Pack Leaders Rescume of CT

This project was for one of my student agency classes offered for my major and our clients for the semester was Pack Leaders Rescue of CT. I was one of the project leaders for the semester, and my group consisted of six people in all. Our task was to redesign their logo and build them a new website.

By the end of the semester, we fully developed and launched our website; if you want to take a look at the website click here. We also provided the company with 8 logo designs, after some discussion within the company, they ended up choosing the redesign of their original logo.

Pack Leaders Website

Logo Redesign

Our clients also wanted my team to redesign and vectorize their logo. So we produced eight new logos; all of which had a style guide to go along with it. Unfortunately, the logo that was the closest to their original was chosen by the owner as the one they would use moving forward.
