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added lecture 23
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rcc02007 committed Apr 18, 2017
1 parent 72a7055 commit 33c3301
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Showing 13 changed files with 820 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added lecture_01/octave-workspace
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added lecture_02/octave-workspace
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified lecture_20/octave-workspace
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified lecture_21/octave-workspace
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added lecture_22/octave-workspace
Binary file not shown.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions lecture_23/.ipynb_checkpoints/lecture_23-checkpoint.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"cells": [],
"metadata": {},
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 2
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions lecture_23/coriolis.m
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
function [t,r] = coriolis(L)
% In class we ran this function using L=41.8084 (the latitude of Storrs, CT). This
% function takes the latitude (L) in degrees and mass (m) and calculates the trajectory
% of a particle with a 100 N load directed North. The initial conditions are set as L
% (in radians) * radius of Earth, 0 m/s initial x-velocity, 0 m E-W position (add to
% -72.261319 degrees for longitude of Storrs), 0 m/s initial E-W velocity, 10 m initial
% altitude, 0 m/s initial z-velocity [L*pi/180*R 0 0 0 10 0], the force is given as 100
% N North, 0 West and 9.81*m z (neutrally buoyant) [100 0 9.81*m]
% the output of myode is ddr=[dx/dt d2x/dt2 dy/dt d2y/dt2 dz/dt d2z/dt2]' and the input
% to myode is r=[x dx/dt y dy/dt z dz/dt]'
% using ode23 solver solves for r as a function of time, here we solve from 0 to 200 s
% r(:,1) = x (the north-south position from 0 to 200 s)
% r(:,3) = x (the West-East position from 0 to 200 s)
% r(:,5) = x (the altitude from 0 to 200 s)

% define ordinary differential equation in terms of 6 first order ODE's
function ddr = myode(t,r,R,L)
g=9.81; % acceleration due to gravity m/s^2
l=10; % 10 m long cable
we=2*pi/23.934/3600; % rotation of Earth (each day is 23.934 hours long)
ddr=zeros(4,1); % initialize ddr

ddr(1) = r(2); % x North(+) South (-)
ddr(2) = 2*we*r(4).*sin(L)-g/l*r(1); % dx/dt
ddr(3) = r(4); % y West (+) East (-)
ddr(4) = -2*we*(r(2).*sin(L))-g/l*r(3); % dy/dt

R=6378.1e3; % radius of Earth in m
[t,r]=ode45(@(t,r) myode(t,r,R,L),[0 30000], [1 0 0 0 ]);
we=2*pi/23.934/3600; % rotation of Earth (each day is 23.934 hours long)

xlabel('time (s)','Fontsize',18)
% Plot Coriolis effect path
title('Path at 0 hr, 4.1 hrs, 8.3 hrs','Fontsize',24)
i1=[1:100]; i2=[floor(N/2):floor(N/2)+100]; i3=[N-100:N];
hold on
xlabel('X (m)','Fontsize',18)
ylabel('Y (m)','Fontsize',18)
zlabel('Z (m)','Fontsize',18)
title('Coriolis acceleration Foucalt Pendulum')

% figure()
% % Plot Eotvos effect for deviation upwards
% plot(1e-3*(r(:,1)-r(1,1)),r(:,5))
% xlabel('North (+km)','Fontsize',18)
% ylabel('Altitude (+m)','Fontsize',18)
% title('Eotvos effect with north force')

29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions lecture_23/eulode.m
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
function [t,y] = eulode(dydt,tspan,y0,h,varargin)
% eulode: Euler ODE solver
% [t,y] = eulode(dydt,tspan,y0,h,p1,p2,...):
% uses Euler's method to integrate an ODE
% input:
% dydt = name of the M-file that evaluates the ODE
% tspan = [ti, tf] where ti and tf = initial and
% final values of independent variable
% y0 = initial value of dependent variable
% h = step size
% p1,p2,... = additional parameters used by dydt
% output:
% t = vector of independent variable
% y = vector of solution for dependent variable
if nargin<4,error('at least 4 input arguments required'),end
ti = tspan(1);tf = tspan(2);
if ~(tf>ti),error('upper limit must be greater than lower'),end
t = (ti:h:tf)'; n = length(t);
% if necessary, add an additional value of t
% so that range goes from t = ti to tf
if t(n)<tf
t(n+1) = tf;
n = n+1;
for i = 1:n-1 %implement Euler's method
y(i+1,:) = y(i,:) + dydt(t(i),y(i,:),varargin{:})'*(t(i+1)-t(i));
610 changes: 610 additions & 0 deletions lecture_23/lecture_23.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions lecture_23/north_coriolis.m
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
function [t,r] = coriolis(L,m)
% In class we ran this function using L=41.8084 (the latitude of Storrs, CT). This
% function takes the latitude (L) in degrees and mass (m) and calculates the trajectory
% of a particle with a 100 N load directed North. The initial conditions are set as L
% (in radians) * radius of Earth, 0 m/s initial x-velocity, 0 m E-W position (add to
% -72.261319 degrees for longitude of Storrs), 0 m/s initial E-W velocity, 10 m initial
% altitude, 0 m/s initial z-velocity [L*pi/180*R 0 0 0 10 0], the force is given as 100
% N North, 0 West and 9.81*m z (neutrally buoyant) [100 0 9.81*m]
% the output of myode is ddr=[dx/dt d2x/dt2 dy/dt d2y/dt2 dz/dt d2z/dt2]' and the input
% to myode is r=[x dx/dt y dy/dt z dz/dt]'
% using ode23 solver solves for r as a function of time, here we solve from 0 to 200 s
% r(:,1) = x (the north-south position from 0 to 200 s)
% r(:,3) = x (the West-East position from 0 to 200 s)
% r(:,5) = x (the altitude from 0 to 200 s)

% define ordinary differential equation in terms of 6 first order ODE's
function ddr = myode(t,r,F,m,R)
Fx=F(1); Fy=F(2); Fz=F(3); % set each Force component
g=9.81; % acceleration due to gravity m/s^2
we=2*pi/23.934/3600; % rotation of Earth (each day is 23.934 hours long)
ddr=zeros(6,1); % initialize ddr

ddr(1) = r(2); % x North(+) South (-)
ddr(2) = 2*we*r(2).*sin(r(1)/R)-r(6).*cos(r(1)/R)+Fx/m; % dx/dt
ddr(3) = r(4); % y West (+) East (-)
ddr(4) = -2*we*(r(2).*sin(r(1)/R)-r(6).*cos(r(1)/R))+Fy/m; % dy/dt
ddr(5) = r(6); % z altitude
ddr(6) = -2*we*r(4).*cos(r(1)/R)+Fz/m-g; % dz/dt

R=6378.1e3; % radius of Earth in m
% Applied force is 100 N in Northern direction and z-direction equals force of gravity
% (neutrally buoyant travel)
F= [ 100 0 9.81*m]; %Applied force in N
[t,r]=ode45(@(t,r) myode(t,r,[100 0 9.81*m],m, R),[0 200], [L*pi/180*R 0 0 0 10 0]);
% Plot Coriolis effect for deviation Westward
xlabel('West (+m)','Fontsize',18)
ylabel('North (+km)','Fontsize',18)
text(0,0, 'Storrs, CT')
title('Coriolis acceleration with north force')

% Plot Eotvos effect for deviation upwards
xlabel('North (+km)','Fontsize',18)
ylabel('Altitude (+m)','Fontsize',18)
title('Eotvos effect with north force')


Binary file added lecture_23/octave-workspace
Binary file not shown.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions lecture_23/predprey.m
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
function yp=predprey(t,y,a,b,c,d)
% predator-prey model (Lotka-Volterra equations)
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions lecture_23/rk4sys.m
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
function [tp,yp] = rk4sys(dydt,tspan,y0,h,varargin)
% rk4sys: fourth-order Runge-Kutta for a system of ODEs
% [t,y] = rk4sys(dydt,tspan,y0,h,p1,p2,...): integrates
% a system of ODEs with fourth-order RK method
% input:
% dydt = name of the M-file that evaluates the ODEs
% tspan = [ti, tf]; initial and final times with output
% generated at interval of h, or
% = [t0 t1 ... tf]; specific times where solution output
% y0 = initial values of dependent variables
% h = step size
% p1,p2,... = additional parameters used by dydt
% output:
% tp = vector of independent variable
% yp = vector of solution for dependent variables
if nargin<4,error('at least 4 input arguments required'), end
if any(diff(tspan)<=0),error('tspan not ascending order'), end
n = length(tspan);
ti = tspan(1);tf = tspan(n);
if n == 2
t = (ti:h:tf)'; n = length(t);
if t(n)<tf
t(n+1) = tf;
n = n+1;
t = tspan;
tt = ti; y(1,:) = y0;
np = 1; tp(np) = tt; yp(np,:) = y(1,:);
tend = t(np+1);
hh = t(np+1) - t(np);
if hh>h,hh = h;end
if tt+hh>tend,hh = tend-tt;end
k1 = dydt(tt,y(i,:),varargin{:})';
ymid = y(i,:) + k1.*hh./2;
k2 = dydt(tt+hh/2,ymid,varargin{:})';
ymid = y(i,:) + k2*hh/2;
k3 = dydt(tt+hh/2,ymid,varargin{:})';
yend = y(i,:) + k3*hh;
k4 = dydt(tt+hh,yend,varargin{:})';
phi = (k1+2*(k2+k3)+k4)/6;
y(i+1,:) = y(i,:) + phi*hh;
tt = tt+hh;
if tt>=tend,break,end
np = np+1; tp(np) = tt; yp(np,:) = y(i,:);
if tt>=tf,break,end

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