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rcc02007 committed Apr 2, 2020
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58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions ASEE-DELOS_Cooper.aux
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\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Laboratory schedule for the 14-week semester in upper-level engineering course. Each box represents an assignment that includes measurements, statistical analysis, and lab report. The ``Mass Measurement Contest'' asks students to use a combination of methods from weeks 1-9 to predict the mass of an object attached to a vibrating beam. The final two weeks are used to measure a first-order convective heat transfer problem, incorporating statistical uncertainty, finite element analysis, and verification. \relax }}{3}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Plotted above in (a) is the average change in lab report grade as a function of the first Report~\#0. The specification for passing Report \#0 is shown as a red line at 70 points. The green area above the ``Linear model change in grade''=0 shows the students that continuously improved their report grades throughout the semester. The dark red section in the lower-left, that has no student data, would be students that performed poorly and continued to decrease quality. The light-red section between 70 and 100 are the students that decreased quality to the point of risking failing Report~\#6. The yellow section between 70 and 100 above the orange risk section are students that decreased quality, but maintained high enough marks to not risk failing lab reports. There are three populations of students from Fall 2018 $\square $~markers and Fall 2019 $\circ $~markers:\IeC {\nobreakspace }Red indicates students that failed Report~\#0, but their scores increased throughout the semester, Green indicates students that passed Report~\#0 whose scores continued to increase throughout the semester, and orange are students that passed Report~\#0, but their scores decreased throughout the semester. The orange marks in the red sections, "maintain poor quality" were at risk of failing other lab reports. In (b), box plots of the scores from 2018 and 2019 on reports 0-6 are plotted. The median is shown by a horizontal line, the notches indicate the confidence interval, the whiskers denote the range of scores, with outliers marked as circles, and the upper- and lower-quartiles are shown by the boxes above and below the median lines. The red-dashed line indicates the specification for a passing grade on the reports. \relax }}{5}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Plotted above is a histogram of the reported errors from Fall~2018 and Fall~2019 for the mass measurement contest. The average mass reported in Fall~2018 and Fall~2019 was 18~$\pm $~33~g and 41~$\pm $~27~g, respectively with error reported as standard deviation. The actual mass measurements were 32~$\pm $~2~g. The histogram is the error=(reported value - the actual value). \relax }}{6}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Plotted above is a histogram of the responses from senior capstone project students that either: took the project-based laboratory course concurrently with capstone, in the previous year, or not at all. The students were asked to rate the necessity of eight problem-solving and technical writing skills that were introduced in this project-based laboratory course.\relax }}{7}\protected@file@percent }
\bibcite{passow2017}{{1}{2017}{{Passow and Passow}}{{}}}
\bibcite{evans1993}{{2}{1993}{{Evans et~al.}}{{Evans, Beakley, Crouch, and Yamaguchi}}}
\bibcite{lillis2001}{{5}{2001}{{Lillis and Turner}}{{}}}
\bibcite{nilson2015}{{7}{2015}{{Nilson and Stanny}}{{}}}
\bibcite{carlile1998}{{10}{1998}{{Carlile et~al.}}{{Carlile, Barnet, Sefton, and Uther}}}
\bibcite{awang2008}{{12}{2008}{{Awang and Ramly}}{{}}}
\bibcite{michieletto2018}{{14}{2018}{{Michieletto and Pagello}}{{}}}
\bibcite{kluyver2016}{{15}{2016}{{Kluyver et~al.}}{{Kluyver, Ragan-Kelley, P{\'e}rez, Granger, Bussonnier, Frederic, Kelley, Hamrick, Grout, Corlay, et~al.}}}
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\expandafter\ifx\csname urlstyle\endcsname\relax
\providecommand{\doi}[1]{doi: #1}\else
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\bibitem[Passow and Passow(2017)]{passow2017}
Honor~J. Passow and Christian~H. Passow.
\newblock {What Competencies Should Undergraduate Engineering Programs
Emphasize? A Systematic Review}.
\newblock \emph{Journal of Engineering Education}, 106\penalty0 (3):\penalty0
475--526, jul 2017.
\newblock ISSN 10694730.
\newblock \doi{10.1002/jee.20171}.

\bibitem[Evans et~al.(1993)Evans, Beakley, Crouch, and Yamaguchi]{evans1993}
D.~L. Evans, G.~C. Beakley, P.~E. Crouch, and G.~T. Yamaguchi.
\newblock {Attributes of Engineering Graduates and Their Impact on Curriculum
\newblock \emph{Journal of Engineering Education}, 82\penalty0 (4):\penalty0
203--211, oct 1993.
\newblock ISSN 10694730.
\newblock \doi{10.1002/j.2168-9830.1993.tb01075.x}.

David Hume.
\newblock \emph{A treatise of human nature}.
\newblock Dover, 1739.

Immanuel Kant.
\newblock \emph{Critique of pure reason}.
\newblock MacMillan, New York, NY, 1781.

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Theresa Lillis and Joan Turner.
\newblock {Student Writing in Higher Education: Contemporary confusion,
traditional concerns}.
\newblock \emph{Teaching in Higher Education}, 6\penalty0 (1):\penalty0 57--68,
jan 2001.
\newblock ISSN 1356-2517.
\newblock \doi{10.1080/13562510020029608}.

Susan Conrad.
\newblock {A Comparison of Practitioner and Student Writing in Civil
\newblock \emph{Journal of Engineering Education}, 106\penalty0 (2):\penalty0
191--217, apr 2017.
\newblock ISSN 1069-4730.
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\bibitem[Nilson and Stanny(2015)]{nilson2015}
L.~Nilson and C.J. Stanny.
\newblock \emph{Specifications Grading: Restoring Rigor, Motivating Students,
and Saving Faculty Time}.
\newblock Stylus Publishing, 2015.
\newblock ISBN 9781620362440.

Honor~J. Passow.
\newblock {Which ABET Competencies Do Engineering Graduates Find Most Important
in their Work?}
\newblock \emph{Journal of Engineering Education}, 101\penalty0 (1):\penalty0
95--118, jan 2012.
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\newblock \doi{10.1002/j.2168-9830.2012.tb00043.x}.

Juan~C Burguillo.
\newblock Using game theory and competition-based learning to stimulate student
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Simon Carlile, Stewart Barnet, Ann Sefton, and James Uther.
\newblock {Medical problem based learning supported by intranet technology: A
natural student centred approach}.
\newblock In \emph{International Journal of Medical Informatics}, volume~50,
pages 225--233. Elsevier Sci Ireland Ltd, jun 1998.
\newblock \doi{10.1016/S1386-5056(98)00073-2}.

Jillian Morrison.
\newblock {Where now for problem based learning?}
\newblock \emph{Lancet}, 363\penalty0 (9403):\penalty0 174, jan 2004.
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\newblock \doi{10.1016/s0140-6736(03)15298-1}.

\bibitem[Awang and Ramly(2008)]{awang2008}
Halizah Awang and Ishak Ramly.
\newblock Creative thinking skill approach through problem-based learning:
Pedagogy and practice in the engineering classroom.
\newblock \emph{International journal of human and social sciences}, 3\penalty0
(1):\penalty0 18--23, 2008.

Stephanie Bell.
\newblock Project-based learning for the 21st century: Skills for the future.
\newblock \emph{The clearing house}, 83\penalty0 (2):\penalty0 39--43, 2010.

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Stefano Michieletto and Enrico Pagello.
\newblock Competitions and industrial tasks as a way to learn basic concepts in
\newblock In \emph{2018 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot
Systems and Competitions (ICARSC)}, pages 173--178. IEEE, 2018.

\bibitem[Kluyver et~al.(2016)Kluyver, Ragan-Kelley, P{\'e}rez, Granger,
Bussonnier, Frederic, Kelley, Hamrick, Grout, Corlay, et~al.]{kluyver2016}
Thomas Kluyver, Benjamin Ragan-Kelley, Fernando P{\'e}rez, Brian~E Granger,
Matthias Bussonnier, Jonathan Frederic, Kyle Kelley, Jessica~B Hamrick, Jason
Grout, Sylvain Corlay, et~al.
\newblock Jupyter notebooks-a publishing format for reproducible computational
\newblock In \emph{ELPUB}, pages 87--90, 2016.

\newblock The probable error of a mean.
\newblock \emph{Biometrika}, pages 1--25, 1908.

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