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// -*- mode:c++; fill-column: 100; -*-
#include "vesc_driver/vesc_driver.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <vesc_msgs/VescStateStamped.h>
namespace vesc_driver
VescDriver::VescDriver(ros::NodeHandle nh,
ros::NodeHandle private_nh) :
boost::bind(&VescDriver::vescPacketCallback, this, _1),
boost::bind(&VescDriver::vescErrorCallback, this, _1)),
duty_cycle_limit_(private_nh, "duty_cycle", 0.0, 1.0), current_limit_(private_nh, "current"),
brake_limit_(private_nh, "brake"), speed_limit_(private_nh, "speed"),
position_limit_(private_nh, "position"), servo_limit_(private_nh, "servo", 0.0, 1.0),
driver_mode_(MODE_INITIALIZING), fw_version_major_(-1), fw_version_minor_(-1)
// get vesc serial port address
std::string port;
if (!private_nh.getParam("port", port)) {
ROS_FATAL("VESC communication port parameter required.");
// attempt to connect to the serial port
try {
catch (SerialException e) {
ROS_FATAL("Failed to connect to the VESC, %s.", e.what());
// create vesc state (telemetry) publisher
state_pub_ = nh.advertise<vesc_msgs::VescStateStamped>("sensors/core", 10);
// since vesc state does not include the servo position, publish the commanded
// servo position as a "sensor"
servo_sensor_pub_ = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("sensors/servo_position_command", 10);
// subscribe to motor and servo command topics
duty_cycle_sub_ = nh.subscribe("commands/motor/duty_cycle", 10,
&VescDriver::dutyCycleCallback, this);
current_sub_ = nh.subscribe("commands/motor/current", 10, &VescDriver::currentCallback, this);
brake_sub_ = nh.subscribe("commands/motor/brake", 10, &VescDriver::brakeCallback, this);
speed_sub_ = nh.subscribe("commands/motor/speed", 10, &VescDriver::speedCallback, this);
position_sub_ = nh.subscribe("commands/motor/position", 10, &VescDriver::positionCallback, this);
servo_sub_ = nh.subscribe("commands/servo/position", 10, &VescDriver::servoCallback, this);
// create a 50Hz timer, used for state machine & polling VESC telemetry
timer_ = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0/50.0), &VescDriver::timerCallback, this);
- what should we do on startup? send brake or zero command?
- what to do if the vesc interface gives an error?
- check version number against know compatable?
- should we wait until we receive telemetry before sending commands?
- should we track the last motor command
- what to do if no motor command received recently?
- what to do if no servo command received recently?
- what is the motor safe off state (0 current?)
- what to do if a command parameter is out of range, ignore?
- try to predict vesc bounds (from vesc config) and command detect bounds errors
void VescDriver::timerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event)
// VESC interface should not unexpectedly disconnect, but test for it anyway
if (!vesc_.isConnected()) {
ROS_FATAL("Unexpectedly disconnected from serial port.");
* Driver state machine, modes:
* INITIALIZING - request and wait for vesc version
* OPERATING - receiving commands from subscriber topics
if (driver_mode_ == MODE_INITIALIZING) {
// request version number, return packet will update the internal version numbers
if (fw_version_major_ >= 0 && fw_version_minor_ >= 0) {
ROS_INFO("Connected to VESC with firmware version %d.%d",
fw_version_major_, fw_version_minor_);
driver_mode_ = MODE_OPERATING;
else if (driver_mode_ == MODE_OPERATING) {
// poll for vesc state (telemetry)
else {
// unknown mode, how did that happen?
assert(false && "unknown driver mode");
void VescDriver::vescPacketCallback(const boost::shared_ptr<VescPacket const>& packet)
if (packet->name() == "Values") {
boost::shared_ptr<VescPacketValues const> values =
boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<VescPacketValues const>(packet);
vesc_msgs::VescStateStamped::Ptr state_msg(new vesc_msgs::VescStateStamped);
state_msg->header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
state_msg->state.voltage_input = values->v_in();
state_msg->state.temperature_pcb = values->temp_pcb();
state_msg->state.current_motor = values->current_motor();
state_msg->state.current_input = values->current_in();
state_msg->state.speed = values->rpm();
state_msg->state.duty_cycle = values->duty_now();
state_msg->state.charge_drawn = values->amp_hours();
state_msg->state.charge_regen = values->amp_hours_charged();
state_msg->state.energy_drawn = values->watt_hours();
state_msg->state.energy_regen = values->watt_hours_charged();
state_msg->state.displacement = values->tachometer();
state_msg->state.distance_traveled = values->tachometer_abs();
state_msg->state.fault_code = values->fault_code();
else if (packet->name() == "FWVersion") {
boost::shared_ptr<VescPacketFWVersion const> fw_version =
boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<VescPacketFWVersion const>(packet);
// todo: might need lock here
fw_version_major_ = fw_version->fwMajor();
fw_version_minor_ = fw_version->fwMinor();
void VescDriver::vescErrorCallback(const std::string& error)
ROS_ERROR("%s", error.c_str());
* @param duty_cycle Commanded VESC duty cycle. Valid range for this driver is -1 to +1. However,
* note that the VESC may impose a more restrictive bounds on the range depending
* on its configuration, e.g. absolute value is between 0.05 and 0.95.
void VescDriver::dutyCycleCallback(const std_msgs::Float64::ConstPtr& duty_cycle)
if (driver_mode_ = MODE_OPERATING) {
* @param current Commanded VESC current in Amps. Any value is accepted by this driver. However,
* note that the VESC may impose a more restrictive bounds on the range depending on
* its configuration.
void VescDriver::currentCallback(const std_msgs::Float64::ConstPtr& current)
if (driver_mode_ = MODE_OPERATING) {
* @param brake Commanded VESC braking current in Amps. Any value is accepted by this driver.
* However, note that the VESC may impose a more restrictive bounds on the range
* depending on its configuration.
void VescDriver::brakeCallback(const std_msgs::Float64::ConstPtr& brake)
if (driver_mode_ = MODE_OPERATING) {
* @param speed Commanded VESC speed in electrical RPM. Electrical RPM is the mechanical RPM
* multiplied by the number of motor poles. Any value is accepted by this
* driver. However, note that the VESC may impose a more restrictive bounds on the
* range depending on its configuration.
void VescDriver::speedCallback(const std_msgs::Float64::ConstPtr& speed)
if (driver_mode_ = MODE_OPERATING) {
* @param position Commanded VESC motor position in radians. Any value is accepted by this driver.
* Note that the VESC must be in encoder mode for this command to have an effect.
void VescDriver::positionCallback(const std_msgs::Float64::ConstPtr& position)
if (driver_mode_ = MODE_OPERATING) {
// ROS uses radians but VESC seems to use degrees. Convert to degrees.
double position_deg = position_limit_.clip(position->data) * M_PI / 180.0;
* @param servo Commanded VESC servo output position. Valid range is 0 to 1.
void VescDriver::servoCallback(const std_msgs::Float64::ConstPtr& servo)
if (driver_mode_ = MODE_OPERATING) {
double servo_clipped(servo_limit_.clip(servo->data));
// publish clipped servo value as a "sensor"
std_msgs::Float64::Ptr servo_sensor_msg(new std_msgs::Float64);
servo_sensor_msg->data = servo_clipped;
VescDriver::CommandLimit::CommandLimit(const ros::NodeHandle& nh, const std::string& str,
const boost::optional<double>& min_lower,
const boost::optional<double>& max_upper) :
// check if user's minimum value is outside of the range min_lower to max_upper
double param_min;
if (nh.getParam(name + "_min", param_min)) {
if (min_lower && param_min < *min_lower) {
lower = *min_lower;
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Parameter " << name << "_min (" << param_min <<
") is less than the feasible minimum (" << *min_lower << ").");
else if (max_upper && param_min > *max_upper) {
lower = *max_upper;
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Parameter " << name << "_min (" << param_min <<
") is greater than the feasible maximum (" << *max_upper << ").");
else {
lower = param_min;
else if (min_lower) {
lower = *min_lower;
// check if the uers' maximum value is outside of the range min_lower to max_upper
double param_max;
if (nh.getParam(name + "_max", param_max)) {
if (min_lower && param_max < *min_lower) {
upper = *min_lower;
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Parameter " << name << "_max (" << param_max <<
") is less than the feasible minimum (" << *min_lower << ").");
else if (max_upper && param_max > *max_upper) {
upper = *max_upper;
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Parameter " << name << "_max (" << param_max <<
") is greater than the feasible maximum (" << *max_upper << ").");
else {
upper = param_max;
else if (max_upper) {
upper = *max_upper;
// check for min > max
if (upper && lower && *lower > *upper) {
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Parameter " << name << "_max (" << upper
<< ") is less than parameter " << name << "_min (" << lower << ").");
double temp(*lower);
lower = *upper;
upper = temp;
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << " " << name << " limit: ";
if (lower) oss << *lower << " "; else oss << "(none) ";
if (upper) oss << *upper; else oss << "(none)";
double VescDriver::CommandLimit::clip(double value)
if (lower && value < lower) {
ROS_INFO_THROTTLE(10, "%s command value (%f) below minimum limit (%f), clipping.",
name.c_str(), value, *lower);
return *lower;
if (upper && value > upper) {
ROS_INFO_THROTTLE(10, "%s command value (%f) above maximum limit (%f), clipping.",
name.c_str(), value, *upper);
return *upper;
return value;
} // namespace vesc_driver