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ret15108 committed Mar 25, 2018
1 parent cac0be7 commit d48ee01
Showing 1 changed file with 61 additions and 22 deletions.
83 changes: 61 additions & 22 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,43 @@ def get_range(data, theta):
print("range: " + str(data.ranges[index]))
# Return the LiDAR scan value at that index
# Do some error checking for NaN and ubsurd values
## Your code goes here
return data.ranges[index]
ranges = data.ranges[index-2:index+3]
r = np.mean(ranges)
return r

def get_steering_angle(lowpoint, highpoint):
This function returns the steering angle with the appropriate signage
| \
| \
| \
| \
:param lowpoint: The point closest in the y dimension to the car, as a tuple (x,y)
:param highpoint: The point furthest from the car in the y dimension, as a tuple (x,y)
:return: angle in radians
delx = float(highpoint[0])-float(lowpoint[0])
dely = float(highpoint[1])-float(lowpoint[1])
hyp = math.sqrt(delx**2 + dely**2)
theta = -1*math.asin(delx/hyp)
return theta

def get_coords(theta, range):
This maps polar to rectangular coordinates given the LiDAR's frame of reference.
We rotate 90deg to right to reorient to polar origin
:param theta: LiDAR theta
:param range: LiDAR range
y = math.cos(theta)*range
x = -1 * math.sin(theta)*range
return x, y

def laser_subscriber(msg, thetas):
Expand All @@ -42,35 +77,39 @@ def main():
print("Geometric Controller Initialized")
pub = rospy.Publisher("drive_parameters", drive_params)
# laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, laser_subscriber, [-math.pi/2, -11*math.pi/24])
# rospy.spin()
counter = 0
while (not rospy.core.is_shutdown()):
while not rospy.core.is_shutdown():
msg = rospy.client.wait_for_message('scan', LaserScan)
print(msg.angle_min, msg.angle_max, msg.angle_increment)
TOP = 1
BOT = 0
thetas = 3*math.pi/24
thetar = [-math.pi / 2, (-math.pi / 2)+thetas]
rangesr = [get_range(msg, t) for t in thetar]
pointsr = [(rangesr[BOT], 0), get_coords(thetar[TOP], rangesr[TOP])]
thetasr = get_steering_angle(pointsr[TOP], pointsr[BOT])
print('pointsr', pointsr)
print('thetasR', thetasr)

thetal = [math.pi / 2, (math.pi / 2)-thetas]
rangesl = [get_range(msg, t) for t in thetal]
#counter += 1
d1r = rangesr[BOT]
d2r = rangesr[TOP]
d3r = math.sqrt(d1r**2 + d2r**2 - 2*d1r*d2r*math.cos(thetas))
deltaxr = d2r*math.cos(thetas) - d1r
thetadr = math.asin(deltaxr/d3r)
d1l = rangesl[BOT]
d2l = rangesl[TOP]
d3l = math.sqrt(d1l**2 + d2l**2 - 2*d1l*d2l*math.cos(thetas))
deltaxl = (d2l*math.cos(thetas) - d1l)
thetadl = math.asin(deltaxl/d3l)
thetad = thetadl + thetadr
steering_input = interp(thetad, [np.radians(-20), np.radians(20)], [-100, 100])
print("ThetaR:", thetad, "|Steering Angle:", steering_input)
pointsl = [(-rangesl[BOT], 0), get_coords(thetal[TOP], rangesl[TOP])]
thetasl = get_steering_angle(pointsl[TOP], pointsl[BOT])
print('pointsl', pointsl)
print('thetasL', thetasl)

Weight the thetas by how far the max distance is to the wall.
This should keep us away from walls.
maxr = max(rangesr)**2
maxl = max(rangesl)**2
rweight = maxr/(maxr+maxl)
lweight = maxl/(maxr+maxl)
print("Weights:", lweight, "|", rweight)

thetas = thetasl*lweight + thetasr*rweight
steering_input = interp(thetas, [np.radians(-20), np.radians(20)], [-100, 100])
print("ThetaR:", thetas, "|Steering Angle:", steering_input)
message = drive_params()
message.angle = steering_input
message.velocity = 15
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