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Implemented BVH
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Implemented the BVH algorithm to allow for much faster collision tests at the cost of having to compile the mesh
  • Loading branch information
JoeBell committed Feb 20, 2025
1 parent 8583a0f commit f923eac
Showing 1 changed file with 178 additions and 0 deletions.
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions Raytrace/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
from typing import Self, Literal
import numpy as np
from Raytrace.TriangleMesh import TriangleMesh, Ray

# Adapted from
class BVHAABB:
def __init__(self):
self.min_pos = np.array([np.nan]*3)
self.max_pos = np.array([np.nan]*3)
def from_array(triangles:np.ndarray) -> 'BVHAABB':
out = BVHAABB()
if triangles.size == 0: return out
triangles = triangles.reshape((-1, 3))
out.min_pos = triangles.min(axis = 0)
out.max_pos = triangles.max(axis = 0)
return out
def raytrace(self, ray:Ray) -> float:
old_error_state = np.seterr(divide='ignore')
t1 = (self.min_pos - ray.origin) * ray.inverse_direction
t2 = (self.max_pos - ray.origin) * ray.inverse_direction
t = np.stack([t1, t2])
tmin:float = t.min(axis=0).max()
tmax:float = t.max(axis=0).min()
return tmin if tmax >= tmin and tmax > 0 else np.inf
def grow(self, point:np.ndarray):
self.min_pos = np.nanmin(np.stack([point, self.min_pos]), axis=0)
self.max_pos = np.nanmax(np.stack([point, self.max_pos]), axis=0)
def grow_aabb(self, other:Self):
def area(self) -> float:
e = self.max_pos - self.min_pos
return e[0] * e[1] + e[1] * e[2] + e[2] * e[0]
def __str__(self):
return f'({float(self.min_pos[0])}, {float(self.min_pos[1])}, {float(self.min_pos[2])})#({float(self.max_pos[0])}, {float(self.max_pos[1])}, {float(self.max_pos[2])})'
class BVHNode:
def get_subarray(self, triangles:np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return triangles[self.start_index:self.start_index + self.tri_count]
def update_bounds(self, triangles:np.ndarray):
self.aabb = BVHAABB.from_array(self.get_subarray(triangles))
def is_leaf(self) -> bool:
return self.tri_count > 0
class BVHMesh(TriangleMesh):
def __init__(self, *args, min_node_size = 2, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def build_BVH(self, min_node_size = 100) -> None:
# calculate triangle centroids for partitioning
self.centroids = self.triangles.sum(axis = 1) / 3
# assign all triangles to root node
self.node_count = 1
self.root = root = BVHNode()
root.start_index = 0
root.tri_count = self.triangles.shape[0]
if root.tri_count == 0: return
# subdivide recursively
self.subdivide(root, min_node_size)
def subdivide(self, node:BVHNode, min_node_size = 100) -> None:
# determine split axis using SAH
print(self.node_count, node.tri_count,end=' \r')
if node.tri_count < min_node_size: return
best_cost, axis, split_pos = self.find_best_split(node)
if best_cost >= node.tri_count * node.aabb.area(): return
# in-place partition
i = node.start_index
j = i + node.tri_count - 1
while i <= j:
if self.centroids[i, axis] < split_pos: i += 1
self.triangles[[i,j]] = self.triangles[[j,i]]
self.centroids[[i,j]] = self.centroids[[j,i]]
j -= 1
# abort split if one of the sides is empty
left_count = i - node.start_index
if left_count == 0 or left_count == node.tri_count: return
self.node_count += 2
# create child nodes
node.left = left = BVHNode()
left.start_index = node.start_index
left.tri_count = left_count

node.right = right = BVHNode()
right.start_index = i
right.tri_count = node.tri_count - left_count

node.tri_count = 0
# recurse

def raytrace(self, ray:Ray) -> float:
return self.BVH_raytrace(ray)

def BVH_raytrace(self, ray:Ray) -> float:
node:BVHNode = self.root
stack:list[BVHNode] = []
best:float = np.inf
while 1:
if node.is_leaf():
intersections = self.batch_triangle_ray_intersection(node.get_subarray(self.triangles), ray)
intersections[intersections < 0] = np.inf
best = min(best, np.min(intersections))
if len(stack) == 0: break
node = stack.pop()
child1, child2 = node.left, node.right
dist1 = node.left.aabb.raytrace(ray)
dist2 = node.right.aabb.raytrace(ray)
if dist1 > dist2:
dist1, dist2 = dist2, dist1
child1, child2 = child2, child1
if not np.isfinite(dist1):
if len(stack) == 0: break
node = stack.pop()
node = child1
if np.isfinite(dist2):
return best
def find_best_split(self, node:BVHNode) -> tuple[float, int, float]:
BINS = 8
axis:int = -1
split_pos:float = 0
best_cost:float = np.inf
triangles:np.ndarray[tuple[int, Literal[3], Literal[3]], np.dtype[np.float32]] = node.get_subarray(self.triangles)
centroids:np.ndarray[tuple[int, Literal[3]], np.dtype[np.float32]] = node.get_subarray(self.centroids)
for axis_i in range(3):
bounds_min = float(np.min(centroids[:,axis_i]))
bounds_max = float(np.max(centroids[:,axis_i]))

if bounds_min == bounds_max: continue
# populate the bins
scale:float = BINS / (bounds_max - bounds_min)
bin_idx = ((centroids[:,axis_i] - bounds_min) * scale).astype(int)
bin_idx[bin_idx > BINS - 1] = BINS - 1
bin_bounds = [BVHAABB.from_array(triangles[bin_idx == n]) for n in range(BINS)]
bin_counts = [np.count_nonzero(bin_idx == n) for n in range(BINS)]
# gather data for the 7 planes between the 8 bins
left_area = np.zeros(BINS - 1, float)
right_area = np.zeros(BINS - 1, float)
left_count = np.zeros(BINS - 1, int)
right_count = np.zeros(BINS - 1, int)
left_aabb = BVHAABB()
right_aabb = BVHAABB()
left_sum = right_sum = 0
for i in range(BINS - 1):
left_sum += bin_counts[i]
left_count[i] = left_sum
left_area[i] = left_aabb.area()
right_sum += bin_counts[BINS - 1 - i]
right_count[BINS - 2 - i] = right_sum
right_aabb.grow_aabb(bin_bounds[BINS - 1 - i])
right_area[BINS - 2 - i] = right_aabb.area()
# calculate SAH cost for the 7 planes
scale = 1. / scale
for i in range(BINS - 1):
cost:float = left_count[i] * left_area[i] + right_count[i] * right_area[i]
if cost < best_cost:
split_pos = bounds_min + scale * (i + 1)
axis = axis_i
best_cost = cost
return best_cost, axis, split_pos

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