true} 3] []]))))
(deftest remove-by-id
(are [x id y] (= x (utils/remove-by-id id y))
[{:id 1} {:id 2} {:id 3}] 85 [{:id 1} {:id 2} {:id 3}]
#{{:id 1} {:id 2} {:id 3}} 85 #{{:id 1} {:id 2} {:id 3}}
[{:id 1} {:id 3}] 2 [{:id 1} {:id 2} {:id 3}]
[{:id 1} {:id 3}] "2" [{:id 1} {:id 2} {:id 3}]))
(deftest new-id
(are [x y] (= x (utils/new-id y))
1 (list)
2 (list {:id 1})
3 (list {:id 1} {:id 2})
40 (list {:id 1} {:id 39} {:id 4})))
(deftest map-lookup
(are [x m ids] (= x (utils/map-lookup m ids))
(list) {} (list)
(vector) {} (vector)
[] {2 {:id 2}} [1]
[{:id 1}] {1 {:id 1} 2 {:id 2}} [1]
[{:id 1} {:id 2}] {1 {:id 1} 2 {:id 2}} [1 2]
[{:id 1} {:id 2}] {1 {:id 1} 2 {:id 2}} [1 2 3]))
(deftest valid-request-id?
(testing "yes"
(are [x] (utils/valid-request-id? x)
1 5 "1" "5" "12345"))
(testing "no"
(are [x] (not (utils/valid-request-id? x))
0 -5 "0" "-5" nil [] "")))
; missing: throttle
; missing: debounce
; missing: debounce-standard
(deftest wop
(testing "is objectifiable"
(are [x y prop] (= x (utils/wop y prop))
1 #js {"ok" 1} "ok"
1 #js {"ok" 1} :ok
nil #js {"ok" 1} "missing"
nil #js {"ok" 1} :missing
nil {"ok" 1} :missing
nil :foo-bar :missing))
(testing "is not objectifiable"
(are [y prop] (nil? (utils/wop y prop))
3 :foo
nil :foo
true :foo)))
(deftest classes-vector
;; need to test using set since the order of maps is not guarenteed
(are [x args] (= (set x) (set (apply utils/classes-vector args)))
[] nil
[] []
[] [nil]
["foo"] ["foo"]
["foo"] [:foo]
["foo"] ['foo]
["100"] [100]
["foo"] [["foo"]]
["foo"] [#{"foo"}]
["foo"] [[:foo]]
["foo"] [[[[:foo]]]]
["foo"] [{:foo true}]
[] [{:foo false}]
["foo" "bar"] [:foo :bar]
["foo"] [{:foo true :bar false}]
["foo" "bar"] [{:foo true [:bar] true}]
["foo" "bar"] [{:foo true [{:bar true}] true}]
["foo" "bar"] [{:foo true [{["bar"] true}] true}]
["foo"] [{:foo true [{:bar false}] true}]
["btn" "btn-sm" "btn-primary"] [:btn [:btn-sm {:btn-primary true}]]
["btn" "btn-sm"] [:btn [:btn-sm {:btn-primary false}]]))
(deftest classes
;; most functionality is tested already in classes-vector
;; also, can only test using single classes when there are maps
;; since order of maps is not guarenteed
(are [x args] (= x (apply utils/classes args))
"" nil
"" []
"" [nil]
"foo" ["foo"]
"foo" [:foo]
"foo" ['foo]
"100" [100]
"foo" [["foo"]]
"foo" [#{"foo"}]
"foo" [[:foo]]
"foo" [[[[:foo]]]]
"foo" [{:foo true}]
"" [{:foo false}]
"foo bar" [:foo :bar]
"foo bar" [:foo {:bar true}]
"foo" [{:foo true :bar false}]
"foo" [{:foo true [{:bar false}] true}]))
(deftest classes-attr
;; most functionality is tested already in classes-vector and classes
;; also, can only test using single classes when there are maps
;; since order of maps is not guarenteed
(are [x args] (= {:class x} (apply utils/classes-attr args))
"" nil
"" []
"" [nil]
"foo" ["foo"]
"foo" [:foo]
"foo" ['foo]
"100" [100]
"foo" [["foo"]]
"foo" [#{"foo"}]
"foo" [[:foo]]
"foo" [[[[:foo]]]]
"foo" [{:foo true}]
"" [{:foo false}]
"foo bar" [:foo :bar]
"foo bar" [:foo {:bar true}]
"foo" [{:foo true :bar false}]
"foo" [{:foo true [{:bar false}] true}]))
(deftest btn-classes
;; most functionality is tested already in classes-vector and classes
;; also, can only test using single classes when there are maps
;; since order of maps is not guarenteed
(are [x args] (= x (apply utils/btn-classes args))
"btn" nil
"btn" []
"btn btn-sm" [:sm]
"btn btn-sm" [:sm {:primary false}]
"btn btn-sm btn-primary" [:sm {:primary true}]))
; missing: d-p
; missing: window-size
; missing: document-size
; missing: window-scroll-position
(deftest mechanism-to-contextual
(are [x y] (= x (utils/mechanism-to-contextual y))
:info :nsf
:success :nih
nil :not-found))
(deftest update-db-pagination
(are [x db response] (= x (utils/update-db-pagination db response))
;; test 1
{:page-current 2 :page-last 3}
{:page-current 1 :page-last 1}
{:current_page 2 :last_page 3}
;; test 2
{:foo :bar :page-current 1 :page-last 3}
{:foo :bar :page-current 1 :page-last 1}
{:foo :asdf :current_page 1 :last_page 3}))
; missing: faculties-pool-params
(deftest metric-maxes
(let [metrics {:publicationCount 0
:grantCount 0
:grantFunds 0
:recentGrantCount 0
:recentGrantFunds 0}
metrics-v1 (assoc metrics :grantCount 0.9)
metrics-v2 (assoc metrics :grantCount 1.2)
metrics-v3 (assoc metrics :grantFunds 43.9)]
(is (= metrics-v1
(utils/metric-maxes metrics [{:metrics metrics-v1}])))
(is (= metrics-v2
(utils/metric-maxes metrics [{:metrics metrics-v2}
{:metrics metrics-v1}])))
(is (= (assoc metrics-v2 :grantFunds (:grantFunds metrics-v3))
(utils/metric-maxes metrics [{:metrics metrics-v2}
{:metrics metrics-v3}
{:metrics metrics-v1}])))))
; missing: verify-user-poll-response
; missing: validate-builder-filters
(deftest parse-int-id
(are [x y] (= x (utils/parse-int-id y))
{:id 3} {:id "3"}
{:id 123} {:id "123"}
{:id 3} {:id 3}
{:id 123} {:id 123}
{:id nil} {:id "*"}))
; missing: clean-incoming-grant-op
; missing: clean-incoming-grant-ops
; missing: request
; missing: request-grant-ops-channel
; missing: debounce-request-grant-ops
; missing: request-faculties-pool-channel
; missing: debounce-request-faculties-pool
; missing: request-workspace-save-channel
; missing: debounce-request-workspace-save
; missing: scroll-to