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252 lines (205 sloc) 7.48 KB
from pprint import pprint
import csv
def remove_OR(gene):
Removes the OR and number that appears sometimes in the repetoire genes
EX: TRBV21/OR9-2*01
We want to remove the /OR9
segments = gene.split('/')
segment1 = segments[0]
segment2 = segments[1]
if '-' in segment2:
gene = segment1 + '-' + segment2.split('-')[1]
gene = segment1 + '*' + segment2.split('*')[1]
return gene
def parse_alignments(f_in, f_out):
f = open(f_in, 'r')
out_file = open(f_out, 'w')
lines = f.readlines()
for i in xrange(len(lines)):
if " Query= " in lines[i]:
name = lines[i].strip()
name = name.split(' ')[2]
if "Top V gene match" in lines[i]:
l = lines[i+1].strip()
genes = l.split()[0:3]
chain = l.split()[3]
if "Yes" in chain or "No" in chain:
chain = genes[2]
genes[2] = genes[1]
genes[1] = "N/A"
to_write = "%s %s %s %s %s\n" % (name, genes[0], genes[1], genes[2], chain)
def score(p_full, c_full, score_array):
'''The actual scoring algorithm'''
if p_full == "N/A":
return score_array
if '-' in c_full:
temp = c_full.split('-')
c_subgroup = temp[0]
temp = temp[1].split('*')
c_gene = temp[0]
c_allele = temp[1]
temp = c_full.split('*')
c_subgroup = temp[0]
c_allele = temp[1]
c_gene = None
if '-' in p_full:
temp = p_full.split('-')
p_subgroup = temp[0]
temp = temp[1].split('*')
p_gene = temp[0]
p_allele = temp[1]
temp = p_full.split('*')
p_subgroup = temp[0]
p_allele = temp[1]
p_gene = None
if p_subgroup == c_subgroup:
score_array[0] += 1
if p_gene == c_gene:
score_array[1] += 1
if p_allele == c_allele:
score_array[2] += 1
return score_array
return score_array
return score_array
return score_array
def score_chain(chain, v_gene_correct):
Sees if the right chain is predicted
if chain == "VH" and "TRBV" in v_gene_correct:
return True
elif chain == "VA" and "TRAV" in v_gene_correct:
return True
elif chain == "VG" and "TRGV" in v_gene_correct:
return True
elif chain == "VH" and "TRDV" in v_gene_correct:
return True
return True
def score_alignments(results, correct_alignments):
Scores how well IgBlast did by comparing the parsed VDJ predictions
and comparing it to the correct results
Returns the score matrix
# Scores for [subgroup, gene, allele]
v_score = [0, 0, 0]
d_score = [0, 0, 0]
j_score = [0, 0, 0]
v_dict = {}
d_dict = {}
j_dict = {}
chain_score = 0
completely_correct_genes = 0
completely_correct_alleles = 0
results = open(results, 'r')
correct = open(correct_alignments, 'r')
predicted_lines = results.readlines()
correct_lines = correct.readlines()
# Loop through predicted results
for i in xrange(len(predicted_lines)):
# Get predicted V, D, and J
genes = predicted_lines[i].split()[1:]
p_v_gene = genes[0].strip()
if p_v_gene != "N/A":
p_v_gene = p_v_gene.split('|')[1]
p_d_gene = genes[1].strip()
if p_d_gene != "N/A":
p_d_gene = p_d_gene.split('|')[1]
p_j_gene = genes[2].strip()
if p_j_gene != "N/A":
p_j_gene = p_j_gene.split('|')[1]
chain = genes[3].strip()
# Get correct V, D, J genes
genes = correct_lines[i].split()[1]
genes = genes.split(';')
c_v_gene = genes[0].strip()
c_d_gene = genes[1].strip()
c_j_gene = genes[2].strip()
# Sometimes theres an OR# in the correct gene, so lets remove it for now
if "OR" in c_v_gene: c_v_gene = remove_OR(c_v_gene)
if "OR" in c_d_gene: c_d_gene = remove_OR(c_d_gene)
if "OR" in c_j_gene: c_j_gene = remove_OR(c_j_gene)
# Now score them
# If the chain is correct, score the segments
# Else, do nothing because the prediction is not correct and no scores should be added
if score_chain(chain, c_v_gene):
chain_score += 1
v_score_new = score(p_v_gene, c_v_gene, v_score)
d_score_new = score(p_d_gene, c_d_gene, d_score)
j_score_new = score(p_j_gene, c_j_gene, j_score)
v_name = c_v_gene.split("*")[0]
d_name = c_d_gene.split("*")[0]
j_name = c_j_gene.split("*")[0]
if v_name not in v_dict.keys():
v_dict[v_name] = [0, 1]
v_dict[v_name][1] += 1
if d_name not in d_dict.keys():
d_dict[d_name] = [0, 1]
d_dict[d_name][1] += 1
if j_name not in j_dict.keys():
j_dict[j_name] = [0, 1]
j_dict[j_name][1] += 1
# Check to see if it got all the genes correct in a read
if v_score_new[1] > v_score[1] and d_score_new[1] > d_score[1] and j_score_new[1] > j_score[1]:
completely_correct_genes += 1
# Check to see if it got all the genes and alleles correct in a read
# Note this is less likely because Im only returning 1 allele/gene where as it could be equal probability to get two or three alleles
if v_score_new[2] > v_score[2] and d_score_new[2] > d_score[2] and j_score_new[2] > j_score[2]:
completely_correct_alleles += 1
# I know this could be optimized but fuck it for now
if v_score_new[1] > v_score[1]:
v_dict[v_name][0] += 1
if d_score_new[1] > d_score[1]:
d_dict[d_name][0] += 1
if j_score_new[1] > j_score[1]:
j_dict[j_name][0] += 1
v_score = v_score_new
d_score = d_score_new
j_score = j_score_new
# Write csv's of dicts
f = open("v_csv", 'w')
f_w = csv.writer(f)
f_w.writerow(['Name', 'Percent Correct'])
for k in v_dict.keys():
percent_correct = (v_dict[k][0] / v_dict[k][1]) * 100
f_w.writerow([k, percent_correct])
f = open("d_csv", 'w')
f_w = csv.writer(f)
f_w.writerow(['Name', 'Percent Correct'])
for k in d_dict.keys():
percent_correct = (d_dict[k][0] / d_dict[k][1]) * 100
f_w.writerow([k, percent_correct])
f = open("j_csv", 'w')
f_w = csv.writer(f)
f_w.writerow(['Name', 'Percent Correct'])
for k in j_dict.keys():
percent_correct = (j_dict[k][0] / j_dict[k][1]) * 100
f_w.writerow([k, percent_correct])
return [v_score, d_score, j_score, chain_score, completely_correct_genes, completely_correct_alleles]
def main():
f_in = "output.txt"
f_out = "results.txt"
correct_alignments = "../Datasets/fasta_seqs/trb/repertoire_vdj_recombination.txt"
parse_alignments(f_in, f_out)
scores = score_alignments(f_out, correct_alignments)
if __name__ == "__main__":