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Figma for Prototyping

Bryan M Lecza edited this page Nov 27, 2023 · 8 revisions

Figma Summary

What is Figma?

Figma is a web application that is used for UI/UX design, wireframing, and prototyping. It has collaborative features that allows for real-time simultaneous editing by multiple members. Figma runs on the browser making it usable to multiple operating systems such as Windows, MacOS, or Linux. It also maintains version history and allows for a variety of plugins in order to expand its functionality.

Why use Figma?

Because of its collaborative capabilities and its pricing, Figma stands out as the best option for prototyping our web application. While Figma can be used free, it is widely known and there are an abundant amount of resources making it easy to learn as well.

How are we using Figma?

We are using Figma to help us build a prototype of what our application will look like. With Figma, we have been able to build a home page as well as prototype for our video communication page. Using our wireframe, we have a model to actually build our application using HTML, CSS, and a JavaScript Framework.

Alternatives to Figma

Alternatives to Figma include Adobe XD, Sketch, UXPin, Marvel, as well as a many others. While these applications may just as good if not better than Figma, they all either cost money or have limited features in the free tier. Because prototyping has not been an extensive part of the project thus far, we found no need to pay for any software.

Figma Tools

In our project, we were able to explore a variety of tools that Figma has to offer in order to make our prototype


