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Facial Analysis and Speech Analysis Framework Options

Michael Ray D Sawan edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 5 revisions

Facial Analysis and Detection Options

Option 1: Using WebRTC and OpenCV with AWS EC2


  • Real-Time Communication: WebRTC enables direct peer-to-peer communication, facilitating real-time video chat without the need for additional plugins.
  • Facial Analysis Capabilities: OpenCV can be integrated into the application for real-time facial analysis, providing features such as emotion detection, face recognition, and more.
  • Scalability: AWS EC2 offers scalable computing capacity, allowing the application to handle varying levels of user traffic and data processing requirements.


  • Complex Integration: Implementing both WebRTC and OpenCV simultaneously may require a considerable level of expertise, particularly in real-time communication and computer vision.
  • Resource Intensiveness: Real-time video streaming and facial analysis can be resource-intensive, potentially leading to increased costs if not managed efficiently.

Option 2: Using with Amazon ECS


  • Simplified Integration: provides a simple SDK for integrating real-time video chat features, reducing the complexity of implementation.
  • Facial Analysis Support: Facial analysis functionalities can be integrated into the application using additional libraries or services, enhancing the user experience with features such as sentiment analysis and expression recognition.
  • Scalability and Containerization: Amazon ECS facilitates the deployment of containerized applications, enabling easy scaling and management of the application's resources.


  • Dependency on Third-Party Service: Integrating may involve additional costs and reliance on a third-party service, potentially impacting the application's long-term scalability and flexibility.
  • Customization Limitations:'s SDK may have limitations in terms of customizing certain aspects of the video chat experience, which could restrict the implementation of specific facial analysis features.

Option 3: Using Twilio Video with AWS Lambda


  • Developer-Friendly: Twilio Video offers a developer-friendly API for integrating video chat functionality, simplifying the implementation process.
  • Serverless Architecture: AWS Lambda enables a serverless architecture for handling specific functions, reducing the need for managing infrastructure and enabling cost-effective scaling based on usage.
  • Facial Analysis Customization: AWS Lambda allows for the integration of custom facial analysis functionalities, providing flexibility in tailoring the facial analysis features to the specific requirements of the application.


  • Complex Configuration: Integrating Twilio Video and AWS Lambda may require a thorough understanding and configuration of the respective services, potentially leading to complexity in the setup process.
  • Performance Constraints: AWS Lambda has certain performance limitations, which might impact the real-time processing capabilities required for intensive facial analysis tasks, depending on the complexity of the analysis.

Each of these options provides a distinct approach to implementing a video chat web application with facial analysis features, catering to different development preferences and project requirements. Evaluating the specific needs of your telemedicine application and considering factors such as development expertise, scalability, and cost considerations will help in choosing the most suitable implementation option for your project hosted on AWS.

Speech Detection and Analysis Options

Speech detection and analysis are integral components of various applications, from real-time communication platforms to voice-controlled systems. When considering implementations with WebRTC, different approaches offer unique advantages and considerations. Here, we explore various implementations, highlighting their pros and cons.

Option 1: WebRTC Native Audio Processing


  • Real-Time Processing: Utilizing WebRTC's native audio processing capabilities enables real-time analysis without additional plugins.
  • Low Latency: Direct integration with WebRTC minimizes latency, crucial for interactive applications.


  • Limited Features: Native WebRTC processing may have limitations in advanced speech analysis features.
  • Development Complexity: Implementing custom audio processing using WebRTC requires a deep understanding of the technology, potentially increasing development complexity.

Option 2: Integration with Third-Party Speech APIs


  • Feature-Rich: Third-party speech APIs often offer a broader range of features, including transcription, sentiment analysis, and speaker identification.
  • Scalability: Leveraging established APIs allows for easy scalability, as the processing workload is offloaded to the API provider.


  • Cost: Depending on usage, third-party APIs may incur costs, impacting the project's budget.
  • Dependency: Relying on external APIs introduces a dependency that might affect system reliability and performance.

Option 3: Custom Speech Processing Server with WebRTC


  • Full Control: Setting up a custom server provides full control over speech processing algorithms and features.
  • Privacy: In certain scenarios, hosting speech processing internally may enhance data privacy.


  • Infrastructure Management: Maintaining a custom server involves infrastructure management, potentially increasing operational complexity.
  • Development Time: Building and optimizing custom speech processing algorithms can extend development time.


The current implementation of our telemedicine application utilizes the first option, leveraging WebRTC and OpenCV hosted on AWS EC2. This choice provides real-time communication capabilities through WebRTC, enabling peer-to-peer video chat without additional plugins, and integrates OpenCV for robust facial analysis, including emotion detection and face recognition. The solution is hosted on AWS EC2, offering scalability to accommodate varying levels of user traffic and data processing requirements.

The current implementation of Facial and Emotion Recognition, encapsulates the integration of these technologies, showcasing a real-time facial emotion recognition system. By combining the power of WebRTC for seamless video communication and OpenCV for advanced facial analysis, our application aims to provide an immersive and feature-rich telemedicine experience.

As we move forward, the team may consider exploring alternative options, specifically investigating the implementation using Amazon Rekognition. This change in approach could simplify the facial analysis pipeline and potentially offer more detailed insights into users' emotions. Amazon Rekognition, being a fully managed service, might streamline the development process by providing pre-built models for facial analysis, reducing the complexity associated with managing custom computer vision models.

While the current solution with WebRTC and OpenCV provides a robust foundation, the potential transition to Amazon Rekognition could enhance the accuracy and depth of emotion analysis, ultimately improving the overall user experience. This strategic shift would also align with the trend of leveraging managed services to streamline development efforts and benefit from the continuous advancements in machine learning capabilities.

On the topic of speech analysis, choosing the right speech detection and analysis implementation depends on project requirements, resources, and desired features. While native WebRTC processing offers simplicity and low latency, third-party APIs bring advanced features at the cost of potential dependencies. Custom servers provide the utmost control but may require more development effort and maintenance. As of the current revision of this wiki, no decision has been made yet on what option the team will go with.

In conclusion, the initial implementation has laid a solid foundation for real-time video communication and facial analysis. The team remains open to evolving our approach, and the exploration of Amazon Rekognition represents a promising avenue for further refining and expanding the capabilities of our telemedicine application. The journey continues towards offering a seamless, efficient, and empathetic telehealth experience for our users.