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Added StringHashFunction in HashTableBase.h

Signed-off-by: saq10002 <>
0 contributors

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427 lines (376 sloc) 11.6 KB
#pragma once
#include "common.h"
#include "ds.hashtablebase.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
// enable-disable testing classes in this file
#include "test.this.module.h"
using namespace std;
namespace yasi{
namespace ds{
using namespace testhash;
class Key,
class Value = Key,
class HashFunction = IntHashFunction<int>,
class EntryType = KVPair<Key,Value>, // must have key and value fields
class Pred = KVPairEqualityPredicate<Key>
class LinearProbingHashTable : public HashTableBase <
EntryType, // storing objects, not pointers
HashFunction > {
///////////////// enable testing ///////////////////
template<typename A, typename B, typename C>
// an EntryType object is stored in the table
//typedef KVPair<Key, Value> Pair;
//typedef EntryType Pair; // technically, this pair may not have a value
typedef EntryType BucketType; // each bucket holds an EntryType object
typedef EntryType Pair; // which is actually a key-value pair
typedef EntryType* BucketEntryPtr; // ptr to an entry object
typedef Key KeyType;
typedef Value ValueType;
// flag about the usage of the first [0] slot
bool _zeroUsed; // true if an entry with key=0 exists
EntryType _zeroKeyEntry; // the entry that was mapped to zero index
char* _pZeroKey; // all zeros up to #bytes of a Key; used to check if a Key is zero
char* _pZeroValue; // all zeros up to #bytes of a Value; used to set a Value to zero
inline unsigned int circularNext(const int index) const{
return this->modSize(index + 1);
inline unsigned int circularPrev(const int index) const{
return this->modSize(index - 1);
inline unsigned int circularDiff(const int low, const int high) const{
if (low == high) return 0;
else if (low < high)
return high - low;
return _size - low + high;
inline bool circularBetweenInclusive(const int bucket, const int left, const int right) const{
if (left == right && bucket != left) return false;
if (left < right){
return left <= bucket && bucket <= right;
// left > right
if (bucket >= left) return true;
else if (bucket <= right) return true;
else return false;
// if a key is already there, it is updated
void insert(const Key& k, const Value& v){
Pair* pair = insertKey(k);
if (pair && pair->value != v){
pair->value = v;
// something is wrong, insertKey() failed
// the key must be present in the table
virtual BucketEntryPtr lookupKey(const Key& k) const {
// test the zero key
if (isKeyZero(&k)){
if (_zeroUsed) return const_cast<Pair*>(&_zeroKeyEntry);
else return NULL;
// non-zero key
Pred keyEquals;
unsigned int firstBucket = this->index(k);
int cur = firstBucket;
if (isNull(cur)){
// this slot must be empty
// because we started from the firstBucket,
// the key is not present in the table
return NULL;
// this slot is occupied; check key
if (keyEquals(k, key(cur))){
// found match
return entryptr(cur);
// move on to the next slot
cur = this->modSize(cur + 1);
} //
} while (cur != firstBucket);
// we checked all slots of the table; no match
return NULL;
virtual BucketEntryPtr insertKey(const Key& k) {
// insert/update the entry with hashcode 0
if ( isKeyZero(&k)){
// key is zero
// we will use a special slot for this entry
if (_zeroUsed == false)
_zeroUsed = true;
_zeroKeyEntry.key = k;
// see if we need to size up
if (needGrow(_population))
return &_zeroKeyEntry;
// key is non-zero
Pred keyEquals;
// try all cells in the table, starting from the first (hashed) bucket
// if all cells are occupied, grow the table and keep trying
while (true){
unsigned int firstBucket = this->index(k);
int cur = firstBucket;
//Pair* pEntry = table[cur];
if (isNull(cur)){
// if this is the zero slot, we should skip it
// this slot must be empty,
// we can insert here
// see if we need to size up after this insertion
if (needGrow(_population+1)){
// current bucket is not appropriate anymore under new size
// exit the do{} loop, after which we grow and try again
// create a new entry
// return the pointer to the entry
return entryptr(cur);
// this slot is occupied; check key
if (keyEquals(k, key(cur))){
// found match
return entryptr(cur);
// move on to the next slot
cur = this->modSize(cur + 1);
} //
} while (cur != firstBucket);
// we checked all slots of the table; no match
// try again after resizing
return NULL;
virtual void removeKey(const Key& k) {
// zero key
if (isKeyZero(&k)){
if (_zeroUsed) {
_zeroUsed = false;
// shrink should not be automatic
//if (needShrink(_population))
// shrink();
// non-zero key
Pred keyEquals;
unsigned int curFirstBucket = this->index(k);
unsigned int cur = curFirstBucket;
const int searchStart = curFirstBucket; // remember our first posti
//Pair* pEntry = table[cur];
if (isNull(cur)){
// this slot must be empty
// because we started from the firstBucket,
// the key is not present in the table
// this slot is occupied; check key
if (keyEquals(k, key(cur))){
// remove
// shrink should not be automatic
//if (needShrink(_population))
// shrink();
// shuffle the entries from right to left until an empty slot is found
// (there must be one because we just deleted one)
// this will fix all other's linear probing sequence
const unsigned int startBucket = cur;
//bool crossedBoundary = false; // search crossed the table end and now at the beginning of the table due to mod operation
unsigned int neighbor = circularNext(cur);
while (neighbor != searchStart && // we have not checked all buckets
!isNull(neighbor))// there is an entry at the neighboring bucket and
//if (!crossedBoundary && neighbor < cur) {
// // our search just wrapped across the table boundary
// crossedBoundary = true;
unsigned int neighborFirstBucket = this->index(key(neighbor));
if (neighborFirstBucket == neighbor || // is the neighbor at its own first bucket? then it should not move
(curFirstBucket <= cur) // search did not wrap around the end
? neighborFirstBucket > cur // skip if neighbor's first bucket to the right of cur
: neighborFirstBucket < cur // skip if neighbor's first bucket to the left of cur
// yes; skip it
neighbor = circularNext(neighbor);
// the (possibly distant) neighbor is not at its first bucket
// move it to the left
table[cur] = table[neighbor];
// prepare for the next hop
cur = neighbor;
neighbor = circularNext(neighbor);
curFirstBucket = neighborFirstBucket;
// done
// key didn't match
// move on to the next slot
cur = this->modSize(cur + 1);
} // table[cur] != NULL; go to next iteration of while loop
} while (cur != searchStart);
// we checked all slots of the table; no key match
// cannot remove; done
// forecefully provide a table (and associated state values)
// for test purpose only
void forceTable(BucketType* newTable, const unsigned int newLogSize, const unsigned int newPopulation, HashFunction& newHashFunction){
// deallocate current table
// set new table
table = newTable;
_logSize = newLogSize;
_size = 1 << _logSize;
_population = newPopulation;
hash = newHashFunction;
//// abstracting the data type of the table
virtual inline BucketType& entry(const int bucket) const {
return table[bucket];
virtual inline Key key(const int bucket) const {
return table[bucket].key;
virtual inline Key* keyptr(const int bucket) const {
return &table[bucket].key;
virtual inline BucketEntryPtr entryptr(const int bucket) const {
return &table[bucket];
virtual inline Value value(const int bucket) const {
return table[bucket].value;
virtual inline bool isNull(const int bucket) const{
return isKeyZero(keyptr(bucket));
virtual inline void makeNull(const int bucket) const{
virtual inline void removeEntry(const int bucket) const{
virtual inline bool isKeyZero(const Key* pKey) const{
return memcmp(pKey, _pZeroKey, sizeof(Key)) == 0;
virtual inline bool isValueZero(const Value* pValue) const{
return memcmp(pValue, _pZeroValue, sizeof(Value)) == 0;
virtual inline void setKeyZero(Key* pKey) const{
memcpy(pKey, _pZeroKey, sizeof(Key));
virtual inline void setValueZero(Value* pValue) const{
memcpy(pValue, _pZeroValue, sizeof(Value));
virtual inline void makeEntry(const int bucket, const Key& k){
table[bucket] = Pair(k);
// if we stored pointers, we would have done new Pair(k)
virtual inline bool isBucketEmpty(const int bucket) const override {
return isNull(bucket);
virtual void copyTable(BucketType* oldTable, const unsigned int oldSize) override {
// the zeroPair stays intact because it is determined by key, not hash value
// copy table elements
//BucketType* oldTable = (BucketType*)prevTable;
_population = _zeroUsed ? 1 : 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oldSize; i++){
EntryType p = oldTable[i];
if ( !isKeyZero(&p.key)){
insert(p.key, p.value);
// no need to delete because it is not pointer anymore
// count the zero element
virtual void clear(){
if (table){
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _size; i++){
_zeroUsed = false;
_population = 0;
LinearProbingHashTable(unsigned int logSize = INIT_LOGSIZE) : _zeroUsed(false), HashTableBase(logSize){
_pZeroKey = new char[sizeof(Key)];
_pZeroValue = new char[sizeof(Value)];
memset(_pZeroKey, 0, sizeof(Key));
virtual ~LinearProbingHashTable(){
virtual Value* get(const Key& key) const override {
Pair* kv = lookupKey(key);
if (kv)
return &(kv->value);
return NULL;
virtual void put(const Key& key, const Value& value) override {
return insert(key, value);
virtual bool contains(const Key& key) const override {
return lookupKey(key) != NULL;
virtual void remove(const Key& k) override { removeKey(k); }