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// -*- mode:c++; fill-column: 100; -*-
#include "vesc_ackermann/vesc_to_odom.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/TransformStamped.h>
namespace vesc_ackermann
template <typename T>
inline bool getRequiredParam(const ros::NodeHandle& nh, std::string name, T& value);
VescToOdom::VescToOdom(ros::NodeHandle nh, ros::NodeHandle private_nh) :
odom_frame_("odom"), base_frame_("base_link"),
use_servo_cmd_(true), publish_tf_(false), x_(0.0), y_(0.0), yaw_(0.0)
// get ROS parameters
private_nh.param("odom_frame", odom_frame_, odom_frame_);
private_nh.param("base_frame", base_frame_, base_frame_);
private_nh.param("use_servo_cmd_to_calc_angular_velocity", use_servo_cmd_, use_servo_cmd_);
if (!getRequiredParam(nh, "speed_to_erpm_gain", speed_to_erpm_gain_))
if (!getRequiredParam(nh, "speed_to_erpm_offset", speed_to_erpm_offset_))
if (use_servo_cmd_) {
if (!getRequiredParam(nh, "steering_angle_to_servo_gain", steering_to_servo_gain_))
if (!getRequiredParam(nh, "steering_angle_to_servo_offset", steering_to_servo_offset_))
if (!getRequiredParam(nh, "wheelbase", wheelbase_))
private_nh.param("publish_tf", publish_tf_, publish_tf_);
// create odom publisher
odom_pub_ = nh.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odom", 10);
// create tf broadcaster
if (publish_tf_) {
tf_pub_.reset(new tf::TransformBroadcaster);
// subscribe to vesc state and. optionally, servo command
vesc_state_sub_ = nh.subscribe("sensors/core", 10, &VescToOdom::vescStateCallback, this);
if (use_servo_cmd_) {
servo_sub_ = nh.subscribe("sensors/servo_position_command", 10,
&VescToOdom::servoCmdCallback, this);
void VescToOdom::vescStateCallback(const vesc_msgs::VescStateStamped::ConstPtr& state)
// check that we have a last servo command if we are depending on it for angular velocity
if (use_servo_cmd_ && !last_servo_cmd_)
// convert to engineering units
double current_speed = ( state->state.speed - speed_to_erpm_offset_ ) / speed_to_erpm_gain_;
double current_steering_angle(0.0), current_angular_velocity(0.0);
if (use_servo_cmd_) {
current_steering_angle =
( last_servo_cmd_->data - steering_to_servo_offset_ ) / steering_to_servo_gain_;
current_angular_velocity = current_speed * tan(current_steering_angle) / wheelbase_;
// use current state as last state if this is our first time here
if (!last_state_)
last_state_ = state;
// calc elapsed time
ros::Duration dt = state->header.stamp - last_state_->header.stamp;
/** @todo could probably do better propigating odometry, e.g. trapezoidal integration */
// propigate odometry
double x_dot = current_speed * cos(yaw_);
double y_dot = current_speed * sin(yaw_);
x_ += x_dot * dt.toSec();
y_ += y_dot * dt.toSec();
if (use_servo_cmd_)
yaw_ += current_angular_velocity * dt.toSec();
// save state for next time
last_state_ = state;
// publish odometry message
nav_msgs::Odometry::Ptr odom(new nav_msgs::Odometry);
odom->header.frame_id = odom_frame_;
odom->header.stamp = state->header.stamp;
odom->child_frame_id = base_frame_;
// Position
odom->pose.pose.position.x = x_;
odom->pose.pose.position.y = y_;
odom->pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.0;
odom->pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.0;
odom->pose.pose.orientation.z = sin(yaw_/2.0);
odom->pose.pose.orientation.w = cos(yaw_/2.0);
// Position uncertainty
/** @todo Think about position uncertainty, perhaps get from parameters? */
odom->pose.covariance[0] = 0.2; ///< x
odom->pose.covariance[7] = 0.2; ///< y
odom->pose.covariance[35] = 0.4; ///< yaw
// Velocity ("in the coordinate frame given by the child_frame_id")
odom->twist.twist.linear.x = current_speed;
odom->twist.twist.linear.y = 0.0;
odom->twist.twist.angular.z = current_angular_velocity;
// Velocity uncertainty
/** @todo Think about velocity uncertainty */
if (publish_tf_) {
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped tf;
tf.header.frame_id = odom_frame_;
tf.child_frame_id = base_frame_;
tf.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
tf.transform.translation.x = x_;
tf.transform.translation.y = y_;
tf.transform.translation.z = 0.0;
tf.transform.rotation = odom->pose.pose.orientation;
if (ros::ok()) {
if (ros::ok()) {
void VescToOdom::servoCmdCallback(const std_msgs::Float64::ConstPtr& servo)
last_servo_cmd_ = servo;
template <typename T>
inline bool getRequiredParam(const ros::NodeHandle& nh, std::string name, T& value)
if (nh.getParam(name, value))
return true;
ROS_FATAL("VescToOdom: Parameter %s is required.", name.c_str());
return false;
} // namespace vesc_ackermann